Speech by Adam
I’m not a public speaker by any standard, but I actually really enjoyed delivering this on the day. My tip for anybody currently in the writing phase, try and make the beginning paragraph(s) as easy to deliver as possible, because as soon as I stood up it suddenly became rather difficult to remember, regardless that I could easily at home. The George Clooney reference is from a had cuff prank on the stag do. It would of been a fairly in-joke to use on the day, if it wasn’t for it circling rather quickly before the speeches.
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Adam
Speech Date: 05/10/2016 19:33:37
Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I would first like to thank you all for coming today and helping to make Chris and Amy's wedding such a memorable and special occasion. I'd also like to echo the speakers before me in saying that Amy looks absolutely fantastic today, I'm sure you'll all agree – one… in a million
And Chris, you look like you always do.… WON… in a raffle.
After meeting, and first falling for each other over 12 years ago, it's fair to say that THIS DAY.… has been a long time coming. It honestly feels like these two have ALWAYS been a couple. Granted, as some of you will know… For a brief period…Their relationship resembled the Hokey Cokey. But luckily, they managed to turn themselves around… And that's what it all about.
It's obvious to everybody that knows you both, that what's shared between you, IS true love, and the time it took Chris to FINALLY.… ask Amy to marry him, is similar to the way Britain voted to leave Europe this summer.
Chris weighed up the pros and cons, he worried about the future, considered the financial benefits… But most of all…did it, to stop other people gaining entry.
However, I think the real reason their relationship worked, right from the very beginning, was simply due…To geographical…Convenience.
Oh, and the fact Chris had a tidy first car at 17.
That's right Chris… I think that having your own car, and meeting Amy JUST AFTER passing your driving test, has a lot more to do with TODAY than you'll give credit for…I think you need to thank your parents again for that one.
For those who don't know me, my name is Adam and I am, the best man…
I'm also a single man… and staying in room number 103
As a kid, only two things really mattered to Chris.… the location we were next playing football at… And if it could use his push bike to get there. He was, and still is a talented footballer… and genuinely still holds the record for the longest wheelie, I've ever seen… Yes, for the people at the back, that was wheelie.
It's fair to say that Chris is into his motors, and at ANY one point, he's in the possession of more cars than he's able to drive. Granted, some of these cars are VERY IMPORTANT projects, and obviously need PRIME.… POSITIONING on the drive way… right Amy?
Others however he's bought with the intention of doing-up.. and selling-on to make a few quid. Its testament to his generosity… that he's allowing us all… To eat and drink the profits of his hard work this afternoon.
And if you're ever in the market for a second hand run-around, Chris PROUDLY stands behind every car he sells… Just in case it needs a push.
It's usually accustomed for the best man, to lay into the groom.… With stories of a misspent youth.. or to reel-off all the crazy times he's got into trouble… But the truth is.. Chris is just a nice guy. It's hard to dish the dirt on somebody that brightens up any room.. Simply by walking out of it.
What I can tell you however, and I'm aware that only a couple of you know this. Is that recently, Chris has developed.. An almost worship like affection.… for George Clooney. And last month, he got to finally meet is idol….Didn't you Chris….
To save embarrassment, I won't go into any further details now, but be sure to ask Chris about his WEIRD obsession later on.
Let's just say, that when they met… we LITERALLY couldn't tear them apart.
Be sincere
Chris is more than ready for married life… and he couldn't have chosen a better person to share it with. Parents always hope… their daughter finds a reliable, sensible and considerate partner… and that she makes the right choices in life. Amy chose Chris, who in my opinion is the ideal choice and a real credit to his parents.
When Chris told me he'd asked Amy to marry him, I wasn't at all surprised, but was obviously delighted, and I truly wish them all the happiness in the world…….
I look at Chris now, and I'm humbled to see the man he has become. The nature he has..… His good temperament..… Kindness and loyalty…..… However, his ability to always form.… the opposite opinion..… Of any discussion I have, I see as a skill.… rather than a quality.
In the last twenty years I can hardly remember having a cross word with Chris, which I think shows the strength of our friendship. He's been a great friend, and we've had some fun times together.
It's been an honour and believe it or not, a pleasure to be the best man today…..
I'd like to ask the Bride and Groom to participate for a moment…… Chris, Amy, if you could both please stand and face each other.
Link hands and look into each other's eyes…..… (Don't they look happy?)
I'd just like to say, from the heart.… that myself, and everybody here today is SO happy that you found each other. You're true..… Childhood sweethearts, now taking the next step..… On a long and wonderful life together. And, as you stand there..… Gazing into each other's eyes…… never forget that STATISTICALLY speaking, you are looking at the person most likely to murder you!
Or should that be, murder me.… for using a joke like that, at your wedding.
[Thanks for that, you can sit down now]
I have to say how lucky you are Chris, because you will leave here today having gained a wife that is attractive, smart, loving and caring.
And, Amy how lucky you are…..… Leaving today, having gained….… [PAUSE – look at Chris] a new dress and some flowers.
So, finally, I'd like to thank the beautiful bridesmaids….… Emily, Charlotte and Leah for doing a fantastic job today..… And on behalf of the entire wedding party..… I would like to thank you all for coming.
I personally know some of you have travelled for at least…….… 6 or 7 miles to get here, so a special thank you to those.
Ladies and Gentlemen, would you now do me the honour of raising your glasses, to toast the bride…… and groom.
May they both continue into their marriage……..? The way they have started today.
Knocking back the booze before lunchtime.
To my best friend, and his beautiful new wife.
To – Mr and Mrs White, CHEERS.