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How Much Does a Wedding Cost? The 2024 UK Average Revealed

Curious about how much the average wedding costs? We surveyed over 1,800 couples to find out what couples are spending on and how much you need to save

A bride is beaming at the camera as she looks over her shoulder towards it, whilst she and her groom are walking with an umbrella through the grounds of their wedding venue

Ever wondered how much the average wedding costs? Our National Wedding Survey revealed the average cost of a wedding in the UK in 2024, so if you want to know how much you need to start saving, read on!

Our study revealed some fascinating data - as well as how much the average wedding cost in 2023, we can also tell you what the spend breakdown was, how many couples turned to the bank of mum and dad, and what couples prioritised as they paid for their wedding

Better get ready to make your wedding budget...

Here’s our breakdown of the UK’s average wedding cost and how and what it's being spent on, based on a survey of 1,808 couples who married in 2023*.

Average Wedding Cost in the UK: 2024

An infographic detailing the average cost of a wedding in the UK which is £20,700, as well as some additional data around wedding costs pulled from the copy below

So, here it is - drum roll please! The average wedding in the UK in 2023 cost £20,700. This is 12.5% up on the average cost of a wedding in 2022, which was £18,400, and up nearly 20% from 2021’s average wedding spend of £17,300. 

The average spend has increased by over £2,000, but this isn’t surprising when we’ve been living through a period of high inflation, and a cost of living crisis. Nearly 1 in 2 couples who got married in 2023 said that the economy had impacted their wedding budget, an increase of 18% compared to 2022. 

Couples dealt with the rising costs of living in a few different ways - almost a third of couples (30%) increased their budget at least once whilst planning, whilst a quarter incorporated more DIY than they originally planned to.

65% of couples are now spending over £15,000 on their weddings - but you can still get married for £10,000 or less with our handy guide. 

How Are Couples Spending Their Wedding Budget?

An infographic showing that couples hire an average of 10 vendors, have 80 wedding guests and that half of couple have between 75 and 150 wedding guests

The budget has become the second most important consideration for couples when planning their weddings in 2023, but guest experience remains the most important thing to nearlyweds.

59% of couples admitted to going over budget when planning, which is up 3% from the previous year. The increase in spend is driven predominantly by rising venue and catering costs - which isn’t unexpected as inflation has pushed up food and drink prices in recent years. The average wedding venue cost is now £8,800 - up from £8,400 in 2022, whilst catering costs have increased by £10 to £80 per head. 

Couples are now also investing more in their honeymoons, with honeymoon spend rising by 13% to £4,300, with 81% of nearlyweds going on or planning to go on honeymoon. 

2022 saw the number of vendors hired by couples rising by 20% to an average of 10 suppliers per wedding - this number stayed the same for 2023. It’s a similar story for guest numbers, with 80 guests in attendance on average - very little change from last year’s 81-strong guest list. 

phone screen showing our free to use wedding budget calculator alongside the words 'wedding budget calculator'

70% of couples were given money from family or friends towards their wedding, which is up 7% from 2022. In addition to this, one in 10 took out a loan to finance their wedding, and another 1 in 10 used credit cards to spread the costs. 

This could be down to the fact that couples have other financial priorities as they plan - 63% are saving up for a honeymoon too, over a quarter (27%) are saving to buy a house, and nearly a fifth (18%) are still paying off their student loans.

So there you have it - the average cost of a wedding in the UK is £20,700 for 2023 - £2,300 up from 2022. Curious about how to break down a £20,000 wedding spend? One real couple told us exactly how they did it.

*Survey taken of 1,808 U.K. individuals married in 2023. Survey distributed via email and Hitched social channels. Survey conducted throughout 2023 and January 2024.

The Average Cost of a Wedding in 2022

Happy bride and groom leaving a wedding ceremony hand in hand

The average wedding cost £18,400 in 2022**. This was a 6% rise from the previous year, and was the first year post-pandemic where weddings took place all year long with no disruption or restrictions.

2022 Average Wedding Cost Broken Down

Here are the key areas couples spent their wedding budget on in 2022:

  • Venue hire - £8,400 
  • Wedding dress - £1,350
  • Photography - £1,300
  • Videography - £1,150
  • Wedding band/DJ - £1,050
  • Flowers - £1,050 
  • Invitations & paper goods - £300
  • Catering per head - £70
  • Wedding hair & makeup - £155
  • Bridesmaid hair & makeup - £85

Couples also increased the number of suppliers they hired for their wedding, with the number rising by 20% compared to 2021, meaning 2022 weddings involved an average of 10 different vendors. 

Shaking off the last of the pandemic restrictions, we also saw the average number of wedding guests rise to 81 - that’s almost 10 additional guests per wedding compared to 2021’s fairly modest guest list of 72. With an average wedding catering spend of £70pp, this racked up to £5,670 when catering for 81 guests. This is a 21% increase compared to 2021. 

The cost of hiring a wedding venue  increased by 10.5% compared to 2021, and wedding photography costs rose by 8% - this is likely down to couples needing to cater to larger wedding guest lists. 

Nearly half of all couples (47%) went over their initial wedding budget in 2022. Whilst 59% of couples used savings to pay for their wedding, more than one in 10 (11%) took out a loan to cover the costs of their big day in 2022. 

This could be down to the fact that couples have other financial priorities as they plan - 58% saved for a honeymoon too, and honeymoon spend rose by 23% as travel was back on the map.

Nearly a third of UK nearlyweds (32%) were also saving up for a house as they planned their wedding and honeymoon, and 29% were paying off credit card bills and debts. On top of this, a further 18% were also working on paying off their student loans.

***Survey taken of 2,457 U.K. individuals married in 2022. Survey distributed via email and Hitched social channels. Survey conducted throughout November and December 2022 and January 2023.

The Average Cost of a Wedding in 2021

Bride and groom embracing outdoors with a rich green leafy backdrop

The average wedding in the UK in 2021 cost £17,300**. This was 90% up on the average cost of a wedding in 2020, which was £9,100. 

It’s a huge yearly increase, but it does make sense when you consider the limitations on weddings in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

The 2021 Average Wedding Cost Broken Down

Here are the seven key areas couples were spending on in 2021:

  • Venue hire - £7,600 
  • Wedding dress - £1,300
  • Photography - £1,200 
  • Groom’s attire - £500
  • Catering per head - £65
  • Bridal hair - £80
  • Bridal makeup - £70

Couples who married in 2021 paid £7,600 to hire their dream wedding venue - this was a 40% increase on the £5,406 couples were paying in 2019. It’s clear to see that after two years apart from everyone, with weddings on hold, the setting in which everyone celebrates together became even more important. 

Photography spend also increased by 4% - your wedding photography is your lasting memento of your big day, so it makes sense to invest in it. Sharing special moments with loved ones has never been more appreciated, so you can understand why couples were willing to spend more to make sure these memories were captured. 

Our survey also revealed that two thirds of couples (66%) were given money by family or friends to help them pay for their wedding - if you combine that with the 7% who borrowed money from a friend or family member, almost three quarters of couples (73%) had some financial help from a relative or friend to pay for their wedding. With 48% of couples going over budget in 2021 as they strived to create that perfect experience, you can see why support from friends and family was so popular.

We also learned that parents pay, on average, 61% of the total wedding cost. That’s right, in 2021, mum and dad paid for three fifths of the total wedding cost - that’s £10,553 of the total average £17,300 spend. They must really love you guys. You can read up on who pays for what traditionally at a wedding here.

**Hitched surveyed 2,060 couples who married in 2021 via an online survey conducted in November 2021-January 2022.

Average Wedding Cost in the UK: 2019

Bride and groom tucking into a pizza surrounded by their guests all enjoying a slice too

Here are the top 10 wedding spends for 2019:

  • Venue hire – £5,406
  • Honeymoon – £4,645
  • Food – £3,887
  • Engagement ring – £2,419
  • Drink – £1,587
  • Wedding dress/outfit – £1,313
  • Photography – £1,155
  • Mini-moon – £1,135
  • Entertainment/music – £1,005
  • Video – £968

Average Wedding Cost in the UK: 2018

Bride and groom walking hand in hand outside of a wedding venue

Here are the 10 biggest costs of a wedding in 2018:

  • Venue hire – £5,221
  • Honeymoon – £4,545
  • Food – £4,151
  • Engagement ring – £2,657
  • Drink – £1,739
  • Wedding dress/outfit – £1,321
  • Photography – £1,166
  • Mini-moon – £1,051
  • Video – £1,027
  • Entertainment/music – £1,014

Average Wedding Cost in the UK: 2017

Bride and groom with sunglasses holding a dog in front of large balloons

Here’s the breakdown of wedding spend in the UK in 2017:

  • Venue hire – £4,354
  • Honeymoon – £3,630
  • Food – £3,353
  • Engagement ring – £2,084
  • Drink – £1,342
  • Wedding dress/outfit – £1,209
  • Photography – £993
  • Mini-moon – £911
  • Entertainment/music – £813
  • Video – £801

Average Wedding Cost in the UK: 2016

Bride in a white suit kissing a groom in a black suit in front of a graffiti'd wall

Let’s see how the 2016 average wedding spend broke down:

  • Venue hire – £3,738
  • Honeymoon – £3,366
  • Food – £3,072
  • Engagement Ring – £1,742
  • Mini-Moon – £1,082
  • Wedding Dress – £1,055
  • Hen Do – £1,041
  • Drink – £965
  • Photography – £905
  • Accommodation – £747

It’s worth noting that this is an average cost - you don’t need to spend the same figure, as your wedding will be wonderful regardless of your budget. In fact, we can help you out with our guides to having a wedding whatever your budget may be: