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Speech by Dave Chambers

Hitched, Firstly may I thank you for giving me the inspiration and ideas for making a best mans speech at my best friends wedding on 14th April 2001. Please find my speech enclosed. If you think it's good enough for inclusion on your site that would be great and if somebody else can use it to help them - then even better! Regards, Dave Chambers.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Dave Chambers
Speech Date: Apr 2001
Good afternoon Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, hotel staff..…

And for those who don't know me, my name is Dave.

I would like to start by thanking everyone on behalf of the bride and groom for being here and sharing their special day.

Personally I wish you'd all stayed at home and made my day less nerve wracking.

It is customary for the best man to drag up some embarrassing stories from the grooms past and to carry out a character assasination……..But out of respect for Lee on this big day I'm afraid I'm not going to.

I'm not going to mention Lee getting hoplessly drunk, staying at my parents house and nearly being caught in the shower, with the dog, trying to clean sick off them both…Or celebrating the birth of my eldest son by passing out at the white horse, sleeping on the bar floor and falling 20 feet down a ravine.
I'm sure if you have a word with him later he'll fill you in with the gory details from these momentous occasions, then if you speak to me I'll tell you what really happened..

We actually met through our mutual love of alcohol. It doesn't seem possible that nearly 17 years have passed since the first meeting at the Black Horse Pub.

Lets go back to the beginning- 1969 – this seemed to be the year of 2’s: 2 planes had their maiden voyage -Concorde & the 747
2 gangster were imprisoned – the krays
2 little boys were christmas no1
the QE2 had it's maiden voyage
2 famous ears became the prince of wales
But the single biggest event was the birth of Lee.

Although we lived in the same area we went to different schools so I've had to rely on Lees own version of events there.… Apparently he excelled in everything he did, be it sports academics or the arts. He left school to the great sadness of his headmaster armed with 14 o level grade 1’s …..Alledgedly!

We've been through a lot together…Tuborg lager….Shell suits….1 or 2 Dodgy cars….1 or 2 dodgy haircuts…(I will admit Lee beat me on that one! )…and whole weekends lost playing video games.…

There were also the forrays to the nightclubs of Leicester where we shared the same great dancing skills where rhythym and style are of no importance whatsoever. Always finishing the night off with a bite to eat..Usually a kentucky fried chicken, gourmet express pizza and a mac n tuck.

And this wasn't an “either- or- selection” as we normally did all 3 on the 300 yard walk to the taxi rank.…

But this lifestyle couldn't go on forever. It seems fitting that I met my wife Wendy, through my passion for alcohol, she worked at the local pub and it was through Lees’ passion for food he met Louise at Richard Roberts canteen where she worked as a chef.

Romanced blossomed and I could tell that Lee had at last met
It was not long before they took that big step towards a long term relationship…no not marriage proposals..the arrival of baby James.
Thay are a brilliant couple and I am proud to call them friends.

Lee, you have pulled a blinder in marrying Louise. You have found someone who is Beautiful, Smart , Funny , Loving and caring and a match for you any day of the week.
Louise you have found………..Well you found Lee.

Lee, a bit of advice- remember those three little words YOU'RE RIGHT LOUISE

I started planning this speech some 3 months ago…and you must feel like I've been delivering it equally as long…but it now gives me great pleasure…not to mention relief….to invite you all to charge your glasses and be upstanding as we toast the new couple mr & mrs mcnulty… no less… I have no doubt that your love will be modern enough to survive the times and old fashioned enough to last forever..