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Speech by Adam Huntley

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Adam Huntley
Speech Date: oct 2004
Before I start, and I know you will all agree with me, Helen (bride), you look absolutely gorgeous. On behalf of the bride and groom I would like to thank Jessica and Heather (the bridesmaids) for attending to Helen with such grace and beauty. And for Ian and Jack the ushers for performing their duties with such authority and care. I would just like now to read out some words of best wishes from some who were not able to be here (read from a selection of cards) Oh and on behalf of the bride and groom thank you for the presents. Some were nice!

Now as some of you know it was my great pleasure to visit St. Helens a few weeks ago and it gave me the chance to look around the castle we are now in. And one thing I learned is that the room where Dave and Helen had their service used ot be a kangeroo court. This is where they took an innocent man, put the fear of God into him, put him through a humiliating ritual and sentenced him to a life time imprisonment. So as you can see things really haven't changed that much.

No it's great that you are all looking well especially Annie. I learned that when Dave was young he practised golf and one day perfomed a perfect stroke which went straight through Annies window. A couple of inches to the left and it would have been a hole in one.

Dave's always been sporty. He once came third in the egg and spoon race. The Headmaster was so surprised he ordered a drugs test before allowing the result to stand. But it's not that Dave was a lazy child, but he hated gardening; in fact he had the window box paved over.

What Dave didnt say was how him and Helen first met. Very romantic it was. It was at a school fancy dress. Dave went wrapped in sandpaper. When asked what he was he said he'd come as a rough handful.

Now I know Dave because we used to work together and when the firm needed someone to go to Seattle and stay at the cheapest most crime ridden hotel, they knew the man they could rely on! And he is also the only man I know who would wear a Fred Flinstsone shirt to a tour of Universal studios!

But that is the Dave you already know. There is a Dave I know and that is the most hard working underappreciated person I have had the privelge of working with. And sure enough I do remember when Dave talked about Helen. When I met her and saw how attractive and what fun she was I understood why he was so fond of her and why he held her in such high regard. So I am delighted to be here. He has done what makes guys like me the most jealous- he has married the woman I know he loves most in the world.

(propose a toast)