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Speech by James Mills

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: James Mills
Speech Date: Jun2006
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
Now in this speech I am supposed to be giving dad the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of his life, for June, the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of her life will be coming later on tonight courtesy of dad.
For those of you that don't know me my names James and I'm the grooms son
Dad has bestowed upon me the honour of being best man on this festive day, and therefore it's my duty to say a few words
I was actually quite surprised when dad asked me to be his best man, but then I remembered that dad doesn't have many friends, so I agreed.
First of all I want to say how absolutely stunning the bride looks today, she is truly the star of the show. . June here's to you
I think you'd all agree, it was a great service this morning, the church looked great, and everything thankfully went according to plan.
I want to say thank you on behalf of the bride and groom to everyone for coming to today's celebration, your presence makes this a really special day for June and dean.
Personally, I wish you'd all stayed at home and made my job less nerve wracking, but you all turned up.
I'd also like to thank the bridesmaids and ushers on behalf of the bride and groom. The bridesmaids looked great and the ushers scrubbed up quite nicely too. Speaking of the ushers, Craig and Adam, I'd just like to thank them, as it was paramount for the wedding that the ushers weren't allowed to look better than me today, and I'm pleased to say they have accomplished their role admirably. Cheers guys to an awesome job.

Now you can't deny it's been an emotional day today. Even the cakes in tiers!
I was running that joke in for another best man. I'll tell him to bin it.
Now as I mentioned, it is a great honour to be Best Man, but with the role comes the job of writing this speech, and to be honest I wanted to make the process as easy as possible. So where do you begin for ideas?
The obvious place seemed to be the Internet, so with a multitude of resources at my fingertips I dutifully began searching the web.
After a couple of hours searching I found some REALLY good stuff on the net, but.… then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for Best Man tips!!!
I did actually find loads of ready@prepared speeches on the Internet.… but sadly, none of them were about a couple called Dean and June who lived in Watford.… so it looks like it's down to me after all.
I know its traditional for the best man to tell loads of embarrassing and humiliating stories but unfortunately being the grooms much younger son I've missed out on the first 25 odd years of his life, and as far as I can tell my dads been quite a good little girl over the years plus I couldn't be arsed to find any out.
Dad and June have been together for almost three years now, and I can't think of a single couple more perfect for each other. She brings out the good side in him, which takes a lot of effort in fact I'd say she's made him a better person since they've been together. June, I'd like to thank you on behalf of humanity for that.

Charles Dickens once said.…
“ A Measure of a Woman's Love for a Man, was the Lengths to which she was prepared to go to make him Happy”…
If this is true, then June you have reached your goal because dad is the happiest I have ever seen him

On that note,

It gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to be upstanding, raise your glasses and join me, in a toast to June and dean.
I'm sure you're going to be extremely happy together, and I speak for everybody here when I say I wish you both the very best for your future life together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Mr and Mrs Mills O'shea, June and dean.