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Speech by James King

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: James King
Speech Date: Nov 2009
Good Evening ladies and gentleman,

For those of you who do not know me, I am Wesley's best friend James, and I'm extremely honoured to be here tonight to carry out this duty. For those of you who do know me, I apologise now.

Before I begin… Could I kindly ask Jennifer to place her right hand on the table, and Wesley would you kindly place your left hand on top of Jennifer's…This is a moment I want both of you to treasure forever.

On behalf of the bridesmaids and myself, I'd like to thank Wesley and Jennifer for asking us to be involved in their unique and special day. I know they've all put a tremendous amount of effort in to the planning of this wedding, and I can only hope that, apart from this speech, everything else will have exceeded their expectations.

I would also like to thank the Ushers…… for at least turning up sober, thank you guys, good work…

I'm sure you will all agree that Jennifer looks absolutely stunning today – and Wesley… well, Wesley just looks stunned.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is the first time I have been asked to be a best man… it's the first time I've ever been here to Crondon Park, it's the first time that Wesley has complimented me in over 10 years, but best of all it's the first time Wesley's ever paid for dinner.

Now…It is customary for the best man to insult the groom in his speech. But in Wesley's case this is very difficult as he's just a great person who's always been loyal and supportive to his friends and family. I know that Jennifer has found a life partner and I know they will be truly happy together. Wesley is a hard working, industrious, generous, genuine, amazing and err… Wesley, I'm sorry buddy but I can't read your writing…

It's a great honour to be the best man, with that comes a role… writing the speech. And to be honest with you, to make the process a little bit easier, I decided to turn to the internet for some help. The obvious place seemed to be the internet… so with a multitude of resources at my fingertips I began searching the net and after a few hours of searching I found some pretty good stuff… and then I remembered I was supposed to searching for speech ideas.

There are some stories you can tell at a wedding and then there are others that might be interesting to tell, but can't really be told. The ones that Wesley invented about himself for the Dear Deidre section of The Sun Newspaper would be a perfect example

I am however reminded of one particular birthday, Wesley's 19th birthday to be precise, it was an average college day, we finished early and before you knew it we were in the townhouse having drink after drink, shot after shot, and after a little while, Wesley was having a bit of a hard time co-ordinating an activity most people refer to as.… WALKING.

So me and our friend Scott took him outside, and helped on him on his way and after a lot of encouragement Wesley finally reached his resting place where he passed out… only this resting place was the Bench outside Barclays… on a Friday afternoon… with a tequila flavoured mucus hanging out of his nose.

It was a pleasant occasion.

Now in case any of you are wondering why I asked Wesley to place his hand on Jennifer's. I will tell you now, Wesley… as my final role, it is with great pleasure that I have been able to give you the last 5 minutes in which you have had the upper hand on Jennifer. It will almost certainly be the last.

It now it also gives me immense pleasure, and not to mention relief, to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a TOAST

So ladies and gentlemen, if you could all raise your glasses for the couple…

To love, to laughter and to a happy ever after.

To the new Mr and Mrs Prentice

Wesley and Jennifer.