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Speech by Gary Hendry

This site was really invaluable to me as I did my usual and left it to the last few dyas to write my speech for my wedding! here is what I put together I hope it will help other grooms onn their wedding day!

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Gary Hendry
Speech Date: Dec2007
Good evening everyone… On behalf of me and my wife. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to our wedding, and to say how happy I am that you are all here to share this special day with us. May I also thank you for all your kind gifts, Jill and I have been amazed by the generosity of our friends and you have given us a great start in our new house.

I would like to claim that it has taken me weeks to prepare a mind blowing speech that would keep you all captivated for hours.. However, I realised we would need to keep at least the next few hours free for my father in law.

Jill, can I just say how beautiful you look today. I am truly lucky to have you in my life. It feels great to have you as my lawfully wedded wife.

Not only is Jill intelligent, good-looking and kind, but also an excellent judge of character.. as you can see by her choice of husband!

I'm sure you will all agree I'm looking positively delicious today…

Sorry to disappoint all you ladies but I am now officially off the market!

Now this brings me to the very important part of my speech.… the thank you's.

To start with today would never have been possible without the help, support and hard work of both our mums.

Ann and Tricia You must be the best and quickest wedding planners in Ayrshire and we both really appreciate all you have done for us today and in the past.

Ann I can honestly say I am delighted to be able to call you my mother-in-law. Likewise I'm sure you must be delighted to finally have someone to help you work your DVD player.

Mum.. What can I say..? If anyone deserves a medal for putting up with me it's you.

You have always been there for me. If it wasn't for your care and guidance, I wouldn't be the man I am today. I know you will all find it hard to believe, but I haven't always been an angel!

I would personally like to thank Bob and Anne for their help towards today. You have both made me feel very welcome in your household from day one. Bob I couldn't ask for a better father-in-law. I promise when I've got some spare time we can jump on Annanhill at the sixth and have a go at curing that wicked slice of yours!

I would now like to thank two very special people. You will all have noticed the lovely hand crafted invitations popping through your doors, the extremely professional order of service and of course superb cake we see before us. I'm sure it will taste as good as it looks.

This is all down to the handy work of Louise and computer skills of her husband Allan. Louise is a truly amazing lady who despite coming through a very difficult time recently has managed to devote all this time and effort to make today even more special for us all.

While most people would have been putting their feet up and taking it easy she achieved this mammoth task with her usual flair.

Can I now thank our two ushers Gordon and Joe. The two of you look very fetching in your kilts today! You both did a sterling job getting everyone to their seats in the church and I am very grateful to you both for your assistance.

Now last but not least I would like to thank my best man Paul, I am very grateful to him for accepting this responsibility, but even more grateful for destroying any photographic evidence of my failed attempt at pole dancing. Paul you have been a good friend to me over the years and we have had some great laughs together. I know it's not easy to get up and speak in front of so many people but I'm sure you will do a cracking job.


I would like to propose a toast to our beautiful bridesmaid. Stephanie you have done a great job getting Jill to the church on time and looking after her throughout today.

It's great that you and your family have travelled such a long distance to be here with us today.

Ladies and gentlemen to the bridesmaid!!!