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Speech by David Charlton

Dear Hitched, You are amazing!!!! I must have spent 5 hours on your site in preparation for my speech. I picked the jokes that I found funniest and put them together in my speech. One main objective that I wanted to achieve was to have minimum embarrassment for the groom, as he is my best friend, no swearing or references to sex. Basically a clean funny, and genuine speech. I had some sentimental things to say, which I felt was important to balance the speech. I was surprised at the success. The wedding organiser scored my speech a 9/10. Everyone was shaking my hand and saying i

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: David Charlton
Speech Date: Mar 2001
For those of you who don't know me or haven't heard of me before, my name is David and I have been chosen from a long line of Jon's closest friends to fulfill the role of best man. David Beckham, Eric Clapton, Graham Kendrick to name but a few, but after they all refused due to prior engagements, Jon had to settle for me.

I would like to thank Jon on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind comments and echo the fact that they look wonderful. I remember them all sharing a sisterly moment, just before the wedding. They were having a furious argument about who was going to be first to dance with the best man … I got closer and heard them saying, “You!”, “no you!”.

I remember many a time when Jon and myself were younger, we didn't always get on. I remember times where I would call Jon smelly, he would call me “big ears”, and we would both run home crying to our mummies! But sure enough, the next day, Jon would email me from work and we would make up!

Jon and I met at Dot and Malcolm's house one new years eve, where a party game was organised and we had to pair up into teams. Wanting to win, I approached this intelligent, good looking, popular guy and invited him to join me, but Wes Hayes was already paired up so I had to settle for Jon.

Jon's strongest subject at school was not math's. I remember one lunchtime at Pizza hut, the waiter came with Jon's pizza and asked him if he wanted it cut into 4 or 8 pieces. Jon replied, “better make it 4, I don't think I could eat 8!”

Jon was born on the 14th November 1978, when he came into this world he was about the size of a small child. He shares his birthday with none other than His Royal Highness himself, the Prince of Wales. His most outstanding achievements include, gaining the affections of such a beautiful woman as Lana, using up one third of the planets electricity supply with his hair dryer, and of course blowing up the PA system at His People church.

Jon is a naturally talented musician who has a huge destiny ahead of him. I believe that leading worship for His People is a mere stepping stone toward much greater things. He was successful in gaining a position at Imperial College in London to study Materials Engineering, and this is where he met Lana. Lana tells me that when she first saw him, he was handsome from afar … or was that far from handsome???

Jon was obviously keen on Lana quite early on. But after an initial knock back from Lana, Jon played it cool. Even though they spent a lot of time together in the ensuing months, Jon had convinced himself that their relationship wasn't going to blossom into anything else. In the end it was Lana who got fed up of waiting for Jon to ask her out so she asked him, and it is no secret that they have something very special together.

Jon is a very imaginative person, in fact so imaginative that whilst on holiday, he started banging on Tom and Matts door in the middle of the night, petrified of two 6-foot gophers chasing him. I kid you not.

Jon is the kind of man that anyone would be proud to know. Truly blessed are people who can call him their friend. I have known Jon for just five years, half of which we have been living 100 miles apart, and I can call him my brother, and I love him dearly. I would like to extend my thanks to his friends and new family down here for looking after him so well.

Congratulations to you both, Jon you are marrying a beautiful, intelligent, Godly, talented, exceptional woman … Lana you are marrying Jon.

Just before I move on to reading out the cards I would like to close with one piece of advice that most of the married men in this room will all have learnt themselves, the best way to remember your wedding anniversary … is to forget it once.

Would you all please raise your glasses … to the bride and groom.