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Have you been featured on Hitched? Why not tell your audience about it? We’d love for you to include one of the following badges on your website – they’re easy to add and there’s three different types to choose from!

At Hitched, we love sharing the very best wedding venues and wedding suppliers in the business with our users and we love when wedding businesses want to shout about featuring with us too!

To make it easy for you to let your audience know that you’re listed with Hitched, we’ve created a selection of badges and logos that will look right at home on your website or marketing materials.

Simply read the instructions below, select the design you like best and let the world know you’ve been featured on Hitched!

READ MORE: Wedding Venue Coordinator Training

How to Add a Badge

  1. Choose your badge from the options below
  2. Copy the code from underneath your chosen badge
  3. Paste the code into your website’s HTML file (we do recommend placing it at the bottom of your page, e.g. the footer)

(Please note that web development knowledge is needed in order to add your badge. If you’re not familiar with this, please contact your web developer for help.)

READ MORE: Wedding Venue Sales Academy

Badges and Codes

HTML CODE: <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” width=”150″ height=”150″ border=”0″ /></a></p>

HTML CODE: <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” width=”150″ height=”150″ border=”0″ /></a></p>

HTML CODE: <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” width=”150″ height=”150″ border=”0″ /></a></p>

HTML CODE: <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” width=”260″ height=”89″ border=”0″ /></a></p>

Website updated? Good! Now sit back and swot up on the Biggest Wedding Trends for 2021 – it’s going to be a bumper year!