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Speech by Fred Noble

My son Ian has been nagging me to send this speech as you are based in an office close to him. I would like to thank you for your help, but I did give you quite a few plugs.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Fred Noble
Speech Date: Dec2004
Best man speech

Good afternoon ladies &amp Gentleman, haven't we been blessed with a super day? As you have probably guessed, if you did not already know, I am Ian's father, and his best friend!!

Ian &amp Loraine paid a “surprise visit” to Pershore late last year and told us the good news that they were going to get married, and “popped the question” – Would I be best man? – ME

Pat and I of course were both delighted for them and I was pleased to be asked and of course accepted, not really knowing what it entailed.

Ian is probably wishing that he had chosen someone else because the best man is supposed to organise things such as the Stag night and I didn't do a very good job with that, but at least HE got get ME home in one piece. And I'm pleased to say that we didn't get into the night club.

Len had more sense and stayed at home with the children!!

Never having given a best man speech before, and not likely to do so again, I decided to be scientific about it and “went on the web”

From www.hitched @@ quote

This speech should be light hearted and fun. It should be the high spot of the reception and it is very often the ability to make a speech, with humour and interest that is the deciding factor on the selection of the best man.

Why me then Ian ?, I can't tell a joke, have spent ages looking through joke books and still found nothing that fits the occasion. Lots of smutty ones about builders and strong language.

The good news was that there are 822 examples of best man speeches to copy from, the bad news, none of them seemed to fit the bill of a father being best man.

However it really does give me great pleasure on behalf of Ian &amp Loraine, to welcome you all, from the North East, the North West, the Midlands, the South and of course, Australia to this lovely place for today's event.

I am sure that I speak for both Ian &amp Loraine, when I express their appreciation for the journeys that you have all made to be here to share their special day with them.

I'd like to say how lovely Michelle looked and “Loraine”, all that work on “the dress” was worth it.

Lewis and Bradley have also done a super job as pageboys, haven't they just?

Now, a few words about Ian

When I started writing this speech, I didn't realise how difficult it would be to summarise my son in a few words the www.hitched wisdom is that it has to be brief – only three pages, I looked through lots of old photos, started remembering holidays, and the good times, that we had shared.

Many of you will have your own experiences of Ian, either through work, or holidays or family occasions and I think that you will all agree something that typifies him is his willingness to “have a go” and to “try to help people”. He always bounces back from any adversity.

In return his friends and family, most who are here today, seem to respond by helping him become, dare I say it and tempt fate! @ The successful businessman he has become today.

Who would have believed it, ten years ago.!!

Quote “Behind every successful man there is a good woman”

www.hitched, says that I had to find some major event that happened when he was born on April 21st, 35 years ago and the only things that I can find were the 50p coin was introduced! Pele scored his 1000th goal and Concorde had its maiden flight and I don't remember any of these things from 35 years ago. I do remember Ian.

Being born in the North East – he still supports Middlesbrough!! and when Lewis was 7, he bought him a Juninho football shirt I think Lewis wanted a David Beckham one.

After moving south to Bracknell in 1976, Ian from then on did see it as his home and has made many friends here.

He always seemed to have someone, family or friends that he could turn to – and frequently did so! often turning up out of the blue @. I still have trouble finding him now @@@@@@@@@ at times.

I guess you could describe him as quite well travelled @ I got to listing out the different places both in England and outside that I know Ian had managed to visit, either on holiday or work and it stretches from Dorset in the south to Burnley in the north, from the Gower in the west to Hartlepool in the north east. To Australia, France, Lanzarote, the Bahamas and since he has been with Loraine he has even been to “the van” at St Audries Bay in Somerset.

When he left school, I managed to find him a placement working in a garage on a YOP scheme, at least he would have been able to fix his car by now, but he turned it down and went into the building, or should I say fixing, trade. That is, after a few false starts.

Ella, our friend and neighbour from Staines, who Ian stayed with for a while, reminded me of the occasion that we assembled some flat pack furniture for her AND it all worked – she was impressed – so was I.

Ian continues to try many new things, not only trying to keep dead fish in a tank, deep sea diving, sail boarding and formula 1 racing in 30 mile limits and I now understand Salsa dancing demos later!! – Whats next Ian!!!

Participation www.Hitched
I would now, at this time, like to ask Ian and Lorraine to participate in this speech.
Loraine, if I can ask you to place your hand flat on the table . . .
and now Ian, if you could place your hand directly on top of Loraine's.
Now Ian, I hope that you are enjoying that
because it's probably the last time you'll ever have the upper hand.
I am extremely pleased that Loraine has agreed to make an honest@ish man of Ian and I sincerely hope that today is the start of an even more successful future and I'd like you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the “Bride and Groom”