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Speech by JD Gore

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: JD Gore
Speech Date: mar 2004
It was over 20 years ago that my family moved in to a house a few doors down from Aaron's family and we quickly became best friends. I think of Aaron like a second brother, and we spent so much time together growing up, that my parents often referred to him as their third son. Or, when it came to tax season, their third dependent. But in their defense, any savings they incurred couldn't have come close to covering the amount of food that he would eat. Seriously though, I think a good illustration of the extent of our friendship is that as this day drew closer, Aaron never officially asked me to be his best man. This was because it did not need to be asked. I think this is a role we both silently agreed to fill for each other a long time ago and, Aaron, it is an honour to be standing here today.

Over the years that we have known each other, Aaron has always had a great sense of humor and creativity. One of my favorite memories with Aaron was when we were invited to a friend of a friends college frat party. On this night, without any advance planning, Aaron introduced himself as “Aaron from Ireland”. He pretended he was a foreign exchange student and spoke with a perfect Irish accent the entire night. He even told stories about his homeland and had the attention of the entire room. Now for a brief time, I thought maybe he could have a career in the entertainment field. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with a rare condition that in layman terms is known as, “having a face meant for radio”, so this was not an option.

Seriously, I know Aaron's father has already spoken about the amount of success Aaron has had in his chosen field. When thinking about what I wanted to say, I remembered that one of Aarons ushers tonight had written the following words in my yearbook from final year of highschool..” He wrote My advice is to find a passion….Find something that you are good at a follow through with it.” Well, this statement describes Aaron to a tee. Aaron not only works to live, but he is also one of the few people I know who truly loves his job. And this is, afterall, the same man, whos own mother, upon running into my parents in the hallway at parents night in grade 9, shook her head and said “I'm going to have give that kid electric shock treatment”. So Aaron, you've come a long way its great to see you've found something to be passionate about.

It has often been said, “you don't marry someone you can live with, you marry someone you can't live without.” Of course, in this case, this applies to Aaron far more then it does for Beth. Among other things, Beth is Aaron's daytimer, dogwalker, and he is also the only person I know who has his own personal suitcase packer…..And this is just when Aarons back ISN'T bothering him. And by the way, if anyone wants in on the bet over who's carrying who over the threshold at the hotel tonight, you can see me later. Seriously, Beth, I think it's safe to say Aaron could not possibly have found anyone who would treat him better then you have over the last decade, AND, in Aaron, you are getting someone who will always be able to make you laugh, no matter what life throws at you.

In closing, Aaron has always said one of his dreams in life is to someday, somehow, own his own tiny island somewhere in the Carribean, with white sandy beachs and turqioise water. So at this time, I'd like to make a toast. So if everyone will please rise, Aaron and Beth, A toast to all you dreams coming true, and as your journey through life hopefully leads you towards that island in the sun, may you experience nothing but paradise with each other.