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Speech by Frank Valenzuela

Id just like to thank I gave the speech on the 29th of June 2002 and it went down a treat. There is no way the speech would have been as good as it was without your assistance. Also the queen joke is an absolute scene stealer Frank Valenzuela

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Frank Valenzuela
Speech Date: Jul 2002
Good evening I'd like to start by welcoming you all to this J and L special day, I know how much it means to both of them to see so many of their family and friends here. Yet every silver lining does have its cloud… and that cloud is that you will have to listen to my voice for the next few minutes.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Francisco and I am Js brother, however no one calls me Francisco. So if you see me around fell free to call me by my everyday name "Frank can I buy you a beer", and if you do ill be sure to say hello.

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the brides maids, L, J and A. They have done a fantastic job today and all of them look absolutely beautiful. A special mention to P and S who have done an excellent job as the page boy and flower girl respectively.

I'd also like to say that L looks absolutely stunning today as I'm sure you will all agree

Unfortunately for my brother he just looks stunned.

It's been said that doing the best mans speech is like being asked to make love to the Queen, it's a great honour but nobody wants to do it.

Ive been racking my brain for the last couple of weeks trying to think of suitable stories to be said about my brother tonight. I briefly flirted with the idea of recounting the bucks night, but I quickly realised that if I did I would be bashed up by about 15 blokes – so that idea was gone very quickly.

For those of you who know my brother relatively well you would know that he hasn't really had any troubles when it comes to studies and getting good marks. In high school he was in the advanced classes for Maths and did the silly subjects like chemistry and physics. At University he continued to do very well and when it came to graduating, he graduated with honours.

However, it wasn't always like that. In primary school, my brother was a bit of rebel. In year 5 he had stumbled upon this brilliant plan that would enable him to get away without doing much school work at all.

The cunningly clever plan was, whenever the class had to do an assignment J simply would not do it, not even attempt the assignment. God knows what he said to the teacher when it came to handing the assignments in, but he simply wouldn't do it. This went on for a good couple of terms and my brother thought that he was on to a winner.

But his young and feeble mind did not realise that there was one fatal flaw in his plan – AND THAT FLAW WAS – PARENT TEACHER NIGHT.

So Parent Teacher night came along and then our mum found out – Oh boy

So as punishment my brother spent the next two weeks of the school holidays holed up in his bedroom completing every single assignment that he did not do during the year to give to the teacher when the school hoildays was over.

So in order to avoid the WRATH of the mum… my brother learnt to do all of his school work on time.

J, we have had some great times together and I know that we will continue to do so in the future. You have been a great brother to me over the years, you are one of the most kindest, sincere, and unselfish people I have ever known, and it is genuinely a great honour to be your best man.

Id like to say a few words about L now. I don't really recall the first time I met her, she came into our house one night and about 30 seconds later was out the door again. However over the last couple of years I have gotten to know L quite well and the quality that strikes me the most about her is that no task or favour is ever too much trouble for her. She is one of the most giving and generous person I have ever met, and that is a quality that is so rare in todays society.

So to L I say, my birthday is on the 3rd of January.

Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses and join me in a toast

L and J We wish you both well for the future, and hope you enjoy a long, happy, and fruitful marriage. The new Mr and Mrs V – Land J ! !