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Speech by David Cohen

Your website was a great resource. It was a jewish wedding thats why my speech is in a different order than usual Thanks

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: David Cohen
Speech Date: Oct2006
Mr Chairman, Reverend Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen…….…
For those of you that don't know me, and probably for most of you who do know me, my name is David, and I have the privilege of being Daniels best man today. Now this is only going to be a short speech because of my throat.

If I go on too long Phillipa's threatened to cut it!

Now I think you'll all agree.. that today Justine looks absolutely stunning!

Before Daniel met you Justine let me tell you what he was like. He was miserable, downcast, sarcastic and could be very cutting with his remarks. I think it's just great that you haven't tried to change him! I am forever reminding Dan how lucky he is to have found someone as special as you. This was confirmed to me even more so by an email i received from you 5 days ago.

Please can you verify its authentisity Jus. Thank-you E-MAIL AS FOLLOWS

From: Justine
Sent: 07 November 2006 10:00

Subject: you need anymore for your speech..…

So this morning whilst i'm sat doing my make up, Daniel is in the bathroom washing his face when he sneezes, bangs his head on the taps of the sink, falls backwards and lands on his lower back! He's currently lying on the bed with mixed veg on his bum and sprouts on his head with a lovely lump protruding from his forehead!!!


I remember seeing Daniel the day after Justine first introduced him to her parents and he was very unhappy at how it had gone. I asked him what the problem was and he told me that all was well until Phillipa and Justine left the room. He said that big Steve squared up to him in the lounge, stood toe to toe with him, eyeball to eyeball and asked him the following question &quotWhat are your intentions towards my daughter. Are they honourable or dishonerable?&quot. The reason why Daniel was so upset was because he didn't realise he had a choice.

Daniel was delighted about being made a partner at his firm recently and i couldn't help but think that he's come a long way from packing bra's and knickers in Cheetham Hill. He still tells me that that summer job was the best job he has ever had. On his firms website there is a profile of Daniel where he lists some of his personal preferences. Only Daniel could list his hobbies as eating and sleeping!

By the way Dan, do you know the meaning of ‘The Honeymoon?’ No well it's the holiday a man takes before he starts work for a new boss!

Now for those of you that don't know, Daniels knickname is ”The Radish”. Now a radish is a great way to describe the football allegiances of the two families here today. For one, a radish is red and white, which sybolizes that Daniel is United to the core. As for Justines side of the family, well, like a radish, their just bitter.

Daniels favorite band is Queen and they have many song titles that are relevant to today. None more so than famous songs such as ”I want to break free” or ”Another one bites the dust”. Personally though i think the more appropiate tracks for Dan and Jus today are ”Somebody to love” and ”Your my best friend”.

I'd like to offer my sincere congratulations to the bride and groom. I was honoured to be asked to be Dan's best man and I'd like to thank him for being the great friend he has been since we were 5 years old.

So to wrap this up, I'd just like to say to you Dan that marriage is not about finding someone you can live with, it's about finding someone you can't live without. And our kid, i think you've done just that.

Ladies and Gentleman, I now ask for you to join me in a toast to the Bride and Groom…….… the new Mr and Mrs. Radiven.
