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Speech by Gregg Anderson

Hello there, I checked out your site b4 doing my speech 2 weeks ago and it was a great help. My advice to anyone is that as soon as you stand up and start talking you relax and think "this is easy". It was the same for me when I was best man a few years ago as I absolutely dread talking in front of large groups as I'm fairly quiet but everyone is on your side and it is easier than what you just enjoy it. One other tip though, and that is if you aren't any good at telling jokes then stay away from them. Just use stories and props if need be to have a laugh. Thanks Gr

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Gregg Anderson
Speech Date: aug2002
Thanks jimmy for those kind words !

Ladies and gentlemen I'll try not to keep you too long as i reckon the best mans Speech is going to take at least an hour. For those of you who know John you understand. For those of you who don't then leave the building while you've got the chance! On behalf of my wife and I'd like to thank you all for sharing this special day with us and I know that some of you have travelled some way and it's greatly appreciated (ksa, Ireland, Scotland, Wirral, NE, Yorkshire and Pocklington itself). Thank you very much for all the gifts and cards. It's greatly appreciated by the two of us.

Maureen and myself have been together now for over 7 years, and engaged for almost 6 of these years. We've kind of done things in the wrong order (look/point at Caitlin…our daughter) so we (well Maureen) thought it would be best if we finally tied the knot. I thought at first it was because she wanted to become part of one of Scotland's largest and proudest clans, but it was actually to hide her embarrassment when she took Caitlin to playgroup as she had to keep referring to me as her partner to the other mothers. Oh the shame of that eh!

Thank you.

Maureen – for planning today almost single handedly and for dealing with my last minute panicking and endless questions.

I would like everybody here, and especially mo to know how lucky & proud I am to be standing here today speaking as her new husband. She is beautiful, caring, charming, a great laugh??.(hand it to mo and say you can't read her writing).

Only joking dearest. I am very privileged indeed to be your husband as Caitlin is to be your daughter as you make a great mother as well and I sincerely thank you for providing me with such a lovely daughter.

As long as you learn to cook, read a map and stop contributing to bts huge profits with your endless calls home then I'm positive we will have many happy years together

Maureen's mum & family – for welcoming me into their family, and rest assured I will take good care of mo with 3 sisters do you think I would do anything else as my life would be made a misery if I stepped out of line once ?!?!?

My mum, dad & step parents – for my parents who have been a huge support over the years and have had to put up with me moping and sulking around the place, and in more recent years my step parents who have also had to put up with me moping & sulking. It's really appreciated though and I do believe I'm getting better as the tablets I'm taking seem to be doing the trick and with no visible side affects (twitch and shake head a bit).

Bridesmaids – a huge thank you must also go to the bridesmaids, Bernadette, Jessica & Rachel and we would like to say how lovely they look & thanks for doing such a great job in looking after Maureen today.

Mum – cake
mike – flowers
Geoff & wife – for helping us make this a good day (and also for agreeing to keep the bar open late.3 cheers for Geoff!!!!)
Everyone else who has helped out today.

Finally to my best man john, for providing the entertainment on the stag doo, and for calming my nerves last night and today (mostly by plying me with vodka).


Enjoy yourself – the night is still young so please have a great time. If you see any gentlemen wearing kilts who have an empty glass then don't be shy just fill it up !!!!

Mo's dad – just one last thing b4 i hand over to john and that is I'd like to say how much Maureen's dad jimmy would of enjoyed it today and that I'm sure mo and all her family are thinking of him.

I never got the chance to meet him but you just have to see the way his family are and listen to the stories about him to know what a great man he is, and I would like us to raise our glasses to him.

And finally the moment you have all been waiting for the best mans speech. Over to you mr mcsorley.