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Speech by Adam Taylor

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Adam Taylor
Speech Date: 15/12/2011 14:42:01

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. For anyone that doesn't know….The reason I'm stood up here now is because I am the best man. Anyone here who has been a best man will surely agree, that when your asked it's a bit like being asked to make love to the Queen, you know it's a great honour, but you're not really sure that you want to do it……..When Anthony told me I was best man, I must admit, I did agree with him.

I am quite nervous as I stand here, public speaking has never been my thing. This is the fifth time today that I've got up from a warm seat with a few sheets of paper in my hand.

I would like to start with a few toasts. On behalf of the bride and groom I would first like to thank you all for coming out here to Cyprus and helping to make Anthony and Lucy's wedding such a great day……so a toast to everyone that is here……TOAST

Lucy your dress is amazing and you are looking very beautiful today. Anthony is certainly a very lucky man….The bridesmaids Claudia and Kizzie are looking lovely aswell and have done a great job in helping Lucy look as beautiful as she does. So here's a toast to say thank you to the bridesmaids……….TOAST

Next is the newly weds parents Kim, Jim, Joan and Brian to thank them for hosting such a wonderful wedding…………………..TOAST

Also a big thank you from Anthony and Lucy to everyone for the wedding gifts….

Anthony congratulations on a great speech. I knew it would be a hard act to follow and I was right, I could hardly follow a word of it. You have said some emotional stuff there. In fact, I haven't seen you that emotional since you watched Titanic at the cinema a few years ago……(laugh)

Well…….I believe my main responsibilities for today were…To ensure that the groom arrives on time.… sober…..and looking good…….

Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad…

Now it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say.… that I could shovel more dirt on the gentleman seated here than a Taliban Cave digger……but..… I have been asked to keep the story about Anthony clean and to try not to embarrass him too much.

Ok here goes….Anthony is kind….loving…funny….charming…generous… and squint – turn paper upside down

Errrrr…….Tucks.… what's that say……..… I'm really struggling with your handwriting mate.Oh, yeah…(nod Head)……………….Well Hung

I first met Anthony at school 18 years ago…….I remember there was stories going round that the Liverpool goalkeeper David James was Anthony's uncle…..Anthony told me he could get me the Liverpool's players signatures……….the next day he gave me a sheet of paper with all the signatures on…….Neil Ruddock, Phil Babb, Robbie Fowler….I was well happy and went home and showed my dad and friends…….then after it had been on my bedroom wall for a week I realised that Robbie Fowler had signed it twice, hang on….3 times……or is that Neil Ruddock……In fact they all look the same, Tuckers hand writing,.… he had even written half in Green and half in Red coloured pen to try and fool me ha ha ha.

At school Anthony always thought he was a great dancer and when it came to school disco he would always try and get the girls attention with his dance moves……He would say to me….Taylor Taylor watch this I can throw BARE SHAPES MAN,,,,,,,,then do a silly dance……(shake head and look his way) ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASING MATE (Laugh)When we was in Mexico a couple years ago he was always dancing in front of the mirror invent his own dance moves…I have even caught him trying to do the Beyonce single ladies dance……sorry mate I know I promised to keep that one quiet.

We all now Anthony loves his football but his football knowledge is not the best…..last year he came to a West Ham game with me against Aston Villa…..we left a few minutes before the end and when we got outside we heard a big roar from the crowd..… some fans were shouting that West Ham had scored a late winner…..Anthony started going mental jumping up and down…..I had never seen him like it……’Its Carlton Cole Carlton Cole Carlton Cole ………he was getting some strange looks off people so I had to whisper in his ear that it wasn't Carlton Cole as he had been subbed at half time.

Now Anthony was never a quiet one at school, always drilling your ear and trying to nick your crisps.… You could never get your chocolate out near him cos it would be gone….you had to break a bit off in your pocket and sneak it in your mouth when he wasn't looking ha ha…….Then one day at school when he was in the football cages he see Lucy for the first time. He couldn't take his eyes off her….at first we thought he had lost his mind. Tucks…..Tucks….Tuck is anybody there….you ok mate………then we realised who he was looking at and why he went so quiet. It took Anthony a few years to get the courage to speak to Lucy but once he did the rest is history… I'm sure we all agree they make a great couple.

Oh…..while I remember, Anthony has asked for anyone who has keys to his house to please return it – as he is now married your obviously not going to need it anymore (at this point 5 girls got up and threw their keys on to the table Anthony was sitting).

On a serious note I am very proud to be Anthony's best man and I am really happy for you to have found such a lovely girl as Lucy. I'm sure you will be very happy together in the years to come.

Well I won't keep you any longer as I know Anthony can't wait to show us all how to dance.

So it now gives me great pleasureTo invite you all to stand once more and raise your glasses in a toast for our newly wed bride and groom Wishing them all the happiness together in the future………..To Anthony and Lucy

TOAST Thank You