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Speech by Chris McKellips

Dear Hitched This is the Best Man's speech/poem that I gave recently. It received many laughs. I think it is great that you have these examples for people to look over. It really help to take away some of the fears of doing this by having some other examples to follow. Enjoy, - Chris McKellips

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Chris McKellips
Speech Date: Oct 1998
Could I get everyone's attention for just a moment please! I'm the Best man, my name is Chris. I would like to start by saying to Jay
and Kari, that it was truly honor to be chosen as your best man. I would also like to thank everyone for coming today, to share this special occasion with Jay and Kari. I know it means a lot to them. I would like to read to you something I have written . . .

I'm not much of a poet, and why you will soon see,
But I'm asking you all to please, to be patient and bear with me.
I'm going to attempt to tell you, as best as I can,
Just why Jay and Kari asked me, to be their best man.

I've known Jay for well over 20 years, as we hung out around here or there,
I knew him back when he was shorter, didn't wear glasses, and even had straight HAIR!
We've always been good friends, ever since the 4th grade,
Where all sorts of games, in the playground we once played.

And it seems so long ago, it just occurred to me,
How we used sit by the TV, and play the ATARI .
Things would get better though, as technology advanced more and more,
Now I had a tape drive and a printer, it was the mighty Commodore 64.

Video games were fun, but that's not all we did,
Dodge ball, tag, and kickball, were always fun for a kid.
There was kick-the-can at the bus stop, and football in the street,
Jay and I had a passing game, that very few could ever beat.

We raced RC cars, and shot rockets up to heaven,
We drove around our go-carts, all this before we were eleven.
Our teenage years weren't much different, all that changed were the toys,
For as you know, we may grow to be men, but inside we're still boys.

The hobbies, the snowmobiles, and even our Chevy muscle car,
For where ever one of us would go, the other wouldn't be far.
When we decided to get jobs, we both went up, to the local Taco Bell,
The pay was a joke, and when you left work, you would almost always smell.

I have many memories from High School, and here are only a few,
Of the more memorable experiences, that I want to share with you.
I once had a 2 wheel drive Chevy van, I would pretend was a 4×4 truck,
One evening in the Osseo gravel pits, is where we finally got stuck.

Of course there was the time we cashed our checks, for you see it was payday,
And we picked up a hitchhiker with a shotgun, who took it all away.
Another time we were on the splatball field, where Jay showed his true guts,
In fact, he hardly flinched at all, when he got shot in the nuts!
(Don't worry Kari, the doctor said he should be getting better any day now!!)

Now I know that this poem has run on, for far too long,
But, I would like to say a few words about Jay, before we move on.
Jay, you've always been patient, dependable, loyal, and even more,
Gee, the way I talk about him, you would think he were a Labrador.
You've grown up to be a hardworking, honest, and good natured man,
I guess I'll have to excuse the fact, that you used to be a Packer's fan!

But that's enough about Jay, let's move on to Kari, his beautiful bride,
It is very apparent to me, just how happy he is, to have you at his side,
Now I know that I don't know you that well, not nearly as well as Jay,
But I have no doubt in my mind, that we too, will be good friends someday.

Even though I haven't been around you for long, it wasn't long before I knew,
Your kindness, compassion, and sensitivity, are qualities possessed by few.
Your intelligence, and your judge of character, are two of reasons why,
I credit you on ending up, with such a genuinely nice guy.

And last, with some marital advice, I'll bring this poem to an end,
A successful marriage is one, where your wife is also your best friend.
Marriage won't be perfect, and there will be fights, but don't you fear,
Just remember Jay, you can always get the last two words in . . . . . YES DEAR.

Please stand now, and join me in a toast to the new bride and groom. Jay and Kari, I wish you all the joy that marriage can bring, and also many many years of happiness. CHEERS!!