Speech by Andy James
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Andy James
Speech Date: May2007
First of all I liked to apologize on behalf of the groom, as many of you might of found it strange that the groom decided to give his speech sitting down!
I would like to thank Lee for his kind words. I think that you will all agree that today has been great so far, but as they say every silver lining has a cloud, so here I am!!!!
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman. For those of you who don't know my name is Andy and Yes I'm the best man. It's taken over 17 years for Lee to finally admit to this!
Having known Lee for over 17 years, I have amassed loads of entertaining stories about him. However, hardly any of these are appropriate for his wedding and I would be in a lot of trouble if I told them here. So I will be telling them later over there points to the bar. Lee and Liz have made me promise not to talk about the machinery in there bedroom and other topics are also band such as, Pink Handcuffs, Bull Whip, and Davies fetish of wearing his new brides underwear…..I can swear on my life I'll never mention these dark secrets and they'll follow me to my grave…..but on the other hand I'm easily bought, If you don't manage to catch me at the bar I drink Fosters by the way.
I want to say thank you on behalf of the bride and groom to everyone for coming to today's celebration, your presence makes this a really special day for Liz and Lee. Personally I wished you had all stayed at home and made my job less nerve racking, but unfortunately you all turned up.!!!
According to protocol, my first speech duty is to ensure certain people are thanked for their part in the wedding day.
I'd like to start with a couple of people, who quite frankly have had it fairly easy today.
All they have really had to do is stand around pouting, looking pretty and chatting up the male guests. But it is worth saying that that they have spent a lot of time on their hair, make-up and outfits…and without them, the day just wouldn't have been complete.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Ushers, Andy and Adam.
Angela, Sarah, and Becky – you all look wonderful and have done an excellent job today, helping and support Liz ..… Thank you.
Now I think you'll all agree.. that today Liz looks absolutely beautiful and stunning where as Lee just looks stunned.
My first impressions of meeting Liz almost 5 years ago was that she was beautiful, witty, charming, clever, friendly and thoughtful person and we can all see for ourselves how stunning Liz looks today. This proves one thing I've always known about Lee, that he definitely is a man of vision……often blurred and sometimes double, but nonetheless a man of vision lucky enough to have found such a beautiful wife. It goes to show how the phrase ‘for better or worse’ is so appropriate. Lee really couldn't have done any better while Liz couldn't have done any worse.
I'm very honoured to be doing this job and in time honoured Best Man tradition I will now do my best to give Lee the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of his life. Which, to be fair, is what he gives Liz every-time they go to b
I can still remember the night that Lee and Liz first met….Although I wasn't there in person to see a some what nervous Lee chatting up his future bride. The night in question was a Saturday night around Warrington in the premier night spot called FX. I can remember around the time we always use to see Liz and her friends around town, this is when Lee use to pull all the stops to try and get Liz's attention, by the way Lee's attempt at trying to chat up girls back in the days, would be to stand at the bar and look mysterious and to recite old fishing stories about the one that got away…… Needless to say I was awoken in the earlier hours of the morning with a some what alcohol filled Lee sitting at the end of my bed saying he's met the girl of his dreams…………My girlfriend at the time wasn't amused!
Let's start by showing a picture of Lee getting ready for his first night out around Warrington aged 18! Picture of Davies in the bath aged around 18 months
As we all know, Lee is a keen and dedicated fisherman spending a number of weekends and short breaks sat by the side of some river,canal or lake with his favorite rod in one hand and his favorite magazine in the other. I know it's not usual tradition to show pictures of the grooms previous conquests and girlfriends but I just want to put Liz's mind at rest and show how much Lee's taste has changed for the better over the
years!* *
I suppose I'm going to have to mention ”the stag party” a five day trip to Tallinn, Estonia. Only one thing rivals the difficulty of writing this speech, and that's trying to organise twenty lads getting across to Tallinn, with a transfer at Gatwick airport and a ticket office without any tickets. Obviously we had a tasted of the local culture and cuisines, which means we did a tour of the local Irish bars, and our staple diets for the trip was McDonald's and the local Curry house.
The Saturday night we decided to head to a night club called ”Hollywood's”, unsure of the dress code, only knowing it was ”dress to impress”, most of lads decided to wear there best disco gear consisting of a shirt and jeans. Lee decided to wear his favorite outfit.
On the serious side I would like to thank Lee for being such a great friend over the years, we have a lot of goods times together and I couldn't of thought of a better guy to have been friends with and shared the experiences we have had together….tho I always sleep now with one eye open and the door bolted. I think you have met your perfect life partner with Liz and truly believe you have met your equal, although she is much better looking and much, much, taller.
It gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to be upstanding and , raise your glasses, in a toast to Liz and Lee. I am sure you are going to be extremely happy together and I speak for everybody here when I say i wish you both the very best for your future life together.
Ladies and Gentleman, the new Mr and Mrs Davies – Lee and Liz