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Speech by Andrew Russell

Hi, Please find attached the speech I made on August 13th 2003 at the wedding of my nephew Mark and his wife Carrie-Mae. I found your website very useful, and the Wedding day went without a hitch. Cheers

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Andrew Russell
Speech Date: mar 2004

13 August 03

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

Firstly on behalf of the Bridesmaids I would like to thank Mark for his kind words. I'm sure that everyone would agree that the girls have helped make today a very special event.

Not forgetting Joe and Bradley who performed their duties as ushers very well.

Bride & Groom
As for the happy couple, doesn't Carrie-Mae look absolutely stunning. And Mark, you scrubbed up nicely, surprising what a face cloth and a bar of soap can do.

Best Man Duties
I think that as Best Man I have carried out my duties quite well, in that I got Mark here
ON TIME – which is a first
SOBER – Which is unusual
SMART – which is unheard of.
However I m not too pleased about you copying my outfit. And you're not the only one either!
Now onto the part the groom dreads:
Carrie-Mae is not the first attractive blond to be swept off her feet by Mark
On his way out of a West End bar at closing time Mark proceeded down a steep flight of stairs. Unfortunately he missed his footing, careered out of control down the stairway and swept the feet from under three blondes walking in the opposite direction, sending them all flying – Needless to say Mark went home alone that night!
Being Marks uncle I have many a story to tell, but there are youngsters present, so buy me a drink later and I might spill the beans.

I have a message to read from Bradfield football Club in Essex:
Congratulations to Mark and Carrie-Mae
We found Mark hopeless in most positions – we hope Carrie may has more success

So finally ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding and join me in a toast to the Bride and Groom.
The Bride and Groom