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The Best Groom Speech Examples & Expert Tips

Are you nervous about giving your groom's speech? We have 15 top tips to giving the ultimate speech and help calm your nerves

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a groom looking down at the microphone as he stands next to a sitting bride making groom jokes in his speech

Delivering your groom’s wedding speech can be one of the most meaningful moments of your big day. It’s your chance to express heartfelt gratitude, share special memories, and toast to your new life together.

Many grooms and nearlyweds feel nervous about giving a speech, but the good news is that there are lots of ways to ease the anxiety. Whether you hire a toastmaster to help conduct the big day, or just read up on our expert speechwriting tips below, we've got you covered. 

In this guide, we’ll explore groom wedding speech examples, structure, and tips to ensure your words leave a lasting impression.

Groom Wedding Speech Examples: Tips & Templates for the Perfect Speech

Nailing the perfect groom's speech can seem like a daunting task, but luckily we're collated our best examples, templates and expert tips to help you stick the landing when delivering your first speech as a newlywed couple.

Whether you're after the perfect template to help you build your speech from scratch, or you just want some expert insights into how to go out with an applause, we've got you covered. 

What Should a Groom Say in His Wedding Speech?

The obvious question is - what to include in a groom's speech? That's where we come in - if you remember one thing from this guide, make it this short list of points to include in your groom speech. Some people might be wondering - do grooms give speeches at weddings? And the answer is an absolute yes! 

Grooms typically give a speech after the father of the bride, but before the best man. So, warm up your vocal chords and prepare to get speech-ing!

Without further ado, every groom speech should include: 

  • Thank guests for attending.
  • Acknowledge the bride (or other groom) with sincere, loving words.
  • Include a tribute to both families, particularly parents and in-laws.
  • Mention the wedding party and anyone who helped make the day special.
  • Share a personal story or anecdote.
  • Conclude with a heartfelt toast.

Your speech should reflect your personality while maintaining a warm, gracious tone. And of course, a look of adoration for your wonderful new spouse! 

Groom Speech Structure: A Step-by-Step Guide

a man standing at the head of a top table making groom speech jokes in a barn wedding venue as guests laugh

For others, nailing the order can be a challenge. Now you've got to grips on what you need to include in a groom speech, try to slot each section into the following structure - it will help to make sure it flows smoothly on the big day!

1. Introduction:

Welcome guests and thank them for coming. Acknowledge the effort many made to attend.

2. Special Mentions:

Thank your parents, in-laws, and family members. Highlight the support and love of your partner.

3. Memorable Anecdote:

Share a meaningful or light-hearted story about your relationship. Highlight what makes your partner special.

4. Closing Remarks:

Toast your partner or the wedding party. End on a positive, uplifting note.

Heartfelt Groom Speech Examples to Inspire You

If you're still stuck for inspiration, never fear - we've put together some example groom speeches for you to read and pluck ideas from when writing your own speech. Whether you're a die-hard romantic or a dry and witty comic, there's something here for every groom or newlywed.

Example 1: Classic and Romantic

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day with [Partner’s Name] and me. It means the world to us. I want to thank our parents for their love and guidance, our friends for their unwavering support, and, of course, my beautiful [wife/husband] for making me the luckiest man alive. [Share a personal story]. Today marks the beginning of an incredible journey, and I’m so excited to share it with you, [Partner’s Name]. To my [wife/husband] and to all of you — thank you for making this day unforgettable.”

Example 2: Light-hearted and Humorous

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today. I’d like to start by thanking my parents for teaching me everything I know—though apparently not how to give a speech without shaking like a leaf! [Pause for laughter.] I’d also like to thank my new in-laws for welcoming me into the family, and most importantly, my incredible [wife/husband], [Partner’s Name], who’s made me happier than I ever thought possible. [Share a funny or sweet anecdote.] Let’s raise a glass to the future—and to making many more unforgettable memories together.”

Example 3: Sentimental and Grateful

“Hello everyone. I’m truly overwhelmed seeing all the faces of people we love most gathered here. Thank you for sharing this day with us. To my parents, your support has shaped who I am, and to [Partner’s Name]’s parents, thank you for raising the extraordinary person I’m lucky enough to call my [wife/husband]. [Share a meaningful anecdote.] Finally, to my darling [Partner’s Name]: you are my everything, and I promise to cherish you every single day. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness.”

Short Groom Wedding Speech Examples

A bride and groom sitting with their guests at the top table as everyone swings napkins above their heads with the wedding toastmaster leading it from behind them

Not so keen on the long, drawn-out speeches? Try some of these short and sweet lines of love to inspire your groom wedding speech. After all - length isn't everything!

Example 1:

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us today. I’d like to thank our families and friends for their love and support, and, of course, my wonderful [wife/husband], [Partner’s Name], for being my greatest blessing. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!”

Example 2:

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for making this day so special for us. A huge thank you to our parents and everyone who played a role in creating this beautiful day. [Partner’s Name], you’ve made me the happiest person alive. Here’s to us and to love!”

Example 3:

“Hello everyone. I just want to say a huge thank you for being here and for all the love and support you’ve shown us. To [Partner’s Name], you’re my rock and my greatest joy. Let’s raise a glass to love, laughter, and happily ever after!”

How to Write a Groom’s Speech: Expert Advice

Here at Hitched, we know a thing or two about writing a great groom's speech. And while every speech - and every couple - can look and sound completely different, here are some home-truths that we've come to learn over our years of wedding planning. 

For a seamless speechwriting journey, don't forget to follow these simple rules: 

  • Start Early: Give yourself ample time to draft and refine your speech.
  • Be Personal: Reflect on what makes your relationship unique.
  • Keep it Balanced: Combine humour and sentimentality.
  • Rehearse: Practise aloud to perfect your delivery.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your draft with someone you trust for input

Quick Groom Speech Tips to Calm Your Nerves

A wedding master of ceremonies walking through the wedding reception in a tuxedo holding his microphone aloft

Feeling anxious on the big day is completely normal, so don't beat yourself up about it if you're nervous. Everybody gets stage fright from time to time, but fortunately there are some simple ways to calm your nerves if you feel them bubbling up. 

Before delivering your speech, try the following techniques to stay calm and collected: 

  • Practice: Familiarise yourself with your speech - practice makes perfect!
  • Breathe: Use deep breathing techniques to manage nerves. Try breathing in for three, out for four. And repeat...
  • Use Notes: Cue cards can keep you on track - there's no shame in being well-prepared! 
  • Pace Yourself: Speak clearly and don’t rush - the audience is on your side. 
  • Smile: Relax and enjoy the moment! 

The Best Groom Speech Template: Copy and Adapt

Of course, you probably want to tailor your groom's speech to suit your individual couple's story, so feel free to copy and paste the template below into a Word document and personalise it in any way you see fit. 


Welcome everyone...

Thank guests for attending.

Special Mentions:

Thank your parents and in-laws.

Acknowledge the wedding party and key contributors.

Memorable Anecdote:

Share a personal or humorous story about your partner or relationship.

Closing Remarks:

Express your love and commitment to your partner.

Toast to your partner and/or the future.

Groom Wedding Speeches: Expert Tips

Newlywed couple giving a formal champagne wedding toast with their friends, smiling as they cheers at the top of a long table.

While we do like to consider ourselves the wedding experts over here, you can't beat a speechwriter's opinion. That's why we've asked Heidi, Founder of Speechy, to answer your burning questions about writing the perfect groom wedding speech. Here's what she had to say: 

How Long Should a Groom’s Speech Be? 

"Keep it tight and edit ruthlessly. Your speech should be under 1,300 words. Anything longer, and people will start checking their phones. Once you’ve written your first draft, cut it by 20%. Stories are better shorter, jokes punchier, and your audience happier!"

How to Write a Groom's Wedding Speech: Top Tips

According to Heidi, these are the non-negotiables when it comes to writing a great groom's wedding speech!

1. Start Early

"The first and most crucial piece of advice is simple: start. Many grooms spend months planning the wedding, yet leave their speech until the last minute, hoping for a burst of inspiration the night before. Spoiler: it won’t happen!

"The more time you dedicate to your speech, the better it will be. Aim to start at least two months before the wedding. Use the first month to draft and edit your speech, and the second month to rehearse it. This allows for those hectic final weeks when time slips away. Trust us — future you will thank you!"

2. Take Time to Think About Your Content

"Before you start writing, map out the key elements. Who do you need to thank? How will you pay tribute to your bride? Are there loved ones to honour? This is your chance to tick the traditional etiquette boxes, but also to make it personal and heartfelt.

"Most importantly, think about the stories you want to tell. These stories give your speech personality and help everyone understand more about you as a couple. Spend time jotting down ideas — they’re the building blocks of a memorable speech."

3. Structure Your Speech for Maximum Impact

"A well-structured speech is easier to deliver and far more engaging. Many grooms think they need to start with thank-yous, but there are no hard rules. We often recommend opening with an entertaining story to grab attention from the start.

"Definitely avoid starting with a toast to absent friends or departed loved ones — it’s better to include this later for a more thoughtful moment of reflection."

4. Nail the Opening Line

"The first few lines of your speech are the hardest to write, but they’re the most important. Your opening sets the tone, so make it count.

"Consider starting with a joke (that’s appropriate!) or an unexpected insight to get everyone laughing or leaning in. Once you see the room relax, you’ll feel more confident too."

5. Avoid Clichés — Be Specific

"It’s easy to fall into the trap of saying generic things like, “She’s my best friend, and she makes me a better person.” While sweet, it’s overdone. Instead, aim to capture your bride’s unique personality.

For example:

"From the moment I met [Bride’s Name], I knew life would never be dull. Who else could make an adventure out of a trip to Tesco, debating which pasta shape has the best 'bite'? She’s endlessly curious, fiercely loyal, and entirely incapable of leaving a jigsaw unfinished — even at 2am. Her quirks aren’t just charming; they’re the fabric of who she is. And every day, I fall more in love with the way she lights up a room — not because she tries to, but because she can’t help it."

"Specific details make your speech heartfelt and memorable. Think about the little things that make her her."

What NOT to Include in a Groom's Speech?

If you take away one thing from this article - make it this list of things to remember not to do when delivering the perfect speech! After all, you don't want to fall out with your new spouse...

1. Edgy Humour

"This is not the time for risqué jokes or anything that might offend your granny. Keep it light, kind, and appropriate for all ages.

2. The Proposal Story (Unless It’s Funny)

"Proposal stories tend to be predictable and overdone. Only include it if there’s a twist or if something went hilariously wrong.

3. A Thank-You List

"Your speech should be about your bride and your shared stories. Thank-yous are important but shouldn’t dominate your speech.

4. A Sad Face

"If you look like you’re enjoying yourself, your audience will too. And remember to look at your bride when you speak about her — this is your moment together.

5. Your Phone!

"Reading from a phone looks casual and makes you seem unprepared. Use cue cards instead."

Still not sure on the order of the speeches for the big day? Check out our helpful guide to the complete order of speeches at a wedding - you'll be clued up in no time! 

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