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Speech by Bill

I have a wedding speech which I thought would help all those who have been blessed with the daunting task of being the best man.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Bill
Speech Date: oct 2003
Good evening everybody, for those of you who don't know me I am one of Angelo's oldest friends, and tonight, I have the added bonus of calling myself his best man. I am here tonight to fulfil both these roles.

I have a couple of formal duties to perform and the first of these requires no effort at all. On the brides table you will notice three young ladies whose job it was to assist Amalia on her most memorable day. They have not only fulfilled their responsibilities, but tonight they have also brightened up the main table with their gorgeous looks. Ladies and gentlemen…….TO THE BEAUTIFUL BRIDESMAIDS!

I am also required, because I choose to do so, to thank the groomsmen. Their good humour & positive attitude could be said to have really made the day. On behalf of all 3 of us I would like to thank Angelo for choosing us, of all his friends, to stand by his side and naturally we would like to thank Amalia for supporting his decision. Ladies and gentlemen……..TO THE GROOMSMEN!

Okay, for those of you who don't know, Angelo spent a significant part of his youth growing up in the same street as Tony and myself. This gave us the chance to spend a great deal of time with each other and, of course, get up to mischief.

Unfortunately I am not permitted to go into details but I can say our many conquests included disrupting traffic, harassing pedestrians and on occasions defacing property. To this day, we have neighbours who cross the street when they see us and even turn around and go back from where they came.

I am sure they are just as pleased as we are to see that Angelo has finally married and moved out.

As well as giving the citizens of Hurstville a hard time, we would also give each other a hard time.

We would often make fun of our dancing abilities. None of us were ever graceful on the dance floor.

The tragedy of tonight is that we will all have to sit through at least one last dance before Angelo finally hangs up his dancing shoes.

I sincerely hope Amalia, for your sake, that Angelo's rhythm on the dance floor does not extend to the bedroom.

When describing Angelo, words like integrity, determination, intelligence and commitment roll easily off the tongue. Other words that may be appropriate for Angelo are:

Sensible – like the time he had too much to drink and he threw up in my car so that he wouldn't make a mess of himself.
Romantic – How he fell asleep in my arms after throwing up in my car.
Practical – How he takes reading material when he goes to the bathroom…killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Worldly – When he would stay up late to watch foreign movies on SBS
Expressive – What he would do to himself when he would watch foreign movies on SBS.

I want to be sincere for a moment if I may.

Today Angelo and Amalia were married. You only have to look at their faces to see it was the right thing for them to do. I am extremely honoured to have been part of such a wonderful event. Angelo and Amalia expressed their love and devotion to each other in the ultimate way. I call that significant.

Angelo, you are an extremely lucky man. Amalia is witty, charming, creative and down-to-earth. She obviously loves you and I know she will support you throughout your lives together. A woman like that deserves the best in a husband.

Amalia, you too are extremely lucky. Angelo's devotion to you is clear and I know that his dreams and aspirations lie in fulfilling your dreams and aspirations and that is an extremely rare quality in today's world.

Mr & Mrs Tambasco, you have every right to be proud of your little girl and the choices she has made.

Mr & Mrs Vitale, you are also bursting with pride I know. And if I may say this, based on what I know of Angelo, I believe he is the sort of son who will continue, even after he becomes a parent himself, to look to the people who raised him and made him the man he is today.

On this memorable occasion, I would simply like to wish the bride and groom a very happy future.

Thank you