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35 Fun Questions to Ask Each Other on Your Honeymoon

Add some fun to your honeymoon with these questions - whether you want silly or spicy, we've got them all!

Couple talking on their honeymoon admiring the view
Unsplash/Darren Lawrence

Couple talking on their honeymoon admiring the view
Unsplash/Darren Lawrence

Picture the scene, you’re relaxing on your honeymoon, the sun is shining, your drink is in hand... the setting is so perfect, you’re not actually sure what to say. Okay - it’s probably not going to be like that, but just in case, we’ve come up with some fun questions to ask on your honeymoon - there’s never been a better time to truly get to know each other!

Here are 35 fun questions to ask on your honeymoon for those moments where there’s a lull in the conversation or you want to have some playful banter. 

The Best Questions to Ask Your Partner on Your Honeymoon

15 'Would You Rather?' Questions to Ask Your Partner on Your Honeymoon

Romantic honeymoon set up with two wine glasses
Unsplash/Edgar Chaparro

If you want to have some silly fun together on your honeymoon, try asking some 'would you rather' questions. Why not make up your own questions based on decisions you know your partner will find tricky?

1. Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees?

2. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes or 10 years into the future?

3. Would you rather have a lifetime with me or one night with your ultimate celebrity crush? (This question might be a tricky one!)

4. Would you rather bathe in Nutella or honey?

5. Would you rather have Beyonce’s talent or Jay Z’s business sense?

6. Would you rather eat oranges with every meal, or never eat an orange again?

7. Would you rather have a mullet or be bald for the rest of your life?

8. Would you rather have to give up your phone for a month or give up bathing for a month?

9. Would you rather forget your partner’s birthday or your anniversary every year?

10. Would you rather work your current job for double the pay, or have a year off on the pay you’re on now?

11. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest person in the room?

12. Would you rather give up coffee or fizzy drinks?

13. Would you rather get totally drunk every time you take one sip of alcohol, or never be able to get drunk no matter how much you drink?

14. Would you rather always have damp socks or always have a stone in your shoe?

15. Would you rather watch nothing but Friends or nothing but the Office for the rest of your life?

9 Juicy Questions to Ask Your Partner on Your Honeymoon

couple in bed together
We Vibe Toys / Unsplash

If you want to spice things up on your honeymoon, consider asking your partner some juicy questions. These questions are perfect for leading into a bit of fun in your honeymoon suite...

16. What’s your favourite thing that I do to you?

17. What colour underwear do you prefer to see me in?

18. Where’s your favourite place to be massaged?

19. Is there something you’ve always wanted us to try?

20. What’s your favourite bedroom experience with me?

21. What’s the sexiest thing someone could say to you?

22. What’s the first thing that attracted you to me?

23. What’s your favourite body part on yourself and on me?

24. What’s your favourite thing to do to me?

11 Insightful Questions to Ask Your Partner on Your Honeymoon

couple laying on top of a camper van with the sun setting
Roman Odintsov / Pexels

Why not use the time on your honeymoon to learn more about your partner? We’ve listed some insightful questions to ask your partner as you relax on honeymoon - you might discover a whole new side to them!

25. If I was writing a list of questions to ask you, what do you think should be included?

26. What’s your first memory?

27. What do you consider to be the defining moment of your life so far?

28. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?

29. What do you think is the best thing about you?

30. What do you think is the best thing about me?

31. If you could live in any home from a TV show, which one would you choose?

32. If you could ask your pet three questions, what would they be?

33. If you had a month off work, what would you do?

34. What do you want to achieve in the next 12 months?

35. Why do you think we’ve worked out so well?

Still thinking about your honeymoon? Make sure you read up on the 13 honeymoon mistakes you need to avoid.