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Written Your Pre-Wedding Bucket List? The 21 Things to Do Before You Get Married

Getting married soon? Make sure you check out our pre-wedding bucket list to see what you need to tick off before you say I do!

Two grooms at a wedding
Pexels/Agustina Tapia

Two grooms at a wedding
Pexels/Agustina Tapia

Getting married is one of the most exciting experiences of your life - and while it might not change much in your day-to-day life, there are still a few things you should do, alone and as a couple, ahead of your wedding. We’ve put together the ultimate pre-wedding bucket list for you to complete to make sure you're in the best place possible - in terms of your health, finances and relationships - before your big day. 

Even if you've done a few of these things before, there's no harm in doing them again! Setting yourself some fun challenges to achieve - both solo and as a couple - will enrich your wedding planning experience and help you enter your marriage feeling more fulfilled and in tune as a couple. You don't need to stop when it comes to the wedding either - why not set yourself a post-wedding bucket list too, to help make that first year of marriage even more wonderful?

The 21 Things to Do Before You Get Married

1. Plan Your Dream Day - and Do It!

Chat about what your dream day looks like to you - maybe it’s movies and snacks in bed all day, a hike in a new place or a day getting ready for a big night out. Whatever it is, put the time in to do it! It’s also a great shout to plan your own dream days for yourselves, away from each other, and put the time in to make them happen too.

2. Set Up a Weekly Date Night

Couple on a walk together
Pexels/Andres Ayrton

It’s so important to still make time for each other in married life with regular date nights, so get into the habit of doing so now. You’ll really relish that special time to connect with each other outside of your day-to-day routine. 

3. Go Travelling

Choose somewhere you really want to go - even if it’s just for a mini-break in the UK - and go! Taking time out of your normal routine is really good for you, and going on a trip will give you a break from any wedding planning stress you might be experiencing. 

4. Go on Holiday with Your Friends

You could count your hen or stag do as part of this, but why not plan a separate trip with just your very best friends for a few days where it’s not about you and your wedding? You could hire an Airbnb in the UK to keep costs down - we know what it’s like trying to stick to a budget when you’re planning a wedding. 

5. Complete a Project

You might feel like your wedding is a project in itself, but make sure you work on those little things you keep putting off, as well as planning your big day. You know, starting that food blog, painting your kitchen cabinets, sorting out your garden... whatever it might be, start it now and you can fully enjoy it after the big day has long passed!

6. Write a Love Letter

To your partner, obviously... writing a love letter is a romantic and old-fashioned way to express all the things you might not get to say to each other enough in real life. You can give it to them on a random Tuesday before work, or you can save it for a wedding morning surprise, but either way, take some time to tell them how much they mean to you. 

7. Host a Dinner Party

Couple throwing dinner party
Unsplash/Tabitha Turner

Getting married is a pretty grown-up thing to do, as is hosting a dinner party! Get some friends around and plan some courses as a rehearsal for when you are real actual married adults and are expected to do that kind of thing all the time.

8. Save up For Something Not Wedding-Related

If it feels like all your money is going into the wedding budget, try and divert a little bit into something that you will enjoy for more than one day. A holiday, a fancy new coffee machine or even just a lovely dinner out for you both - make sure you still treat yourself!

9. Learn a New Skill

Two women skateboarding together
Pexels/Tim Samuel

Perhaps you could look into dance lessons to help you wow everyone with your first dance, or spend some time on DuoLingo trying to master the language of the country you’re heading to on your honeymoon. But it doesn’t have to be wedding related - by working on a new skill, you’ll give yourself headspace from the wedding and something else to focus on - and you’ll reap the benefits long after your wedding day has passed!

10. Go on a Road Trip

Even if it’s just for the day, pick a point on the map and go for a drive! Make a playlist, take in the scenery and mix things up a bit - it’ll do wonders for you!

11. Spend Some Time Alone

You are probably spending a lot of time together going over budget spreadsheets, guest lists, poring over your wedding planning app and debating endless choices (chicken or fish? DJ or band? Paper invites or digital? It really is endless…). 

Make sure you both make time to have an actual time-out from wedding chat - whether you just shut yourself away in the bath with a face mask, or you schedule nights out with your own friendship groups, it’s good to remember to maintain your sense of self!

12. Recreate Your First Date

This one is especially important if you do feel like your lives are getting a bit overtaken by wedding planning! Take time out to recreate your first date and it’ll help you remember the reasons why you’re getting married and what made you fall for each other in the first place - sometimes this can get a bit lost in the desire to plan the best day ever!

13. Have a Photography Session

Couple kissing on photo shoot together
Unsplash/Jakob Owens

You’ll get lots of photos of yourselves together on your wedding day, but it’s nice to have some that are a little less formal too. If your wedding photographer offers an engagement shoot, make sure you take them up on it - not only will you get some lovely snaps but it’ll also help you to feel more confident in front of the camera on your big day. 

14. Volunteer Somewhere

Be honest with yourself - are you spending hours on Pinterest when you could be doing something more worthwhile with your time? Obviously, planning a wedding is very worthwhile, but there does come a point when you feel like you have actually completed Pinterest... 

Look into volunteering if you can spare the time - even if it’s just offering to help a neighbour with their shopping. 

15. Do Something Scary

This is really important if you feel nervous or scared about certain aspects of your wedding day - walking down the aisle or giving a speech for example. Do something that scares you, like public speaking or abseiling or going out with your in-laws without a single glass of wine. You’ll be amazed by what you can achieve and overcome, and it’ll help you conquer any wedding day nerves. 

16. Try Each Other’s Favourite Hobby

Couple cooking together
Unsplash/Jimmy Dean

This is a great way to feel closer to each other as you plan your wedding. By taking the time to explore each other’s passions, you can spend more time together and you might discover a love for a new hobby too!

17. Pick Something to Binge Watch

You each get to pick something and you both have to commit to binge watching it. Again, it’s a great way to get more insight into stuff they love, and if you’re not really the hobby types, it’s the perfect alternative. You can browse the most romantic films on Netflix right here!

18. Have a Health Check

A wedding is a good time to reassess your health. Set yourself goals to make sure you’re moving enough every day, drinking enough water and that you’re eating the right foods so you can be as healthy as possible for your wedding. 

19. Make a Time Capsule

This is such a cute idea ahead of your big day! Make a time capsule of your life together ahead of getting married and stash it away somewhere - you can open it on your fifth or tenth wedding anniversary and marvel over how far you’ve come. 

20. Sort Out Your Finances

Make sure your finances are in good shape before you get married. Work on consolidating your debt and paying it off, if you have any, and make sure your pensions are sorted out. It’s also a great time to set up your will, if you haven’t already. We don’t mean to be doom and gloom, but it’s got to be done!

21. Try Something New in the Bedroom

Couple in bedroom
Unsplash/Jonathan Borba

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