Speech by Chris Cope
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Chris Cope
Speech Date: Jul2005
Good afternoon to all of you, welcome to this very special occasion to
celebrate the marriage of Victoria and Andrew.
We are very honoured to have Andy here today, as he should be
playing cricket for North Mymms against Basingstoke however they
have agreed for him to be here so long as I go and bat in his place
when the time comes. Hopefully I will get this speech done before the
phone rings and I have to dash over to the cricket ground.
Firstly let me extend a warm welcome to all of you, my family, my
wife Maureen's family, Rose and Paul's family, Stuart and Jane's
family all of Vicky and Andy's friends, particularly Dave
and Barb who have come all the way from Michigan to be here
today, also Father Charles and father Augustine who conducted the
service today.
Could we also think of those who cannot be here today I know they
will be thinking of us at this special time wherever they are.
Those who are no longer with us but who would have been so happy
and proud today@ Roses Mum and Dad Bill and Edith, Stuarts Dad
Teddy, Jane's Mum and Dad, Arthur and Stella.
Also my mum Doris who is not well enough to be here today, my
brother David and family who are on holiday sunning themselves in
Spain. I am not sure if they booked it the day before the
announcement or the day after! Anyway so long as they sent a
Also old friends of Rose and an ex tennis partner of mine from years
ago, Susan and John White who are also on holiday cycling in the
You will know that both Andy and Vicky's parents now have
new partners which must be good for wedding presents! You might
think this is a bad omen for them, but they have lived together for
some time now, obviously in separate rooms, and now they have
decided they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together, which
must be right for them.
My own theory is that they are now of an age when they know what
they really want out of life, I believe that in the 60’s and 70’s some
people got married far too young and were not ready for a lifetimes
commitment, but at that time most young people thought they had to
be married and have a family by the time they were 25 or be left on
the shelf.
Anyway to prove my theory correct I invite all of you to meet here
again on July 23rd 2030, to celebrate Vicky and Andy's Silver
Wedding Anniversary, I have already booked this venue for us.
Only wimps and those who dare to die in between will be excused
attendance. We will decide Who pays nearer the time!
This day is one I thought about nearly 30 years ago when my
beautiful daughter was born on the 9th September 1975. Rose I know
you will remember it very well, as in late July you were heavily
pregnant during a very hot and uncomfortable summer but today
I am sure that makes it all worthwhile.
Do you remember 1975, those of you that are old enough will. The 12
episodes of Fawlty Towers were first broadcast on TV, still my
favourite comedy@ remember the quizzes Vic? Ok what was the name
of Manuels pet rat? Basil
Tiger Woods, winner of the British Open was born
VHS and Betamax were introduced, remember the Ferguson
Videostar, bit different to sky plus eh kids!
The first woman Junko Tabei from Japan climbed Mount Everest.
The Austin Princess was the executive car of the day, what a heap
that was
Richard Burton and Elisabeth Taylor were married not sure whether
it was the 1st 2nd or 3rd time.
Number 1 in the charts at that time was Make me Smile come up and see me by Steve Harley and Cockney rebel. Also do you remember the bands
of the 70’s The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and of course The Who
and Pink Floyd who stole the show at the Live8 concert 3 weeks
ago still as good now as they were then, although I did think Robbie
and Madonna were excellent.
It was on that day in September that I thought one day I will have to
give our baby girl away when she meets the right man and now that
day has arrived 30 years later.
I am so proud of Vicki she has done so well in her career@she has
achieved so much and I am delighted that colleagues from Child
Based Nurseries are with us today. She trained as a nursery nurse,
worked her way up to become a nursery manager and is now an
NVQ assessor and Trainer.
She has won many awards with her company, recently a
special contribution award for 2004 and front page picture on her
company magazine TALK. On sale in the foyer priced ٣!
I am very pleased to welcome Andy to our family. He is a genuinely
great guy who I know will make our daughter very happy.
He is a very laid back person! I found this out when he took Vicki to
Cambridge to ask her to marry him. He left it till the last minute to
ask my permission and called my mobile just before popping the
question! But I was on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway at the
time, playing at my favorite hobby steam trains.
Unfortunately, I had left my phone in the hotel. However, when I got
back I had an urgent message to ring Vicki and she told me that he
had proposed to her and like the man from Delmonte, she said yes!
That meant an urgent call to my bank manager for a loan.
Andy did phone me later to apologise and ask belatedly for her hand.
Well as you can see I am a very proud Dad and Rose is a very proud
Mum and I would like to take this Opportunity to thank Maureen
and Paul for being a big influence in producing our 2 happily
married children Vicki and Simon with their futures ahead of them
and hopefully in time some Grandchildren for us to dote on along
with our little Harry, Sarah@Jane and Michels son.
Now I would like to ask Rose to join me to toast our daughter and her new husband on our very special day.
It is only right that we should toast the bride and groom but we
should also toast each of you here. wait for it…phone ok nearly
finished. I will have to hurry up as I am in next wicket down.
You have come here to help us celebrate this special occasion of those
we love, and who love each other.
By your presence, you show friendship and love and bring even
greater joy to us all.
Now it is at last my pleasant duty to propose the toast to the happy
couple, wait for it…This is our toast to you our daughter and son@in@
Here is to the past, for all you have learned, here is to the present for
all you share, here is to the future, for all that you look forward to
Ladies and gentleman, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to
the bride and groom,
Victoria Jane and Andrew Stuart Lewis.
Thank you.