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Speech by Ashlee farrell

I used half a till roll when doing my speech mad it look like there was a big long list Everyone approached me at the end of the speeches and said it was a really good speech

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Ashlee farrell
Speech Date: 27/05/2013 09:12:12

Thank you Gareth…..

Hello ladies and gents for an occasion such as this I'd like to start by laying down a couple of rules.  Firstly, no heckling please. (Tim).  And secondly, if you do have a mobile phone … please, leave it switched on; keep yourselves entertained.  I think if you keep your spirits high and your expectations low, everyone will be happy!!

As Gareth just said I'm Ashlee and I'm the best man today. I hope your all, enjoying this wonderful wedding celebration today. I know I will once this is over!!

I would like to echo what has already been said and compliment our beautiful bride. I must say that Gemma looks absolutely beautiful today. Gareth is one very lucky man. Surprisingly, Gareth has scrubbed up quite well himself, even if he did copy my outfit…

Can I just give a special mention to our two bridesmaids Kelly & Angelina for helping to get Gemma here today? I am reliably informed that when she woke up this morning and realized she was marrying Gareth she put up a struggle so well done girls…You all so look fantastic 

I would also like to thank both sets of parents, Mari & Martin and Julie who have shown great support to the happy couple in the build-up to this special day. You have played an in portent role on this momentous occasion. Thank you

Let us not forget our Ushers for the day, Michele & Christian. I know Gareth was worried about them not being up to such an important task, however after weeks of practicing and a bout of repetitive strain disorder, I am sure you all agree they more than excelled there selves at pointing at chairs today…well done boys 

I'd all so like to say a big thank you to mine and Gareth's beautiful children. Noah & Kiki. They have been amazing today…and we are Very proud parents, I can't believe we are at this point in our lives and celebrating their wedding, I was once told that you never truly find out what happiness is until you get married… and then it's too late!

When Gareth asked me to be his best man, naturally I had many questions. What had I done to deserve such an honour? Who had dropped out? Was I really the best he could come up with? Could I turn the job down and still expect an invitation to stuff myself and get drunk at his expense?

In the end, having accepted the role, I'm pretty happy with the way things went today. From a best man's perspective, everything went smoothly. For starters, I got him to the venue on time, He also arrived sober, an achievement which shouldn't be underestimated with his track record… And most importantly in this time of economic uncertainty, I successfully resisted the urge to post the wedding rings to Cash for Gold and do a runner. So well done me…

Gareth is equally impressed, he told me earlier I have done that good a job I have got the gig for his next wedding, which was nice of him…

So…Some of you may look at Gareth sitting here today and think ‘hasn't that lad done well for himself?’

 He has married the woman of his dreams, has a good career, but how he still works in travel is Beyond me, when  he first started out in travel house  he Had a bit of confusion pronouncing places, let me give you a few  examples. Lesboss.… The correct term is Lesbos, another one was port of Tourette's, in Ibiza… rally place was port of torrent and how about this one…indianopcilops.… In America To you or me it's Indianapolis

Any away I have a list here….

*drop roll* 

Gareth also gave me strict instructions not to talk about certain things. 


So There's no way I was allowed to talk about the time he got so badly burnt in Ibiza it took the contents of the girls make up bags to  make him look normal again and not forgetting the time he took enough Imodium to plug up India…oh sorry got that wrong that was Gemma . And there's absolutely no way I was allowed to tell you  about  The time  we got attacked and had to run home from the kebabs shop but  he still managed to save his burger but had to go to the hospital with concussion the next morning

Or the time a friendly stranger gave him somewhere to stay in Cardiff after missing the last train only to realise they weren't that friendly hence their tooth brush doing a lap of the toilet bowl. 

And there's Absolutely no way I can tell you about the holiday he took to Mexico  where he was caught trying to smuggle fifteen Cartons of fags through customs, and ended up getting very well acquainted with one of the customs officers

So what else I can I tell you about Gareth  It's traditional to dish the dirt on the groom's past girlfriends during the best man's speech… but I'm not going to do that. For a start, I think it's wrong – cheap, and tacky. Secondly, how would it make sweet, innocent Gemma feel, having the reputation of the man she loves dragged through the filth of his former sordid little conquests..? Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, Gareth's never actually had a girlfriend before Gemma, so there's really very little dirt to dish. Not that he didn't try to meet girls, of course – there were years and years of wasting his time on Dodgy pickup lines …speed dating.… And he even Tried Internet chat rooms but in the end he did meet someone, and that someone was Gemma, and she was rite under His nose the whole time, It started off as friends and then best friends and then blossomed into a wonderful relationship.

I have known Gareth for many years and feel I know him better than most people. I can honestly say I have never seen him happier than when he is with Gemma. I am so pleased that he has found such a wonderful person who he can spend the rest of his life with. 

Gareth has been a great friend to me and we've had some excellent times together and I'm sure we'll have more in the future and it's been a Privilege to be his best man today.

You will be happy to know that we are coming to the end of the speeches. I can tell that everybody is having a great time here today and this is mainly down to the weeks and months of planning by Gareth and Gemma. They have done an incredible job to make it such a special day.

I will end with a quote for all you romantics out there.

“Marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, it's about finding the person you can't live without.”  Gareth has definitely found that person.

So it now gives me immense pleasure not to mention relief to invite you all to stand once more and raise your glasses in a toast, to love, laughter and happy ever after, to Mr & Mrs Rees