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Speech by George Rogu

Hello guys, I must say that your website saved my life. I was not able to begin to write a speech for my role as best man. I looked at your site, got some ideas and boom, I wrote a pretty good speech. Feel free to add it to your site. I hope that it will help another best man somewhere in the world.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: George Rogu
Speech Date: nov 2003
For those of you who do not know me, I am Nick's brother and I have known him for all of his life. Foolishly, my little brother has given me the honor of being his best man. Let me first say how privileged I am to stand here before you and speak on this very special day.

I am sure that you will all agree that this BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING has turned out to be a fabulous event, and on behalf of everyone I would like to thank Eleni's parents Harry and Rita for inviting everyone and preparing all of these extravagant festivities, I am sure it was not an easy job. The Dilos family is really going to have a difficult time topping this wedding with their second daughter Barbara, who I would also like thank for being a delightful Maid of Honor.

“Harry” you thought that once the parasites went to school and get a real jobs it is over with the expenses, unfortunately, as my father can tell you it never really ends.
I would also like to thank the entire bridal party for the wonderful job that they have done, and on behalf of Nick and myself, I would like to give a special thanks to our parents Maria and Jimmy for raising, educating, our fantastic sister Vicky and two extraordinary sons, especially the older one.

I must admit that being that this is the first time that I was ever asked to be a best man, I was a bit clueless on what my duties were and I certainly did not have any input or advice from my little brother.

I did some research on the Internet and came to the conclusion that term “The best man “ is just a fancy title for a nanny. When I learned this I was really relieved since I have already done this for most of Nicks life.

As a nanny, my responsibilities we multiple:

I had to make sure that Nick arrived to the church and make sure that he does not chicken out.

I had to make sure that he was well groomed and dressed in his custom fitted tuxedo

I had to make sure that he got a goodnight's sleep. Well, I did fail a little in this department considering that we got him home a 3:00 AM (details I am not at liberty to divulge for that it may incriminate some members of the bridal party) I am please to report however that once home he did get to sleep he slept like a baby, he only woke up every 1/2 in cold sweats and cried for his mother.

Now I would like to say some kind words about my little brother. Nick was born on July 17, 1975. Two very important things happened on this date other than his birth,

Apollo & Soyuz spaceships made the 1st US/USSR linkup in space

Our family (my sister, cousins, aunts) left on a trip to Disneyland and we did not see Nick until we got back two weeks later.

Nick has always been just like all little brothers are, always imitating and copying his older brother (just like my two boys are doing today). Nick however is taking things a bit too far….…

When we were in high school, I played the drums and later he played the drums.

We later got smarter and went on to higher education, I went to Medical school, and 10 years later Nick went to medical school.

During residency training, I went into Pediatric Medicine and later he went into Pediatrics.

Finally, we both ended up marrying good-looking blonde Physicians (at least they used to be)

I guess he made some pretty good choices with his life.

Now, I won't pretend to be an expert on marital advice but I do have some words of wisdom for my little brother

Set the ground rules right away and establish who is boss.… And then do everything that she says.

The best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it just once

Never forget the magical words “You're right dear”

Remember the four rings of marriage:

Engagement ring

Wedding ring


As the wise Jedi master Yoda from Star Wars said Suff…er……ing

I have to say Nick; you married a beautiful, charming and exceptional woman, and that Eleni you seemed to have married a younger version of me, pretty good catch nonetheless.

But with a more serious note Nick, We have had many great times together and I hope that we will continue to do so in the future. You have been a great friend and brother to me over the years, and it is a great honor to be your best man. Today.
“ Now if I am the best man, why is she marrying you?”

So, Nick and Eleni, on behalf of everyone here today, I would like to wish you good health and prosperity for the future, and trust that you will enjoy a long and happy marriage.

May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old fashioned enough to last forever.

So ladies and gentlemen would you all please stand up and join me for a toast for the new Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rogu