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Speech by Adam Peters

Hi Hitched, Hope some people find this useful. Raised a few laughs anyway at a great wedding a couple of years back. Good website - keep it up! Adam Peters.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Adam Peters
Speech Date: oct 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's time for me to make a speech now and quite frankly, there's not a lot you can do about that.

Well, if there's anybody here this evening who feels strangely nervous and apprehensive, it's probably because you just went and married Neil Peters!

Sorry Toni – It's too late now. You're stuck with him.

When it comes to Best Man's speeches there are some things in the interests of good taste, which are better left unsaid…..well, I'm here to say them!

Some people need no introduction….Neil Peters needs all the introduction he can get.

He could be described as charming, intelligent, witty…and perhaps one day he will be.

Neil was born in October 1970. The Beatles had split up, Maggie May by Rod Stewart was no.1 and Liverpool Football Club, under Bill Shankly, was about to embark on a two decade journey of domestic and European glory. Happy days!

Well, I actually met Neil 29 years ago. I was a couple of hours old and he was 2 – and we've known each other ever since. We've always got on pretty well, besides the regular traditional beatings that , by rights, older brothers dish out to younger siblings.
We used to play a lot of games as kids and occasionally some of them wouldn't involve random violence.

At school Neil was a very bright student, he was an avid reader and played a lot of sport….unfortunately he could also be a bit temperamental – a bit sulky and at times difficult to live with. When he was 15 mum and dad actually ran away from home!

However he relaxed when he got a bit older. He went to Australia and happily, as we all know the lovely Miss Elliot came into his life. So now Neil is married to a wonderful person….unfortunately Toni's not that lucky.

Nevertheless, I thought today was fantastic and worked out really well. You know, it was quite apt that Neil got married in a winery…after all, he does like a drink..and what's wrong with that?
Most of the time he doesn't drink anything stronger than pop.…
Mind you, Pop will drink anything.

There is a gym at Neil's place but he prefers to use his own parallel bars…one for brandy and one for scotch!
He is very conscious of his diet though. Everyday he eats something from one of the four main food groups – Mc.Donald's, Burger King, Wimpy and KFC.

In all seriousness though, I'm convinced Toni and Neil are right for each other – and that's not an insult to you Toni!

I think it's wonderful that my brother has met such a beautiful and kind person as Toni.
I've honestly never seen him this happy (…well before this speech that is)

So, who knows what's next for Neil and Toni? …Perhaps a family…?
Actually, I hope Toni is looking forward to expecting a little one….otherwise she's going to be disappointed tonight!!

I'm almost finished now – but just a couple of bits of advice:

Neil – " Never be sexist – birds hate that"

Toni – In the words of Osgood Fielding from the end of the movie ‘ Some like it Hot’ : "Nobody's Perfect!"

Well, as a man who'll also drink to absolutely anything, I'd be grateful if you would give me an excuse to raise my glass again…
….by joining me in one more toast to the happy couple.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Mr & Mrs Peters! Neil and Toni !!