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Speech by David Ingham

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: David Ingham
Speech Date: Sep2005
Good afternoon everybody

As most of you have guessed already from the ceremony I am Rodgers best man, however for those of you who don't know me personally my name is David and I would like to begin, on behalf of Rodger and Sarah, by thanking you all for being here and sharing their special day with them.

And on behalf of myself and the bridesmaids, Nari spelling? , kim and louise, thank you Rodge for your kind words. Im sure everyone agrees that the girls look fabulous and have done a brilliant job getting her here today, I believe she put up quite a struggle knowing what the outcome would be !

And im sure I speak on behalf of both myself and Rodger in giving special thanks to those good folks down at the immodium factory for the help and support they have given us in the build up to this moment.

Having never been a best man before and not having a clue what I was doing I decided to turn to Rodgers Mum and Dad to see if I could find any cute photographs of Rodge to show you. There was this one cute one of Rodge lying naked on a sheepskin rug, eating a chocolate biscuit and dribbling, but I decided not to show it today as it might have too embarrassing, he was 24 at the time !

So having no luck with the picture's, I decided to put the rest of the speech into a rhyme.

Its about nine years since Rodge and I first met, our friendship grew as I recall in a tent getting soaking wet.

In a field at reading festival back in ?6 , listening to ash, kula Shaker and Dodgy's latest hits.

We've had some good time's over the years, like in Turkey when Rodge had too many beers. Afternoon shoppers filled the street, Rodge staggered from a bar unsteady on his feet. At first he wobbled , then he groaned and then was really sick .. I've never seen a busy street empty quite as quick !

Since then we've had a lot of laugh's , Rodge , Ian, Andy and me. On Sundays down at garnet Street watching footy on tv.

Well now I have a secret to tell everybody…

Rodge has a hidden passion for dressing up as Noddy ! show picture of Rodge dressed in fancy dress as noddy

It hasnt been all smile's for Rodge, he has had some bad luck, when he hit a rock in the road hidden by a truck, His Clio coughed and spluttered home and things seemed preety dire, when he thought it couldn't get much only set on fire !

But when Rodge met Sarah he had struck gold and has put behind him the days of old. After wild nights on the town im glad to see Rodge settled down….His love's in life now to be ,Sarah, the Clarets and Sky Tv !

Yet still there are exciting times to come in January you'll be a new Dad and Mum.

Lets not forget today you've also gained a son, the best you could wish for , as you all have lots of fun.

Now I'll draw my speech to an end

My dedication to a great friend. I'd like to say you've a beautiful wife and wish you both a wonderful life

There's one more thing I would like to say…that's congratulations enjoy the rest of your day.

Thank you