The 15 Questions Every Bride is Too Embarrassed to Ask – Answered
From controlling mid-ceremony tears to the all-important wedding night, we answer all those embarrassing bridal questions!
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When you get engaged, chances are you’ll have married family and friends around that you can inundate with hundreds of wedding planning questions.
But what about those embarrassing and outright cringe-inducing wedding queries you can’t bring yourself to ask someone you know?
We’ve rounded up all of the most embarrassing questions brides want to ask and spoken to the experts. Read on to have your wedding day worries solved!
1. “I’m worried about my photographer being around on the wedding morning. I don’t really want them to see me getting dressed or without make-up!”
Unless you’re über confident, not many of us would want a stranger taking photos of us while we’re flapping around in our pants having mini tantrums. But photographer Julia Michaelsen reassures us this fear is totally natural:
“As a female photographer, I fully appreciate that some brides won’t want to be photographed without make-up, which is why I spend the first half of ‘bridal prep’ shooting details, including the wedding dress and the bridesmaids.
“Once the bride’s make-up and hair is more than halfway done, I start taking relaxed portraits of the bride being made up. When they’re getting dressed, I always turn away to protect their modesty, particularly if they are shy. Once the dress is on, I will start taking photos.”

2. “How do I stop myself blushing on the day?”
If you’re prone to redness, you’ll know that all the stress and excitement is going to get the blood rushing to your face for a full-on, scarlet-hued party. Is there a way to avoid it? Try cutting out caffeine, alcohol, hot food and exercise a few days before the wedding. Drink lots of water and on the day itself, relax your shoulders and breathe calmly and deeply to regain control.
READ MORE: Essential Questions You Need to Ask Your Venue Before Booking
3. “How can I control my tears?”
Seriously – you’re going to cry, so keep tissues, make-up wipes and spare eye make-up in your clutch bag for post-ceremony retouches (plus, it goes without saying, but start testing waterproof mascaras asap so you have one you love for the day!).
Remember that crying shows you’re human, and your guests will find it endearing, so blub away. If you feel a mega wail coming on (we’re talking rivers here), and you want to shut it down, partially open your mouth and hold it. Strange, but it totally works!

4. “Am I allowed to haggle?”
Start practising your best Del Boy accent – Sandy Moretta, wedding planner at Tern Events, says it’s ok. “Wedding suppliers are used to being asked if there is any flexibility in price – however, good suppliers don’t need to discount, especially over the main wedding season. Explain your budget and how much you would like to hire them, then see if there is a compromise. This might be fewer hours of work, for example.
“Have a friendly chat and see if there’s a deal you can strike that you’re both comfortable with.”
READ MORE: Cute Ways to Pop the Question to Your Bridesmaids
5. “How do I make it the best night ever?”
Relax – relationship expert Tracey Cox has got this… “First up, take the pressure off – more than half of couples don’t have sex on their wedding night because they’re too drunk or exhausted! So don’t be alarmed if you don’t end up doing it that night. The morning after the big day and the honeymoon is when most couples have their best sex.
“The best wedding present you can both give sexually is to promise you will be open and honest about your wants and needs in the bedroom. Being able to talk about it is your best guarantee of having a lifetime of good, satisfying sex.”

6. “Will my fake tan rub off on my dress?”
A spray tan and a white dress is a disaster waiting to happen. Options? Go for a tangerine dress (ha – yeah right!), or, as top tanner James Read suggests: “Apply your tan two days before the wedding, then on the day, dust talcum powder over the areas where the dress is fitted so that when you sweat, it won’t remove the tan.” Sorted!
READ MORE: Thoughts Every Groom Has During Wedding Planning
7. “How do I stop ‘falling’ out of my dress?”
“If you’ve been to a wedding where the bride spent the day yanking up her strapless bodice, that’s a clear sign it was not fitted correctly,” says Maria Yiannikaris, Director of boutique, Mirror Mirror London. “Experienced seamstresses will employ a number of clever techniques to ensure the gown flatters you and stays put. If your dress is being made-to-measure, the fitting will be covered in the service.
“If your gown is being ordered in a standard size, fittings will in most cases be essential and most boutiques offer an alteration package. If you’re buying from the high street, line up a seamstress and plan fittings no more than eight to ten weeks before the day as brides do tend to lose weight through sheer excitement!”

8. “Boudoir photography – classy or crass?”
“With the right photographer? Utterly classy and elegant,” says Julie. “Boudoir photography can be so feminine and suggestive as opposed to overtly sexy, but finding the right photographer who will make you feel comfortable and beautiful is the most important thing when considering it. A boudoir shoot is a fun celebration of a very exciting time in your life – it’s as much for the bride as it is for your husband-to-be!” Book us in then!
READ MORE: The 17 Things Guests Hate Most About Weddings
9. “I don’t want a shiny face!”
It’s not always easy to find the balance between radiance and shine, but pros like Amanda Moorhouse at Lipstick and Curls have some tricks up their make-up stained sleeves. “I wouldn’t be without my fixing spray to keep the base fresh all day (my fave is Urban Decay’s All Nighter, £22). Another well-kept secret are blotting papers – they are brilliant at removing shine while leaving make-up fresh underneath – DHC’s (£4), are fab!”

10. “I’m worried about what will happen on the stag do”
We all go through those pangs of insecurity – especially when you know what the best man is like after four pints and a few tequilas in his system. But have faith in yourself and your relationship; you’re getting married for a reason!
READ MORE: Gorgeous Half Up Half Down Wedding Hairstyle Ideas
11. “Sweaty brides… are they a thing?”
Just because you’re wearing a veil doesn’t mean you’re immune unfortunately. Don’t worry though – invest in a clinical-strength antiperspirant (try Sure Maximum Protection, £4.99 at Boots) and gently massage it in to ensure it’s absorbed. Avoid spicy food and alcohol the day before the wedding, and you’re guaranteed to smell as sweet as your bouquet. Phew!

12. “Can I sack a supplier?”
Yes, says Sandy Moretta, but check the T&Cs first and make sure you have a back-up plan! “Always sleep on a decision and of course ensure that someone else is able to step in,” she tells us. “Depending upon your reason, and the supplier, you will almost certainly lose a non-refundable deposit and may also need to make further payments, so read contracts scrupulously.
“If you believe a supplier has in some way broken the terms of your contract, then talk it through with them as it may be a misunderstanding on one or both parts and may well be salvageable. Like with most things, when it comes to planning a wedding, communication is key.”
READ MORE: The Top 10 Wedding Worries For UK Brides
13. “Argh, the wedding falls on my period!”
Errr, that’s one wedding guest that you definitely did not invite. If you take contraceptive pills, speak to you doctor about the chances of delaying your period, or just embrace your fuller bust, pull on the support pants and forget about it.

14. “I’m worried about being photographed from all angles”
“The appearance of confidence is all in the posture!” says fitness and confidence expert Zoe McNulty, who has appeared on How to Look Good Naked. “Draw your shoulders back and make sure they are dropped down away from your ears. Bring your belly button closer to your spine by tightening up the muscles in your lower abdomen. Do this before each photograph to look more confident and slimline.”
15. “How do I tell someone they’re not invited?”
Oops, did those workmates expect an invite after listening to you talk weddings for 12 months? It’s a toughy, but Sandy suggests playing the numbers game. “People know how hard these things can be and will (you’d hope!) respect your decision. Explain the limited numbers at your venue and that, as much as you would love to invite everyone, you are just not in a position to.”
If you liked this then don’t miss our complete guide on what to pack in your bridal emergency kit, plus how to give a bride speech on the big day!