Speech by Alan Walton
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Alan Walton
Speech Date: Sep2005
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming to Kirstyn and Antony's wedding reception celebration and to extend a warm welcome to you all. I know that some of you have come a long way. Especially Molly & John, Dorothy & John, Norman and family, My Mum and Dad, Antony's Dad and Foster Mum and not forgetting our close family friend Simon form the local pup.
This wedding has taken a lot of time and patients to organise. If you don't know, 12 months ago, it was on for today. 3 months ago it was changed to 4 Sept in Malta Kirstyn and Antony were going to live there. It then changed to 18 Sept in Malta. The only date available by the priest out there. Then Kirstyn and Antony decided to move back to live in England. Fortunately the Church and Hotel were still available as nobody books weddings at short notice (Except the Waltons). So here we are, we made it.
I would like to thank Kirstyn and Antony for keeping everybody on their toes during this last 12 months. I would also like to thank Father Ben for a wonderful service and to the Abbots Barton for preparing the reception and looking after us. I would like to thank Kath for all the hard work she has put in and for Paul and Fred for giving her support. I would also like to thank Caroline & Kevin and the best man and bridesmaids for all of their support and any body else who has helped out in any way.
Standing here in front of you all I feel incredibly old. To me it was only yesterday that Kirstyn was born and I never thought that I'd ever be as happy as that but I was wrong. Seeing my daughter look as beautiful as she does today makes me happier than I ever thought possible. I am so proud of everything that she has achieved and done and I only regret that her Gran Mary could not be here to see it.
Kirstyn I am sure she is up there on her broomstick watching over us all.
Because of the late changes to the wedding plans other friends and family have been unable to attend today, so I would like you to raise your glasses and Toast “Mary and absent friends”
And now to the most important person of the day, my daughter Kirstyn the Bride.
She reminds me of the favourite hymn, “ All things bright and beautiful” These attributes obviously come from her mother because I'm not bright and can hardly be described as beautiful.
My wife Kirsten found this card for your wedding. If you open it and look at the picture on the front, it looks like you. You were made to be bride. I have always known that Kirstyn is a beautiful woman, but I have never seen her look so beautiful or radiant as she does today. Are you sure your job in Wimbledon is NVQ assessing and not for posing for wedding cards.
Now Antony
In my eyes there are not many men good enough for Kirstyn but Antony is. When she turned up with this dark haired well-groomed man, I was welcoming but I never thought that they would get married. During the time I have known him I have come to realise how special he is to Kirstyn, and everyone can see how they are made for each other and make a lovely couple. Antony she is now yours please look after her.
He is really likable and easy going, and we are happy to welcome him and Josh formally into our family.
Now I would like to offer up a few worldly thoughts and advice about marriage. I was married to your mum Kathy for 15 years and have been married to Kirsten for 3 years and feel I am just about getting the measure of it, so here goes.…
To Kirstyn,
If you want something from Antony, ask for it. Remember, Antony is a man, hints do not work.
You will find in your marriage that you make all the minor decisions whilst Antony makes all the major decisions. Antony, you will find out that all future decisions turn out to be of a minor nature.
And finally to Kirstyn, the definition of a perfect wife is one who helps her husband with the dishes .…
To Antony,
You must consider the words of Oscar Wilde, “Women are meant to be loved, not understood.”
Marriage will bring you many things, loyalty, self-restraint, obedience and a whole host of other virtues you wouldn't have needed had you stayed single.
Now that you are married, Kirstyn will always have the last word in any argument – any word that you come out with afterwards is by default, the start of the next argument!
Remember, when you buy her flowers . . . it proves you are guilty (but of course, beware the far more serious consequences of not buying her flowers!).
Remember put the seat down after you.
And remember those two invaluable words “yes dear”.
Now some “Proper Advice”? Well, just keep four things in mind .…
The first is love, closely followed by friendship, then tolerance, and then communication. Easy to say – but they can be quite hard to carry out.
You must both realise that marriage isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Many of us know that everyone faces ups and downs in a life commitment. There is no secret to a happy marriage. You'll both have to work at it, like many of us.
There is no challenge in a marriage that cannot be overcome by the following three, three-word sentences.
These are:
I was wrong!
You were right!
I love you!
Kirstyn and Antony,
Here's to the past for all that you've learned
Here's to the present for all that you share
And here's to the future for all that you can look forward to together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding, and raise your glasses to Kirstyn and Anthony