Speech by David
This was a joint speech from the two grooms.
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: David
Speech Date: 15/05/2018 19:55:19
Dear relatives, friends. On behalf of my husband and I, thank you all for joining us today to celebrate our marriage!
Now as is custom, there will be a few toasts during our speech, so please don't neck the whole glass at the first toast because there's not much of the bubbles left, so you probably won't get a refill.
It's a privilege to be in the company of so many people that are important in our lives and we're delighted to welcome you here to share our special day with us.
We have people that have travelled from around the globe from as far away as New Zealand, Los Angeles, New York, Holland, Ireland and Southgate!!
It's great to see you all and we can honestly say it would not have been the same without you. Of course we had to have the wedding north of the river because North Londoners don't go south.
So the first toast is to all of you, for making it here today, on this, our special day. Please raise your glasses to yourselves, our friends and family.
To start with, I would like to take this opportunity to say that unfortunately, there are some people close to our hearts who cannot be with us today.
Firstly, our parents Christina, Christina and Billy, Gary, Julian, Dee and Paul, to name but a few, who are no longer with us, along with family and friends that were not able to attend today.
Our thoughts are with them and we know they would have enjoyed today immensely.
Ladies and gentlemen… please raise your glasses to our lost and absent friends and family.
Having no parents here does mean that the speeches are going to be quicker, because we don't have to thank them for the wedding, but we would like to say a special posthumous thank you for all their love and support over the years. They were always there when we've needed them.
They got us through thick and thin. We feel extremely lucky to have had such wonderful parents.
They taught us so much and always encouraged us to make the most of every opportunity we had.
We really believe that they've made us the people that we are today, and we thank them endlessly for that.
Those of you who know me well, know how easy I am to live with. I'm an easy going, unfussy, take it as it comes sort of person who's not in the least bit stubborn!!
So if anyone had told me at the beginning of 2009, that I was just about to meet someone, who would become my life partner and that we would be married 7 and a half years later, I would have laughed at them and said, not in a year of Sundays, but here we are.
On a serious note, events like today don't just happen. We have been planning this wedding for some months now. Well, I say “we”.
I thought we had agreed to have a small, simple affair, but for the last year, every time I came home from work, there was another parcel delivery of things for the wedding.
So to all the online shopping sites, thank you for delivering the biggest simple event I have ever seen.
Now on to the star of the today, my handsome new husband.
They say that your life partners often have similarities to parents and Philip is very much like my late mother. No, it's not her shampoo and set, the sense of style or Irish lilt, and she certainly didn't have such a full beard. Like her, he is loving, hardworking, loyal and one of the most generous people I have known. He is a man who is truly like no other.
Philip, I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons, you know me and understand me like no one else ever could, you believe in my dreams and care about my feelings, you make me laugh and smile but mostly you have a way of bringing out the very best in me.
To quote Lord Tennyson, “If I had a flower for each time I thought of you, I would walk in my garden forever”.
I love you with all my heart. Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive and for loving me as much as I love you. I know this is the start of many more happy years together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding, for the most important toast I'm ever likely to make, to my husband Philip.
Philip's private bit
I've just got something I have to clear up here. Seven and a half years ago, when I stumbled into that glamorous drinking haven, The Bulldog in Brighton. My eyes meet with this sparkly blue eyed man, with a smile from ear to ear. I believe, looking back now that I knew then I had found someone very special.
We meet up a few times after and things were going well, but Philip being Philip, explained to David, my friends came first and if he wanted to hang around and see where this goes, be my guest.
David looked at me and thought.… tosser, but I continued to explain. We have to do things together like go on holidays, theatre, concerts, cities, bars, clubs and live life to the full. Be there through the good times and pick up the pieces when there are bad times, before I could think of putting him before the friends that I've had in my life for many years, and that have always been there for me.
As time went by, all that has been mentioned David and I have experienced one by one, ten times over, and we are still standing strong.
I'd like to thank you for the past 7 and a half years, with all my heart. That is why I asked you to marry me..… (yes, I asked him), because I have just married someone who supports me in what I do, accepts me for who I am and wants me as I come.
David, you are my soulmate, the ying to my yang and I married my best friend. In true George (Michael) words..… I'm your man!!
Tradition now dictates that I now tell you an amusing story or two about Philip, or ‘Him indoors’ as he will now be known. However, I'll leave that for his best man to do (or indeed any of you if you want to be in the spotlight) and move swiftly on to our best people.
To the flower girls Sophie and Scarlett who look adorable and our very smart Usher Tom, who have all had such an important jobs today, which they performed perfectly. Thank you for helping to make our day special. We have a little gift for each of you, so could you come up to get them?
To our Best Men Greg and Simon. Thank you for your friendship and support over the years. For being our sounding boards, the voice of reason, partners in crime and for keeping us sane and importantly, for making sure today is going without a hitch. You truly are the best of men and we have a little something to say thank-you to you both, so if you wouldn't mind stepping forward.
Lastly, have you seen out beautiful wedding cake? It is the creation of David's amazing sister Ann Marie.
She is another inspiring woman, who is the heart and soul of family. We can't thank you enough for making it for us.
We haven't been able to persuade her to do this as a business, but we think she could make a killing at it. If you agree with us, let her know.
In the meantime, we have a little something for you to say thank you for all your hard work and for just being you, so if you wouldn't mind stepping forward.
Can we please raise a glass to the best people, Sophie, Scarlett, Tom, Simon, Greg and Ann.
As a thank you to all of you, there is a supply of Beer and Wine, that is being put out for you to enjoy, and soft drink are available from the bar. Please help yourselves.
After the speeches we will be cutting the cake so you can raise your sugar levels, then we'll have our first dance, followed by the traditional Greek wedding dance. After that we will be handing over to our top Ibiza DJ, Mr Rob Sykes, who will playing classic dance anthems into the early hours.
We would like to thank you once again. We hope you have a great evening.
It now gives us great pleasure to hand over to the best men starting with Greg. Only joking Greg, don't panic. I think its Simon that has a few words to say.