100 Best Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
We’re bringing spicy back with this old-school favourite – go on, you know you want to!

Whether you’re looking for a fun and free activity to play with your couple friends or you want to liven up an at-home date night, a novelty round of Couples Truth or Dare could be the perfect party game to get to know your partner – or your pals – even better.
Maybe juicy, soul-baring questions are your *thing*, or perhaps you prefer stepping out of your comfort zone with some cheeky daredevil antics… Whichever kind of player you are, Truth or Dare is a great way to be more open, genuine and intimate with your partner.
And to keep things interesting, we’ve rounded up the very best Truth or Dare game questions for couples and dare ideas, including our top 10 truth questions and dares for couples wanting a quick (and heated!) entertainment fix – inside or outside of the bedroom.
In case you need reminding of the rules (it may have been a while, after all), we’ve got you covered there, too: If it’s just the two of you, simply take turns to ask if the other person would prefer a truth or a dare. If there are more than two players, typically you’d all sit in a circle and move around the group in a clockwise motion.
If a player picks a ‘truth’, this means answering a question to reveal a truth about themselves. If they pick dare – well, that’s pretty self-explanatory.
If a player chooses to forfeit their turn – to not answer the truth or do the dare – they’ll obviously need an appropriate ‘punishment', because where's the fun in that? While for some couples that might be an eye-watering shot of something strong (if there’s booze involved, of course), for others it might just be something as light as politely informing them it’s their turn to do a snack run or that they owe you a massage.
Ultimately the game can be as tame or as steamy as you like. The most important thing? Keep it fun, consensual and low-pressure for everyone involved.
Ready to play? Grab your partner, turn the thermostat down a notch and get comfortable. Though perhaps not too comfortable – our truth or dare questions and ideas below range from the funny and soul-searching to the downright juicy and even a little bit sexy.
100 Truth or Dare Questions & Ideas For Couples
From spicy truths to dares to dare, there’s so much fun to be had with these truth or dare game questions for couples.
- Quick Picks: 10 Truth or Dare Questions & Ideas For Couples in a Hurry
- Best Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
- Best Spicy Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
- Best Funny Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
- Best Dares For Couples
- Best Sexy Dares For Dirty Truth or Dare
Quick Picks: 10 Truth or Dare Questions & Ideas For Couples in a Hurry
- What’s your biggest fear?
- What was your very first impression of me?
- What’s your ultimate relationship dealbreaker?
- Who was the last person you searched on Instagram?
- Name something you do only when you’re alone?
- Let me update your social media status pretending to be you
- Spell out your name with your tongue somewhere on my body
- Allow yourself to be blindfolded and fed something of my choosing
- Do your best impression of me
- Kiss me passionately for five minutes
Best Truth or Dare Questions For Couples

- What’s your love language?
- Who’s your celebrity crush?
- What secretly gives you the ick?
- What do you really think of [insert name of family member/friend]
- What song do you currently have on repeat?
- Reveal something that you’ve never told anyone else
- Have you ever told a lie to make yourself look better?
- What crime would you commit if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?
- What has been the best day of your life so far?
- What’s your favourite compliment to receive?
- Who is your favourite/least favourite of my friends?
- What’s your biggest fear about our relationship?
- Have you ever knowingly done anything illegal?
- Name something you think could improve our relationship
- What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?
- What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years’ time?
- What’s your ultimate unpopular opinion?
- What was our best date?
- When was the last time you lied?
Best Spicy Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
- When did you know that you were attracted to me?
- Where’s the weirdest/most adventurous place you’ve had sex?
- Do you have any secret fantasies?
- What’s your favourite sex position?
- When was the last time you masturbated?
- Name something typically non-sexual that turns you on?
- What was your funniest sexual mishap?
- Have you ever had a sexy dream about me?
- When do you feel your most sensual?
- How would you describe the way I taste?
- What’s your secret bedroom talent?
- What are your top three places to be touched?
- Do you prefer to be dominant or submissive?
- What sexual act(s) are you not into?
- Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Best Funny Truth or Dare Questions For Couples
- Name a weird food combination that you love
- What’s your guilty pleasure?
- What was the last thing you Googled?
- Reveal something about yourself you’d never want your family to know
- If you could pick a theme song for every time you entered a room, what would it be?
- Who is someone you pretend to like but actually can’t stand?
- What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?
- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in front of a mirror?
- Who do you think is the most attractive out of the two of us?
- Have you ever farted and blamed someone else?
- If you had to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
- What’s the longest you’ve gone without washing your bed sheets?
- What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at work?
- How many selfies do you take a day?
- What’s one question you don’t want me to ask you?
Best Dares For Couples

- Go live on one of your social media accounts and declare your love for me
- Close your eyes, pick a random contact in your Whatsapp and leave them a dirty voice note
- Recall the day/night we met, from your perspective
- Draw or paint a picture using only your feet
- Post the oldest selfie that’s on your phone on Instagram Stories
- Let me shave a part of your body
- Write a love poem for me in five minutes or less
- Grab something from the kitchen and attempt to eat it in the flirtiest/sexiest way possible
- See how many ice cubes you can fit into your mouth and let them melt
- Deliver your best five-minute stand up
- Let me do your makeup while blindfolded
- Swap outfits with me
- Say yes to everything for the next hour
- Read out the last five things on your Google search history
- Let me draw somewhere on your body in permanent marker
- Call someone of my choosing and sing happy birthday to them
- Have a shower with your clothes on
- Scroll through your Instagram followers until I say stop – then like all of their photos
- Send me a flirty message using only emojis
- Send the weirdest GIF you can find to the 15th person in your contact list
Best Sexy Dares For Dirty Truth or Dare
- Remove three items of clothing
- Kiss your favourite part of my body
- Do a seductive dance
- Let me draw you naked
- Lick something off my finger
- Take off an item of my clothing without using your hands
- Name three songs you’d add to a sex playlist
- Drop an ice cube in your underwear
- Go to another room, take a sexy photo and send it to me
- Give me a five-minute foot massage
- Let me give you a light spanking
- Go without underwear on our next date night
- Read an erotic passage out loud
- Re-enact our first kiss
- Challenge me to a pillow fight
- Hide a chocolate in your clothes and let me find it
- (If there’s a pool or hot tub) go skinny-dipping
- Let me order something sexy from your Amazon account (max £20)
- Turn off the lights and try to arouse me using only noises
- Play the rest of the game naked
Looking for even more fun things to do together? Take inspiration for your next date night with these cute couple activities.