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Speech by Gary Davidson

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Gary Davidson
Speech Date: Dec2006
Well, I would like to thank you all for coming to join, ”My wife and I”, in celebrating our marriage. We all lead such busy lives nowadays we just don't get to see each other as much as we all should. So I'm really pleased to see so many of our friends join both our families here today.

Now where's Natalie Howard? It doesn't seem that long ago that you told Julie about this place and then on the Sunday Julie and I came here to have a look and now a year later, well here we are! So my first thank you is to you Natalie for helping us find such a lovely venue and we'd like to also congratulate you and your husband Andy on your own Wedding anniversary this Tuesday.

And while we're on the subject of Anniversaries, we'd also like to congratulate Nick and Wendy Sampson who also have a wedding anniversary on the 18th. Nick and Wendy have been our florists today and Nick's Mum made our wedding cake so I'd like to echo Dave's words and thank them for doing such a beautiful job.

I'd like to thank Dean for being my best man and for helping me through the build up to the service today. I met Dean on the train going up to Old Trafford for an FA Cup quarter final in 1984 and Dean and I have remained friends ever since. Over the years we've been to quite a few FA cup quarter Finals, losing to Sheffield Wednesday, Norwich, Luton, Arsenal and even bloody Tottenham, before we eventually got to an FA cup Final some 22 years later. That's where I'll leave that story. Bloody Steven Gerrard!

Now it's not very often that you get the chance to make a speech where you can say exactly how you feel about the people you really care about. So please bear with me as I do have quite a few people to thank.

First of all, I'd like to start by thanking Julies Dad, Dave, for the kind words in his speech. I know Brenda &amp Dave are very proud of their daughter and love her very much and I know Julie would like to thank her Mum and Dad for all their love, support and friendship they've shared over the years. The last couple of months have been very traumatic for both Brenda and Dave and we are just so pleased that you are both here today.

I'd like to thank my own Mum for all the love and help she's given me over the years. Always looking out for me and for being a good friend. For me, my days growing up within my family in Milton Road were some of the happiest days of my life.

My eldest sister Gill. When I was a young boy I got pushed off my bike by some local bully, Gill went after him and chased him up a tree…and he wouldn't come down for ages. I'd like to thank Gill for organising a lovely 40th Birthday party for me in October.

My sister Julie, who I heard was on top form at Julie's hen night…doing Tommy Cooper impressions? My sister is well known for her sense of humour and we're so pleased that she finally found an outfit for today and is not sitting here in her bra and knickers!

My brother Graham, even though Graham is 10 years younger than me, has grown up to be a good mate as well as a brother. But both Julie and I would like to thank you and Martin for being our ushers today. Thanks guys.

Both my Brother-In-Laws Jim and Geoff have worked so hard for their respective families and like me, love my sisters very much. It's been lovely to watch your children grow up and I'm proud to be an uncle to all of them.

Laura and Carly, who've grown up into two beautiful young women. James, you're such a handsome young chap and one of the first in our family to be clever enough to go to University. Well done James, I know my Dad would have been really proud of you. Then we have little Harriet and Lilly, both cheeky and as smart as a button and I think you all look fantastic today.

It's very appropriate that we are all together today, so close to Christmas, because I have always regarded Christmas as a time for family.

I find that as you grow up, you just don't realise just how much you take all the love in your family for granted, until that is, as you get older some of those people who you loved so much are no longer here. I'm thinking particularly of my Nan and Grandie and of coarse my Dad. My Dad still remains the most influential person in my life and if anyone says I remind him or her of him, then that's the highest compliment anyone can pay me.

I know that like me…he would have loved Julie and been delighted to welcome her into our family.

When I told my Mum that Julie and I were getting married she burst into tears…which coincidently was exactly what I did when I finally worked out how much today was going to cost us. So both Julie and I would like to thank both Brenda and Dave and my Mum for their help in easing the financial burden for today. So we would like each Mum to accept a small token of our appreciation.

******* PRESENT FLOWERS ********

So finally, I would like to say a few words about the new Mrs Davidson.

I must point out that although I can cover every aspect of organising a football match, Julie has carried the entire burden when it came to organising today and I would like to congratulate her on an outstanding job.

Julie hasn't had a great year with her health, but she's not one to complain and she's got through it. I would like to thank all her colleagues at Nationwide Property Finance for their understanding and the support they've shown her. She regards all of you as her friends and I know she's delighted that you're all here today.

I'm very grateful for our life together in Sawbridgeworth that we share with our little dog Harvey, who you all know we both absolutely dote on. I can honestly say that I never knew what was missing in my life before I met Julie as she has been a constant source of friendship, support and love. Julie, you look stunning today, as I knew you would, you've made me so happy by becoming my wife and I love you so very much.

******* GIVE JULIE A KISS ********

Well today has been the special occasion we both dreamt of and I think everyone will agree with me, that Tewin Bury Farm has been the perfect location. All that remains to say is to thank you to all of you for coming, especially those who travelled so far to get here.

But I'd like to propose a toast to the person, who has travelled the furthest today I'm talking about Julie

It's taken her 7 years to get here. Ladies and gentlemen, Please join me in a toast to my gorgeous new bride…To Julie.

Now all that remains for me to do is to introduce my Best Man, Dean.