15 Things You’ll Hate About Wedding Planning
People say that wedding planning is all fun and games, but NO one warns you about these
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Planning a wedding is one of the happiest and most exciting moments in your life, there’s no doubt about that. But as with all big and important events, there WILL be times when you want to throw a full on tantrum – you know, the kind of paddy you haven’t had since you were five years old. Relax, you’re not alone. We’ve rounded up 15 of the biggest things that you’ll hate about wedding planning, no matter how laidback you are.
If you need a way to express how you’re feeling, these Kim Kardashian GIFS will perfectly sum up every stage of the wedding planning journey.
People Will Bug You About Setting a Date
Once the buzz of the engagement wears off, it seems like every time you see your friends and family they pressure you to pick a date… even though it’s only been a month. Getting engaged is a happy and exciting time that you should savour while you can – it shouldn’t signal the start of a race to get down the aisle as quickly as possible.
Getting Hundreds of Quotes From Suppliers
You’ve become a pro at copying and pasting emails – that’s how many you’ve sent to various suppliers asking for quotes. But the thing is, once you’ve got loads to sift through, how do you pick? Then comes that unexplainable feeling of guilt at having to say no to 90% of the ones who sent you a quote once you’ve made the final decision.
Non-Bridesmaids Will Make You Feel Guilty
It’s subtle all right but there will be digs from those who didn’t make the cut, so be prepared to grin and bear it. Don’t be hard on yourself if you get grief for not choosing certain girls to be your bridesmaids – you can’t please everybody and you clearly said “Will you be my bridesmaid?” to your bridal party for a reason.
Your Actual Bridesmaids Not Caring
Having a bad bridesmaid is every bride’s worst nightmare but it does happen. They might not necessarily do anything that bad, but it’s the little things that make you feel like they could be more appreciative. Yes, yes, we know they’re not supposed to drop everything and ooh and ahh over every single detail, but you know, once or twice might be nice…
You’ll Have Meltdowns Over Tiny Things
If someone told you a year ago that this time next year you’d be crying over napkin colours or stationery, you’d have laughed in their faces. Now mostly you just try and grab the tissues while simultaneously pulling your hair out. No matter how level headed you are, every bride will have unreasonable wedding planning worries at some point so don’t fight it – they definitely don’t feel unreasonable at the time!
You Will Have to Chase RSVPs – A Lot
You’d think giving people an actual deadline to reply would be clear enough, wouldn’t you? One of the first rules that all wedding guests should follow is to RSVP on time. There’s even a pre-prepared card and envelope attached to the invite for crying out loud!
Nothing Prepares You For the Table Plan
“Doing the table plan is such a relaxing thing to do while having a lovely glass of wine,” said no one ever. Cue unnecessarily long periods of wondering whether your auntie Sandra will get on with Mary from the accounts team at your office if they’re sat on the same table. Organising the wedding table plan can be stressful but you will work it out eventually – we pinky promise.
Guests Will Not Play Ball
No matter how often friends say “Your wedding, your rules”, there will be some who think it’s OK to invite their children even if you don’t want them to, or ask for special treatment. Come on, you’ve given them plenty of advance notice for the wedding – surely it’s not too much to ask for them to arrange a babysitter for ONE night?
Your Parents Will Moan About Practicalities
“Guests WILL love that inflatable photo booth mother!” you insist for the millionth time. No matter how delighted your parents are about your upcoming nuptials, they won’t be able to resist offering their ‘subtle’ opinions about your wedding planning – no matter how much you don’t want to hear it.
Your Dad Will Moan That Everything Didn’t Cost That Much in His Day
“Yes dad, that’s because it was THIRTY years ago.” You of all people wish more than anything that the cost of your wedding matched these cheaper prices he raves about from “his day”, but times have changed a lot since then.
Your Mum Might Not Like Your Dress
Yikes. You know that bit in the movies where the mum cries when she sees her daughter in a wedding dress for the first time? It’s called fiction for a reason. Expect something along the line of, “Hmm it doesn’t look very weddingy” or “Are you sure you want to wear white *hint hint*?” It’s your wedding day, not your mum’s, so if you want to wear that one-of-a-kind feathered wedding dress then go for it.
You Probably Will Go Over Your Budget
Nothing prepares you for just how expensive everything is – you will hyperventilate at invoices more than once. To get a hold of your finances and stop all the costs running away from you, take a look at our 17 wedding budget hacks – you’ll thank us later!
Everyone Will Ask When You’re Having a Baby
Er, is it ok to get married first? Thanks. The inevitable baby question will be asked by at least one nosy guest at your wedding, so make sure you have a good answer prepared to sling back at them.
Certain Guests Will Be Fussy About the Food
“Oh we’re sorry, is all that lovely free food not to your taste?” Even though you’ve painstakingly noted down every guests’ dietary requirements (since when did half your friends become vegan?), there’ll still be the occasional fusspot who makes a comment about the food. As we say time and time again, you can’t always please everyone no matter how thouroughly you plan and prepare.
There Will Be so Many Things to Think About You’ll Worry Your Brain Won’t Cope
Seriously, so many. Like, who knew you could get charged for the cake stand by the cake company? One word – spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are the key and they will save your life many times throughout the wedding planning. Ignore people who laugh at your organisation, they’ll be begging for Excel pointers when it’s their turn.
If this article has got you wanting to grab your partner and just run away to a destination where you can elope, take a deep breath and take it from us – everything will be okay! Frustrations aside, remember that planning a wedding should be an event to enjoy as much as the actual day itself. If you’re going through a stressful planning moment right now, take a breather and have a read of these 25 cherished wedding moments – we guarantee they’ll put a smile on your face!
This article originally featured on youandyourwedding.co.uk.