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Speech by Evan Corry

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Evan Corry
Speech Date: Oct2005
Good evening Ladies and gentlemen,

For those of you who don't know me I'm single.… Ohh I mean Evan, and I'm Kymbos best man for the night. Being the best man I've been a little nervous about giving this speech tonight. So this isn't the 1st time I've got up from a warm seat with some sheets of paper in my hand. But, having said that, I think Kymbo was even more nervous than me, because when I went into the toilet after him today I found this. How he passed it I'll never know.
(pass brick). It was a tough job to get Kymbo here in the full suit and black shoes as every time I turned my back he'd be sneaking on the cowboy hat and boots.

I must say though Kymbo you've done a top job today and look great.

I would like to thank the Brides Maids firstly for turning up and putting up with me and James for the night, it's a job that not many girls would do.
You've done a great job getting Jenna ready for her big day today, and I'm sure all of you out there agree that both Jenna and the bridesmaids look fantastic tonight, so can I ask you all to charge you're glasses for a toast to the bridesmaids. To the bridesmaids

A big thanks should also go to the parents for setting up everything for today and basically paying for our grog.

Now… Kymbo,
What can I say about Kymbo. We will go through his good points first shall we He's Handsome Witty Intelligent Charming A good cook And.. umm Sorry "grooms name", what's that say, I can't read your writing. Oh, yeah good in bed sorry.

But in all seriousness Jenna I'm sure you're already aware that Kymbo is not to great in the kitchen, But there was one time I can remember he did decide to cook for us all when we lived together. Packet mix pasta was the meal of the night and away Kymbo went furiously reading the packet and putting in the ingredients. After about ½ an hr He was starting to get pretty angry and frustrated that his pasta just wasn't thickening up, he passed me the packet and said I've done everything it said to do!!. But what the packet didn't actually say to do is open the packet and add the actual pasta, so Kymbo was there stirring milk and butter for ½ an hr or so.

Now Before I finish up, I've been going around asking a few of the married blokes out there to get a few bits of advice for ya Kymbo and this is what I got.
Never go to bed angry………….Always stay up and fight.(Graham Wheelhouse) The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.(Graham
And there are 5 rings involved in marriage: Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering, torturing and enduring.(and wont say who told me that, Graham

Now, Kymbo mate, I've always admired your straight forward, honest character, so ill be straightforward in saying I think you're a top bloke and you've done bloody well, you've got a beautiful daughter, beautiful wife and the rest of your life ahead of ya, so good luck to ya and I wish ya all the best.

So now could I ask you all to stand and join me in a toast to the bride and groom. To the bride and groom!