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Speech by Derek Wolfson

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Derek Wolfson
Speech Date: Nov2004
Welcome family and friends.
I am so pleased you could all spare the time from late night shopping .

My name is Derek and believe it or not, I am the father of this beautiful bride.
My wife, xxxxx and I are really delighted you are able to share this joyful day with us.
This is a marriage joining two families who have left their roots and started new lives in our adopted country Australia.
I would like to acknowledge all those who have braved cramped airplanes and jet lag to be here today. I welcome you and thank you for coming. Also regrets that other members of the family were unable to make the journey in particular xxxxxs grandparents in the UK, xxxx and xxxxxx and xxxxxs grandmothers in South Africa, xxxx and xxxx.
Also special greetings and welcome to my new family. In particular I acknowledge xxxx's parents xxxx and xxxx. I would like to thank them firstly for their son xxxx and also for all their help and support with putting on this simcha.

I would like to thank Rabbi xxxxxx who has always been there for our spiritual needs for performing the ceremony.

I feel as emotional today as I did 25 years ago when I watched xxxxxx ease her way into this world.

Some of you may have heard me describe xxxxxx at her engagement party as being someone very special, beautiful, adventurous and high spirited. Well that hasn't changed. But I must also praise her organizing skills and ability. She has done a lot of the organization for today with a little bit of help from her friends while xxxxx and I were overseas. And a very good job she has made of it.
Together with xxxx she has chosen a beautiful location for the chupa and a perfect spot for the reception with Sydney harbour as a backdrop.

I have known xxxxxx a long time. That may sound a strange thing to say but some daughters become estranged from their families. That never happened with xxxxxx. She was a delightful baby, a happy and bright child, and a spirited teenager and now has twentied her way to womanhood.
xxxxx and I looked over a whole stack of old family photos recently and xxxxx stands out in all of them as the girl we never had to get to say cheese. She was always happy and smiling. As far as we are concerned she has enriched our lives and we are so proud of her.

As a toddler she could often be seen sitting in my waiting room with the patients, or in the corner of the surgery watching me work. The only problem occurred when she needed a nappy change. It certainly kept the patient's mind off their treatment and she was more interesting than a fish tank.

It may be news to xxxxx but xxxxxx was pregnant at the age of 3 at the same time as xxxxx. Observing the newborn zzzz, xxxxxx decided she had given birth to a carrot instead. I hope she has better luck next time.

xxxxx was dux of her primary school. Whether this initiated her competitive instincts or they were always there I don't know. But she liked to excel at everything. Following in the footsteps of her big brother xxxxx to xxxx Street High School, she thrived in the intellectual environment there. In her later school years, there were some unexplained absences and some years later we did find some old sick notes from xxxxx's stationery that had a signature on them that wasn't quite xxxxx's signature.

xxxxx went on to complete the newly introduced Batchelor of Liberal Studies at Sydney University.
That's liberal with a small L.
I sometimes thought she was doing leisure studies with a capital L.

xxxx and xxxxx came to England last year and I got to know this man who was brave enough to take on xxxxx. One of the trips we did together was to the Tower of London. I noticed xxxx took great interest in the spot where Anne Boleyn was beheaded on the orders of her husband, Henry the VIII.
So watch out xxxxx.
On the other hand xxxxx was very interested in the instruments of torture especially the rack.
So watch out xxxx.

I decided to put xxxx through some tests.
Firstly the shopping test: We did the boutiques and boot shops of fashionable Hampstead. I noticed xxxx was able to maintain his interest and enthusiasm while xxxxx tried on the shop. Also his plastic did not go into melt down. A good sign.
Another test involved showing xxxx a video I made of xxxxx having her wisdom tooth extracted.
He didn't go pale or faint so I think he should be all right for any further extractions or deliveries.

The last test was the critical one. The rugby world cup was on and South Africa was playing an early morning game. I said to xxxx – Do you want to stay in that nice warm bed with xxxxx or do you want to get up in the freezing cold and watch the rugby? Well xxxx passed that one with flying colours and joined me to watch the rugby.

After spending this time with them I realized how close they were and they already seemed a natural couple made for each other. It was the mature way they were able to deal with the inevitable disagreements that all couples have.
Having been married 33 years to the same woman by the way I can give xxxxx and xxxx some advice.

In the first year the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year the woman speaks and the man listens.
In the third year they both speak and the neighbours listen.

As they have had a lengthy engagement they won't repeat the quarrel a husband and wife once had.
“I was a fool when I married you” the wife shouted.
The husband replied: “Yes dear but I was in love at the time and didn't notice.”

xxxx and I have a happy marriage. We still eat out and go dancing every week.
She goes on Mondays and Wednesdays and I go on Tuesdays and Fridays.

You know a lot of couples are surprised when they see the marriage certificate. There's no expiry date.
So remember-
Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and grow and blossom when we love the one we marry. It is very obvious to me that xxxxx and xxxx are soul mates.
That doesn't mean you two can relax. Marriage is a dynamic relationship so be prepared for each other to change over time and be flexible. And never take each other for granted.

I would like you all to join with me now to wish xxxxx and xxxx all the health and happiness in their future life together.

To xxxxx and xxxx.