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Speech by Jason Roos

i have attached my speech in .doc format thanks for all your help in getting my speech done!!!!! Kind Regards Jason Roos

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Jason Roos
Speech Date: Mar 2002
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman

I would like to echo Ryan's’ sentiments and mention that all the bridesmaids look truly beautiful, indeed.

Also I'd like to say that Julie looks absolutely stunning today; as for Mark he just looks stunned.

I am on a strict time limit from Mrs. ***, so the more you laugh at my jokes, the quicker my speech will be.

It is beautiful to see so many loving family members and friends here to share in this occasion with Mark and Julie – especially those who have traveled some distances to be here with us today

A deep thank you to you Mark, from both Ryan and I for our selection in being your best men.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jason and I have been a friend of Mark's for 7 Years.

Mark has many special friends, and having the privilege of being chosen as his Best man, from such esteemed company, is an honour the likes of which I have never had bestowed upon me.

I like to think that my selection as one of the best men is not REALLY because your other friend cancelled on you, but because I am one of the few people in the room and indeed alive, that have actually seen you hit a homerun.

To be called a best man on a day like this is somewhat of a paradox. For today belongs to only one man, and that's you, Mark. No matter the size and liberality of the thoughts and tokens provided to you today, you have already attained the greatest gift a man can wish for; the love of a woman as beautiful and caring as Julie

I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing, for a considerable portion of my life, both Mark and Julie individually before knowing them as a couple. Julie; the beautiful girl that every boy in our class was madly in love with. Mark, the boy from Gerry's baseball team that I didn't like much at the time.

Spending time with the two of them is like slipping into a surreal realm where true love exists 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To see two people care for and adore each other as much as they do, is something truly special. When all the wishes of good luck and happiness are forgotten after today, I have no doubt that the love you two have for each other will last you many lifetimes over.

Now would probably be a good time to bring up some dirt on Mark, and tell you all how Julie has changed him into a better man and so on. Unfortunately this is not the vessel for those stories, however you can bid for them in drinks later on at the bar.

I was speaking to Mr. *** just this morning and he was saying how he cant believe how fast Julie has grown up… just the other day he remembers her as a beautiful little angel, running around with a dummy… and if we take a look today, not all that much has changed. I then asked Mrs. *** if there were any cute foto's I could talk about – she said there was one of Mark, crawling naked on a rug, playing with his toys, dribbling his chocolate biscuit everywhere – but we didn't think it was appropriate, as it was taken just after his 21st.

Mark, you leave here today having gained a wife that is warm loving and caring, a wife whose outer beauty is surpassed only by her amazing inner radiance.

Julie you on the other hand, leave today with, well a gorgeous dress and a lovely, lovely bouquet.

Charles Dickens said a measure of a woman's love for her man, was the lengths to which she was prepared to go to make him happy. If this holds true, then Julie, you have reached that goal, for Mark is the happiest I have ever seen him.

And If Mark is half as good a husband as he is a best friend, then you will have left here with a man that epitomizes honour and respect both and for himself and for those he loves.

As is customary, I should leave the groom with wise words, to help in your marriage. Since I am a bachelor, I have little experience to speak from, but I hope these help anyway:

Never go to bed angry…always stay up and argue.
Always remember those three little words that are so important in a marriage…."You're right dear".
Lastly, under no circumstances will you swear at your wife … if there are ladies present.

Seriously though, in my searching around to find a pertinent closing thought, all were overshadowed by the validity of the following:

“You don't marry someone because you can live with them, you marry them because you simply cannot live without them.”

Ladies and gentlemen, if you could all be upstanding and join me in a toast:
To the two people who are so dear in all our hearts… The new Mr. & Mrs. ***, Mark and Julie.