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Speech by frazer cambridge

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: frazer cambridge
Speech Date: 07/04/2014 20:59:30

Hello everyone.

Firstly I would like to thank Paul and Danny for their great speeches and kind words.

I am sure you all agree Lorraine and the bridesmaids are all absolutely gorgeous. 

Ladies and gentlemen every now and then I get such a rare opportunity to speak about a man who is intelligent, witty good looking and athletic although I really should not be speaking about my self as this is Paul's special day.

I am sure you will agree today has been a fantastic day so far unfortunately every silver lining has a cloud and that comes in the form of me!

For those of you who do not know me I am Frazer and I have been lucky to have known Paul for the past 26 years since we met in primary school when one day in the playground I went up to Paul to speak with him when he said “you have ginger hair” I tried to tell him it was auburn but ginger is what stuck.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul for asking me to be his best man today it really is a great honour to fulfil this role and for him to finally accept that I am the best man!

I do have to tell you that I have been nervous about this day for a long time now. I decided to visit Inchinnan where Paul and I went to school to try and get inspiration whilst there a lady form the elderly care home invited me in to speak with the residents and run my speech past them. Many wet themselves with laughter so I am not sure if I will be invited back and hope this does not happen this evening.

Paul was a bit worried about my speech thinking that I would give his in laws a bad impression of what he was really like maybe humiliate him or give out some facts that he would rather I didn't mention.

I have some of these here Ibiza 99 Gran canaria 2002, 2003 Turkey 2006 tight shirts, fake tan and Arnold Schwarzenegger

One short story I would like to share with you is when Paul and I went on our first holiday to Ibiza where on our way home we were delayed for 12hrs we were both very tired, no money left from partying sunscreen and calling home to let our mums know we were ok and had eaten.

Once On the plane Paul was sat in the middle seat next to a young lady who was holding a baby in her arms it looked very comfortable  as Paul was tired he said I WISH THAT WAS ME thinking the baby was sleeping in fact it was breast feeding the lady was so shocked she had to be moved by the cabin crew.

Very embarrassing for all! 

Another quick story is when we were a bit younger and obsessed with fitness Paul myself Danny and Ally went to Bellahouston Park to run a 10k race once at the start line I noticed Paul to be itching and rather uncomfortable I asked him if he was ok to which he replied” I have shaved my legs and body so I can run faster”, this idea did work as Paul did get the best time.

Over a year ago now Paul and I were travelling back from the gym when Paul went a bit quiet and serious he took a deep breath and asked what I thought of marriage? I was rather taken aback, but I felt I had to be honest with him and I told him I was flattered.

In all seriousness Paul did ask me to be his best man that day which I will never forget.

I knew Paul was madly in love with Lorraine and she accepted his proposal at the top of the Empire State building in New York they have now grown into the lovely couple you see before you.

I know Paul has touched on how Lorraine and him met earlier but I would like you to know how they actually met. 

It was a bit like Sleepless in Seattle, well it would have been if Tom Hanks had been winching Meg Ryan at a Hogmanay Party at Hampden Park and then treated himself to a deep fried Pizza on the way home. ALONE MAY I ADD..

Paul and lorraine try to spend as much time together as they can although shift patterns can make this hard.

Paul still manages to fit his friends in when he can even then he manages to talk about Lorraine he regularly tells me how much he misses her when they are not together and mentions her when on police duty specifically when he is handcuffing and restraining people.

When I started looking into this speech I thought carefully of what could be said about Paul the truth is I could not ask for a better friend and they really did break the mould.


As the speech grows to an end I would like to read out some cards but not too many as I am sure you all wish to have your dinner and a few drinks, as I am.

There is another message I have written down here it reads “Paul thanks for all the weekends lazing by the pool I really do hope you have made the right choice” Michael Barrymore.

All there is for me to do now is congratulate the happy couple Lorraine thank you for making Paul so happy take with you my best friend and look after him for me you can loan him back to me any time you wish and I will look after him for you.

Ladies and Gentlemen can you please raise your glasses to the happy couple Mr and Mrs Florence.