Speech by Andrew Mason
I wrote this speech having taken much inspiration from hitched.co.uk, so I am uploading mine in case it helps anyone else. I faced a couple of unusual challenges: First, the reception was being held about a year after the wedding, a wedding almost no-one at the reception had attended. Second, most of the audience only spoke English as a second language. The language barrier was one reason for not attempting much humour in the speech. The other reason was because I felt it would be easier and less risky to deliver a sincere speech, than a funny one. There is some subtle humour and acta
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Andrew Mason
Speech Date: 29/07/2013 20:40:48
[INTRO] Good evening everyone. For those that may not know, I'm Andrew, Neil's Best Man. As such I have the pleasure of giving this speech. To do so: is an honour; a sign of our friendship and means a great deal to me. Like most people I am apprehensive of public speaking. So whilst there is much I could say, I have distilled it to the following… [THANKS] <Turning to Bride and Groom> On behalf of everyone here, I would like to thank you, Neil and Caroline, for giving us all the opportunity to celebrate your marriage with you, with this most wonderful and memorable day. [ABOUT THE GROOM] I first met Neil at Secondary school about 20 years ago. Our friendship developed slowly, but we have now been good friends for over half our lives. My initial impression of Neil was of a talented musician, with a sharp mind, an entrepreneurial streak and interests that included travel, the then emerging Internet and technology. Since then, I have come to admire him, for his great determination, insight originality of ideas and ability to turn the ordinary, into the remarkable. He is a most excellent friend, and I value all the time, we get to spend together, and wish only, that occasions to do so, were more frequent. Our paths diverged, when we chose different ways to pursue our education. Since then, i have followed Neil's career with interest, mostly, trying to work out exactly what, it is he does, and I am still none the wiser, but am pleased, though not surprised, to report that he seems very successful in it. I have also had the pleasure of watching him pursue, and become, a successful: home owner, father and now husband. At this point, it would be customary, to include some embarrassing stories about Neil. After asking around for inspiration, I should like to share this quote from his son Olly: “There is no difference between embarrassing stories about Neil and normal” – Thank you Olly, you may take a bow. I have Neil to thank for many memorable experiences… [FAVORITE EXPERIENCES] Whilst still at school, driving, with recently acquired licenses and CD player blaring, to many a film at the cinema Introducing me to Germany, Belgium and of course the wonderful Denmark A 2000 kilometre road trip in a van, A journey we foolishly did almost without sleep Many fabulous meals including; BBQing in December!, lunch as guests of Jim & Marie-Ann (parents of bride) as well as many in restaurants And of course, meeting Caroline… Always kind, tolerant and generous, and looking wonderful today and radiant following the birth of their second child, Emily, I believe she compliments, and completes Neil, as he does for her. [CLOSING] All that remains is for me to ask you to charge your glasses, stand and join me in wishing Neil and Caroline a healthy, prosperous and happy life together. <turn to Neil & Caroline and say…> To Neil & Caroline <Everyone to say:> “Neil & Caroline” May you and their family live happily ever after [END]