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Speech by Craig

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Craig
Speech Date: Apr 2009
Mark Twain once said “It takes a good 3 weeks to write an impromptu speech,” but he was wrong – Trust me, it can take much longer.

Ladies and Gentlemen: As most of you will recall from the receiving line, my name is Craig. In spite of my fear of heights, Paul has bestowed on me the highest honour of standing with him as The Best Man. This of course in no way implies that Paul is second-best. Don't let his unassuming demeanor fool you. He is the Man of the Hour. My job is more like Best Friend in a supporting role, though no Oscar is involved.

Knowing me as well as he does, I initially suspected Paul chose the November wedding date ten months ago to give me enough time to prepare for my contributions to this most auspicious occasion, but no. Turns out that Nadia and Paul met in November 2004, got engaged in November 2006, and therefore they thought it only fitting to start their new life together in November 2007. Although I certainly needed all the advance notice I could get, It wasn't about me after all!… but I digress.

It's great to see so many friends and family present today to bid Nadia and Paul Godspeed as they embark upon their brand new adventure. As Matron of Honour, Claire has added a gracious accent of fall colour to our festivities no doubt in defiance of the weather outside and Nadia obviously appreciates her sister's support on this, her Wedding Day – just as Paul, likewise, is delighted that his brothers have welcomed Nadia with open arms as one of their own.

As for Paul, I've known the Groom over half my life so far, having met back in grade ten. The Good Book speaks of a friend who is “closer than a brother,” and that is who Paul became over the years. He has been with me through good times and bad, and everything in between. He's been my electrician, my technical support, chauffeur, and confidant. We've worked together, played together, traveled together, even attended church together… but when it came to sky-diving he was on his own – one has to draw the line somewhere!

Although I have not know Nadia nearly as long as Paul, I soon came to recognize her as a generous, good-natured, fun-loving and down-to-earth person with a good head on her shoulders. She is also a woman of mystery, for who can understand how she has managed to evade capture for so long? Paul is fortunate indeed that she hadn't been scooped up long before now. I guess that's an indication that today's happy couple were “meant to be.”

Now Nadia won't have too much trouble domesticating Paul as his former bachelor days – LOOK AT WATCH now officially over – have taught him how to make a bed, do laundry, perform basic household repairs, fill and empty a dishwasher, cook up a culinary delight and select just the right wine to complement it. He even comes with his own “Tim-The-Tool-Man-Taylor” BBQ.

Of course, she may have to patiently prod him out of a state of inertia from time to time, but isn't that the lot of all married women? there's one… LOOK AROUND THE ROOM Yes, there's another… I thought that last comment would prompt more than a few discrete nods of affirmation from the ladies… COVER MIKE Take it easy my love – you'll get whiplash.

I alluded earlier to Paul's foray into sky-diving. Yes, you have to be a person with a lot of guts to take a leap of faith like that, which becomes all too evident the first time you don't land well. I guess that goes for marriage too… which brings me to my next point.

Having achieved almost 30 years of wedded bliss myself LOOK TO WIFE – I got that right, didn't I Lovie?… Just checking – I feel it behooves me to share with our newlyweds my ever so humble opinion as to what makes a marriage work:

Beyond question, love is fundamental. After Paul told me of their engagement, I asked him, “You DO love her, right?” and without a moment's hesitation he looked me straight in the eye and said with the utmost conviction, “Absolutely!” LEAN IN TO PAUL Didn't think I was taking notes, did you?

The next essential, based on the first, is genuine devotion – a determined dedication to the object of one's love. Marriage was never intended to be a 50/50 proposition – from the very beginning each should strive for a 100% commitment enabling them to work through whatever challenges and obstacles life throws at them. Your partner is now number one in your life. Of course, no one is perfect, and there will be times when one lets the other down, but if both are committed 100%, success is virtually guaranteed.

Another imperative for a good marriage is a mutual agreement on the basics of what life is really all about, seeing life as “us and ours” instead of “yours plus mine,” the courage to admit when you've made a mistake, a ready willingness to forgive when you feel wronged, a perpetual desire to seek the other's happiness above your own – not always easy when a TV remote is involved – and a shared sense of humour to keep you young as you grow old together.

Odd. I appear to be somewhat… taller than when I started. LOOK DOWN Oh… Sorry. I seem to have inadvertently gotten up on my soapbox. My wife Judith warned me this might happen. Guess it's time to wrap this up.

It's been said that the best marriages are those in which both parties are convinced they got the better of the deal and from what I know of Nadia and Paul, they both lucked out today. Paul once shared a song with me called, “My Future is so Bright I Need Sunglasses,” and with Paul already beaming with pride and Nadia so radiant… PUT ON SUN GLASSES it seems their bright future together is well under way. Please join me in wishing them all the best in the years ahead. They certainly deserve it. LIFT GLASS To Nadia and Paul!

One final note… on behalf of all present, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our hosts, for reminding us all once again of life's priorities – love, marriage and family – and for… literally… affording us the opportunity to participate in this milestone event in your lives. Alla Salute.