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Speech by Jeff Collins

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Jeff Collins
Speech Date: May2005
First of all, for those of you who do not know me , I would just like to introduce myself, my name is Jeff, and I am Dave's younger brother. About 3 months ago I was very honored when I found out that I was going to have the privilege of being my brother's best man at today's big event. I thought, sure it will be great to help my brother out with wedding stuff, go up on the alter have a great view of the ceremony, walk down the aisle and spend a little time with the greatest family and friends that we could have possibly gathered…but then like a month ago, I was reminded that one of the responsibilities of this position is to give a speech in front of nearly 200 hundred people….My excitement immediately changed to sheer terror… My first thought after hearing this news was, why did I ever sleep through my 8 am public speaking class in college!!!! Well unfortunately I cant go back to Albany, and here I am now, so I guess I just going to have to stick it out and be a man.

Honestly for most of you, and especially me this has been a very emotional day. I myself am so overcome with joy that I am absolutely speechless……which is definitely an inconvenience at this particular moment ..…

No in all seriousness I am really glad to be up here in front of you all today. Since I have known my brother since the day I was born, I don't feel like there is anyone more qualified to get up and tell you a little bit about him.…

Dave is truly a special person. You couldn't ask for a better son, friend, or especially brother. He has to be the hardest working person that I have ever met. I mean come on, for 10 years now he has been trying to beat me in a game of one on one basketball, but even now, he will never give up. Now that is work ethic. Never once have I heard him complain, or be bitter about the things that he does either, it is just the way that he is.

I think I first realized what a cool brother he was when I entered into my freshman year at Mohonasen High School as he was a senior. This is the first time that my brother and I went to school in the same building. Unlike most older brothers that spend there time trying to embarrass or mess with their siblings, mine spent the majority of his trying to keep me on track, and teaching me the tricks which would make my life a lot easier. Whenever I would make bad decisions, and have my parents annoyed and upset, my brother always had my back, in smoothing over all wrongs that I had done. It was a quick year spent though, and then Dave was on to college life at Suny Geneseo.

It was here that Dave began his pursuit of a biology degree. Through the years he put in a lot of hard work, and set his sights on becoming a teacher. From what I hear it was harder to get my brother out of the library then it was to get him out for a drink. But I guess you will have to ask his fraternity brothers about that……

But really, to say that I look up to my brother is truly an understatement. From playing the guitar, to being a great influence to kids as a biology teacher at Mohonasen he has accomplished things in his life that I can only begin to dream of. There is definitely no one else I would turn to in a time of need, than my big brother.

Now, Believe me I know that it is usually the duty of the best man to get up here and bash the groom, and joke about the and screw ups and misfortunes that have occurred in his life. But with Dave that has never been a more challenging task. This guy seems to make all the right choices and do everything right. I think my brother knows exactly what he wants the moment he sees it.

There is no better example of this than if you look to his left/right. My brother met Kerri when they were sophomores in high school and I believe he knew then what a special girl he had found. Throughout these 9 years of their relationship I have been lucky to get to know, and love this amazing girl. …….but, Unlike most girls who are as beautiful as her, she has a the intelligence and confidence, to complete her perfect package. Kerri has been the closest thing to a big sister that I could have ever had. I have spent countless nights up at our lake house, when my brother has been long to bed, just sitting in front of a fire, rambling on about my girl troubles, or whatever else was on my mind. The best part was is that Kerri would always listen, and give me awesome advice. We would even joke around about what it would be like if she and my brother were ever to marry. Well now tonight, Kerri is now officially part of my family, and I couldn't be more happy.

I have never met two people who compliment each other so well, and I know that you two will make each other very happy for many years to come.

Now, I shall toast the new couple, because I really think that they were made for each other: May your love be modern enough to survive the times, and old fashioned enough to last forever. Here's to love, laughter and happily ever after, as Dave and Kerri start their new life, let's toast the new husband and wife! Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding for the new Mr. and Mrs. Collins – Dave and Kerri.