Speech by eric quinlivan
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: eric quinlivan
Speech Date: 29/04/2012 00:06:50
ng, Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of the Wedding Party I would first like to thank you all for attending and being a part of Jamie and Jemma special day. I'm sure you will all agree that the bridesmaids all look Wonderful and have done a Fantastic job today so thank you. Jemma May I add that you look Absolutely Amazing and that is the only time I can get away with saying that without Jamie beating me up,……but all joking aside you look like the Perfect Bride and Jamie is definitely the Luckiest Man in the room today.
For all of you that don't know me my name is Eric……..My full name is Eric “Can I buy you a drink” so I would prefer it if you would use my full name for the rest of the evening.
I've known Jamie for many years now and over this time we have formed a very strong Bond and Friendship. We both served most of our Army Career in the Mighty 659 Squadron, we both have a strong connection to the Airborne forces, we also spend 5 months on tour together in Iraq and we pretty much left the army at the same time.
When Jamie asked me to be his best man I was truly Honoured as he has so many good friends and two great brothers………He did however take me to one side before the wedding today and said….look Eric, if you do a good job for me today i'll let you be best man at my next wedding. (Smile and the Bride)
The first time I met Jamie I instantly thought how much he looked like the cartoon character Tin Tin (Picture), but over the years as he matured I saw him turn into a man and that man Looks pretty similar to Boyzone Front man Ronan Keating (Picture)
Iraq tour…..
As most of you may know Jamie is Very Squeaky clean, but I knew if I thought long and hard I would find some dirt on him.
So here goes when me and Jamie were out in Iraq, we where had been tasked to help out close down a site, so we gathered all the Equipment together that we would need and set to work. After a few hours of hard work, we thought that we would have a little down time. As there was a river that ran along were we where stationed a few of the guys jumped water, at this point I wasn't total convince so me doing the smart thing I let most people get in 1st to see if anyone got eaten. Just as I was going to get in I heard a loud voice shout “ehhhhr what is that Brown thing on your back” at that point I thought we were going to see the scene from the Film “Stand By Me” where they were covered in Leaches, but no….it was worse!
If you haven't already guessed Jamie thought It would be a good idea get completely naked and relieve himself in the water much to the horror of me and the rest of the guys,…..lets just put it one way the party was over! As everyone rushed out the water to escape from the Jamie's floating poo!
As I mentioned before it was really hard to find dirt on Jamie but he created this mess all by himself.
Well I feel at this point that it's my duty to offer a small piece of advice to the groom,
Jamie you will be pleased to know that a successful marriage is similar to football.
1 – Ensure you're fully committed every week
2 – Make sure you score every Saturday, changing ends at half time
3 – Don't put your tackle in too hard or you might injure yourself
4 – And no tackling from behind…especially on your wedding night.
I discussed these points with Jemma and she noted to me that if he plays away from home he WILL be put on the transfer market.
In Life and Marriage there are three things you need to bring True Happiness Which are HEALTH, WEALTH and LOVE and I believe that Jamie and Jemma have all three of theses factors to have a perfect start to Married Life.
I would like to say thank you to the Parents of the Bride and Groom, Tina and Stephen Jemma's mum and dad. Mandy and Dell Jamie's Mom and Step dad.
Not to mention Jamie's Dad Paul and Gina for there readings during the wedding
Also Thanks to the Ushers Calum and Conner the Jamie's Brothers for assisting me in making sure everything ran smoothly, Collen Jamie's Sister for preparing the Brides Maids today. All the Guys who came out for the stag do down in Birmingham, it was a Cheap night as Jamie was on his back after just two Drinks (picture)
But most of All a Big Thank You to Myself…….No I mean to the Bride and Groom for their countless hours of work both here and behind the scenes, because without the it wouldn't of been possible to bring everyone here together today.
So I would like to say a big Thanks to the both of you from everyone here for sharing your special day with us!
So would you all be upstanding to for a Toast to the Bride and Groom
May they have a long and Successful Marriage