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Speech by George Liu

Thank you for the great website. Over hundred guests enjoyed my speech which I obtained parts from your website. Thank you.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: George Liu
Speech Date: feb 2003
Let me start by saying that I think I know Phil better than anyone else in this room, even better than parents or Pam; because there are lots of extremely embarrassing things he that has done that he has never told anyone about. I happened to bring a list of them. (Bring out list) Just kidding, I wouldn't do that to you Phil. I am sure had I done that to him he would figure a way to get bet back at me in a much worse way.
I met Phil during our freshman year at the University of Georgia. I was living on Campus in a dormitory and so was Phil. One Friday night, a guy who lives down the Hall from me, named Mark asked, "Hey, you want to go to a cool party?" I said, "Sure. Why not? It's Friday and I don't feel like studying." "Where is it?" I asked. And he said it was at Russell Hall. Russell Hall is the biggest all male dormitory hall on campus, so I speculated that they must have some crazy parties. I thought I should have a pretty good time tonight.
So, around 9ish, Mark, his roommate Chris, and I all went over to Russell. I was expecting a big party in the courtyard or something, but the next thing I know, we were taking elevators up Russell Hall. I asked, "Where are we going?" and Mark answered, "We are going to this guy's dormitory room." I asked, "Why?" and was told because that is where the party is going to be. I thought to myself Russell Hall dormitory rooms are the smallest rooms on the campus. It is going to be jammed packed in there! It is a good thing because maybe I will be packed in with lots of hotties.
We get off the elevator and go into the room where this cool party is housed. Well, the moment I walk in, I was in for a huge surprise. I see 3 guys in this room, and 1 girl and now by us coming in we are 6 guys and 1 girl. I asked, "Where is everybody?" and this guy replied back to me and said, "What do you mean? This is everyone" or something like that. I just couldn't believe it. On the far side of this tiny room, which is about 5 feet from me, stood this fella beside his study desk with 3 to 5 bottles of alcoholic drinks on top of his desk. This fella was Phil and was hosting the party. Phil and I were introduced and he asked me, "What is your poison?" I said, "What?" and he said, "What would you like to drink?" I am still so stunned at this moment so I said, "Nothing…I don't drink." I look around the room to see what everyone is doing. And all I saw was that all of them paying half attention to the small 13 inch TV that was on and eyeing the 1 and only girl who was there, except the girl who seemed uncomfortable being there and didn't seem like she wanted stay.
I though this is not a party. We are in college. We should party John Bouleshi in Animal House or something. If this is a party, I am in for some lane parties in my college career. I thought to myself, I got to get out of this tiny room with 6 dudes. But, I didn't want to leave immediately because I didn't want to seemed rude, so I said, "Where is the bathroom?" And Phil answered, "It is just down the hall." I said, "Okay, I will be right back."
Well, it was 1 ½ year later until I saw Phil again. Phil invited me to his other parties and which were much more successful. He had a band playing at his parties and always checked to make sure everyone had a good time. He was a great host. He also hosted a graduation dinner party, which is one of the most memorable dinner parties I have ever been to.
I met Pam also during my Freshman Year, but I don't think she remembered me. Every time I see her on campus, I would say, "Hi Pam!" and she would said "Hi" back, but have this look on her face like where do I know him from. Is that the guy from the Chinese takeout? Well, lucky she finally remembered me and I introduced Phil and Pam 2 years after we graduated and here we all are…
Seriously, though, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank both of them for always being there for me when I've needed them. There are not many best men who can describe the bride as a true friend, as well as the groom, but I'm lucky in that I can do exactly just that. Phil, you have been a great friend to me over the years, and it is a great honor to be your best man. Lastly, I'd just like to say what a pleasure it is for me to speak on behalf of the groom and the bride… who I think you all will agree have looks absolutely stunning today.
So, please let's all stand and raise your glasses in a toast for the happy couple. We wish them well for the future, and hope they enjoy a long, happy, and fruitful marriage. Congratulations Phil and Pam!