Speech by Chris G
Speech was delivered from memory so verbatum may have been a little different depending on the crowds reaction and flow. Reception was in Ottawa Canada
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Chris G
Speech Date: 13/03/2017 16:19:09
I'd like to start off by thanking you all for being here. I know a lot of you weren't able to make it out to Mexico with us but really, this is the event that matters. I'd also like to thank every that has spoken tonight, it can take a lot of courage to stand up here and I know it means a lot to the newlyweds.
So I'd like you all to bear with me, I've never had to perform the duties of best man and to be honest I've never actually been to a wedding where there are more white people than Asian. I know most of you didn't get that joke so let me introduce myself, my name is Chris G, and I am Jamie's one and only half-Asian best friend.
Now before I go any further, I would like to point out how beautiful my family is today. That would be the maid of honour Stacey and the adorable flower girl Sophia. The only one here tonight that outshines them all would be, of course, the bride herself Krista. Let me point out how great you look in your dress today and I know everyone here would agree.
So I guess this is where I'm supposed to complement the groom….so here it goes….Jamie you look alright but I really do like your nice hair.
Now I know the point of the best man speech is to poke fun at the groom, and I certainly do that on a regular basis but today I will save you all the trouble of hearing about Jamie's shenanigan….not because I think he deserves to be spared, but mostly because I was there for all of them so I'd really just be incriminating myself.
So I decided I would stick to his positive traits. Jamie being the leader that he is, and a great one at that, always like to show that he is one step above everyone around him. So much so that one day he decided he had to shatter his collar bone just to say he was a better snowboarder. Or another time, he wanted to prove that he could skateboard like he could in high school and decided to hit a 5ft jump and well let's just say I'm amazed his ankle wasn't broken, not that he would go and get it checked if it was.
Now Jamie does have a lot of good qualities. One of them, which just so happens to drive me insane, is his ability to play golf better than me and everyone I know. No matter how hard I try and no matter how much I piss him by off by talking during backswing, he always seems to get the ball into that hole. I've just learned to tell myself that he's cheating to make me feel better. But as I always say, my friend, golf will be your ticket to a better future.
All jokes aside though, Jamie really does have a big heart. You can see it every day when he's with Krista. If it's the generous gifts he gets her, or the romantic dinners they go on and the one that tops them all was his amazing wedding proposal last year, did that one ever catch Krista off guard. Now I'm not going to lie, I knew I would be the best man and not being the biggest fan of public speaking I knew I had to get that idea out of his head. But it didn't matter how hard I tried to convince him otherwise nothing seemed to overcome that glimmer is his eyes. Jamie was determined to get married because Jamie was indeed in love.
Now this love didn't just happen overnight. As long as I can remember it's always been Jamie and Krista or Krista and Jamie depending on how you look at it. I have certainly seen the good, and definitely seen the bad and unfortunately seen the ugly out of these two, but at the end of the day, when all the dust and smoke settles they always emerge smiling and holding hands. Now I know I'm young and I certainly have no experience in this department but I believe that is the foundation to a long and prosperous marriage. I have always said that if you can make it as long as these two have you can certainly make it till death do you part. I'm going to have to say for once, this couple, as dense as they can be sometimes, learned a thing or two from their parents…Mike and Elaine, Dave and Cheryl, you 4 should be proud. Let get a round of applause for them.
Now before I let you all go tonight, I would like to remind Jamie one more time just in case it got lost in the fog of Mexico. Remember this will be you one day in my shoes given a cheesy speech to my family….except unfortunately for you only half of them speak English so you better start brushing up on your Chinese.
So ladies and gentleman, it give me great pleasure to invite you to stand and to raise your glasses. Let make a toast to my best friend James and his amazing bride Krista. Mr. and Mrs. S, we wish you good luck, a great future and hope you enjoy long and happy marriage.