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Speech by Javi

This is a peach that i did at my dads wedding.Its easilly modifyable to be appropriate for any grrom no matter what their relationship is to you.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Javi
Speech Date: 28/11/2014 16:51:15

Best Man Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank all of you for being here today, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words – it's very touching that you still decided to come. My name is Javi and I have the honour and pleasure of being both best man and a very proud son.   My father has a few close friends, so I was really surprised when he asked me to be his best man.  On reflection, I think he was swayed to choose me by the fact I know very little about the first thirty years of his life, which therefore puts most of his rather embarrassing stories out of reach. Anyway Introductions out the way – Now for some thank you's

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today to celebrate these two very wonderful people – my Dad and Janet.  I would also like to thank both of them for bringing so many great people together for such an important occasion. On behalf of the bridesmaids, I'd like to thank my dad for his kind and thoughtful words. I'm sure we all agree that they look fantastic, and only rightly outshone by our bride, Janet.   I would also like to thank my dad and Janet for asking Carlos, the Bridesmaids and myself to be involved in this the most important day of their lives. I know they've both put a tremendous amount of effort in to the planning of this wedding, especially Janet, and I can only hope that, apart from this speech, everything else will have exceeded their expectations. Getting back to Janet, I do have to say how lucky you are papa, she is looking gorgeous today! And if I'm being honest papa you don't look too bad yourself, although, I am a little disappointed that you've copied my outfit. My dad and Janet have also asked me to thank all the staff here at the Inn for all their hard work and ensuring today goes as smoothly as possible.

I have also been asked to thank you all for coming and the gifts that you have so generously donated..

And finally, although I've known her for many years now (almost 18 years or so) I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Janet to our family.  If I'm being honest, I couldn't really picture my dad getting married again, but getting to know Janet and seeing what a wonderful woman she is, it all makes perfect sense to me now.  When I see how happy they are together, how they balance each other out and how much they love each other, it makes me feel happier to know that both of them are in such good hands.

Now, It's impossible to summarise my dad's life,  from his youth as the son of a Vet  to going to University,  his time in the Spanish Army serving in the Sahara  to working in the Ritz and meeting the likes of Salvador Dali, Picasso, John Wayne and his 7 sons  then moving to Ibiza to work before we even come to his time in the UK.   But I'm going to save all that early stuff for when he finally publishes his memoirs, which im assured are well on their way!

For my dad coming to live England it was obviously quite a culture shock, moving to the west midlands and learning the nuances of Black Country English was quite a challenge, there was the obvious cold and wet weather which as I'm sure that any of you who have been in Shrewsbury this past week have experienced first-hand. And then there was the food!  Apparently he quickly developed a love for pork crackling, it became irresistible and even though he had stomach ulcers he just couldn't stop himself from eating them even though he knew that they were bad for him. I'm also told that one of the things he couldn't get his head around was gravy, declaring  “ What is this brown sauce that you are running your food with!!”

Of course one of the things he missed most about Spain was the football, the pass and move.. tiki taka, Spanish teams dominating in what was then European cup. So you can clearly understand why he quickly developed an affinity for one of the great teams of the game.… Wolverhampton Wonderers.  It wasn't only football that my dad enjoyed, he was known to don his short shorts every now and again and play a set or two of tennis or squash, and even now after all this time practicing I still can't beat him! And of course there was his most popular means of getting some quiet time, cycling. A past time that has enabled him to raise thousands of pounds for charity over the years.

So finally we come to the point in his life when he became a father. For all of my life I have had a huge admiration and respect for my dad, he has been the best anyone could ever hope for in a father. Admittedly he's my only father, so it is not the greatest survey ever conducted but in my limited experience I'd have to say he's pretty much as good as they come. I have him to thank for many things, my love of reading and a necessity to put olive oil and garlic in anything that I cook come to mind. I also get my love of sport and my competitive spirit from him, I can still remember being taught how to pass a football in a straight line with the inside of my foot, how to play tennis, and being taught how to cycle on my very first road bike.  In fact the only sport that I never went to him for help with was Golf. Apparently it was the bad back to blame for that poor golf swing but I reckon that it was just that he would much prefer to be putting in some miles on his bike rather than ruining a nice walk by hitting some balls around with a stick. Of course, It's not just a love of sport and Mediterranean food that that I've inherited from my dad, he was and always has been a very dedicated parent who would always put the needs of others above those of himself. I can think of no better example than when Carlos and myself were still living at home after our parents had separated. We were both still in our teens, one of us was lazy and didn't do anything around the house to help and the other was a little hell raiser.  Papa would work 10 + hours a day and still find time to come home and cook, clean, garden, and bring us up in the best possible way. Not once did I ever hear him moan, complain, or winge about the situation. Not once did he ever shout at us to get us to do more, he just got on with it and did what he saw as his duty to be the best dad that he could be. It's only now that I have grown up, got a house, a wife, and responsibilities of my own that I fully appreciate the hard work and dedication of my dad and that I could have done so much more to help him and to make his life that little bit easier.  And for that papa I'm truly sorry.

Earlier this year my dad said sport was his passion and football was his obsession  as it happens football can often be compared to marriage so I couldn't finish this speech without imparting some wise words that every couple should know before they start the great adventure that is marriage. 

First of all – Remember! You should be fully committed every week and make sure that you score every weekend.

Be sure you change ends at half time and don't put your tackle in too hard or you might injure yourself.

And Janet assures me that playing away from home, will result in a serious groin injury and it's definitely the quickest way to get on the transfer list.

So finally I would like to make a few toasts.  Unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today. We have family in Spain, Mexico and Brazil who for one reason or another couldn't be here today.  Also I would like to make a special mention to grandparents (Muriel, Joby, and Abuela Ester) who have sadly passed away. I was very close to them and unfortunately they never got to meet Janet. But I do know that they would have loved her to bits and would be very proud of my dad for marrying such a kind, beautiful, and wonderful person who makes him so happy. So, with all of them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, & join me in a toast to absent family & friends. Over the past months I've spent plenty of time worrying about this speech and what I would sayi really wanted to do My Dad and Janet justice, but the point of it only came to me when i finally sat down and began to write it and that is:

In all honesty nobody else could possibly stand where I am right now and feel more proud and honoured to be able to represent My dad and Janet on this – one of most important day of their lives.  So if you would you please raise your glasses

May your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old fashioned enough to last forever.

To Miguel & Janet!

And Last but not least I would like to make a Spanish toast………….… Que vivan los novios!!



