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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: DANIEL JIANU
Speech Date: 28/09/2014 00:16:48
Ladies and Gentlemen Is very difficult to speak in front of such a large audience specially when they expect you to say something funny and you try to be so serious !so please don't judge me to hush ! I would like to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic day it's been, a lovely ceremony, Lucy ,Alex, Congratulations to the both of you! . This afternoon at the ceremony, I think everyone will agree that the bride looked absolutely stunning… The groom just looked stunned. I want to say thank you, to Lucy and Alex for being kind enough to let me play a part in their big day ! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Daniel, and for those people who have not already guessed it , Alex's best man.In short, that means it was my responsibility to ensure he got to the ceremony on time this afternoon, looking smart, and handsome, with the hansom part I didn't do to mach he's got it any way!,look at him! Alex you know haw the old people say to the young once, you get or you not get married , life goes by any way ! so I am happy for you that you took the right decision! Of course, there is no doubt that marriage is a wonderful thing. It is supposed to be pure and simple, and that's what we have today. Lucy is pure, and Alex is . . well a nice guy As most of you know ,Alex is a volcanic guy and I don't know anybody who can stop him when he get nervous , that why probably he change his job several times in the last 2 years,so I am happy to see that he finally find someone who can calm him down!Lucy I have to admit that you are the only person that I know who can calm down this guy.
Now please let me to share with you a few taught and saying about the marriage:
Somebody saidd once that, When you get married is like when you go to a car expo, so you see all those beautiful cars and you choose the best one for you ,and you love it, you take care of her, you get her accessories and other stuff to keep her close to your hard ,and then years goes by and the new models arrives so you want to try something new but you now you can do it because you have the best one for you already , who's get more valuable with time like a great classic Mustang for example ! so Alex make sure you take care of what you choose already! By the way seance you got your driving licence you are not the sports bicycle man you use to be, you put a bit of wait on! Haw is your daily diet any way? Ai don't want an answer from you I've been with you to buy your suit it only took a couple of hours to find the right size! Another guy sad that the wedding rings are the smallest handcuffs in the world Marriage is like a phone call in the night: first the ring, and then you wake up Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener. You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to. The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. Marriage is like a hot bath. Once you get used to it, it's not so hot. All off this being said I have just one more thing to add. Do you know? How much they love each other? I can say that is big big love because I look at their daughter Gabriela and that I think say's everything ! Thank you for being so patient with me Finally it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to stand .Please raise your glasses to Alex and Lucy The new mister and misses Sarbu Just one more thing! thank you all for coming here today for this very special occasion and now please let our host to reorganize the room for the evening reception which will commence at around 7 30 and please be here at 8 00 when the cake will be cut!