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Speech by Jodi Man

I gave this toast at my brother Frank's Wedding in October 2001. I remember the clearly because that morning the US started bombing Afghanistan. Here it is

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Jodi Man
Speech Date: Nov2004
I wrote a short toast to celebrate this day, but then our lovely bride Amy e-mailed with a puzzling request. She asked that I not say any "F"-words in my toast. Initially I was confused but then someone pointed out that Amy was a journalism major in college. I assumed that this was just some sort of linguistic exercise to build vocabulary. I tried to write a toast without "F"-words but it was just too awkward. Sorry Amy. What I have done is I have written down all the "F"-words on these cards, so instead of saying them, you card read them aloud off the cards. This I way I wont get in trouble, okay? Here goes.

I am an engineer so public speaking is not my <<FORTE>> (Very good). So i'll be brief. Many people have asked me if I have any brotherly advice to share. Well I don't. I don't know of any sagely words that can make <<FUTURE>> (just seeing if your with me) problems disappear. Nor do I have any witty quotes or bumper sticker philosophies that reveal secret pleasures in life.

We don't need words because, today we were witnesses to something that words can not express. Today we saw something so powerful that it can erode mountains into dust and something so delicate that it can be bruised with simple thoughtless words. Today we have seen the purest state of love.

But there is more here than just this shared emotion between two people on their wedding day. Right now as I look across this room I can see over 100 people gathered together, and we are not spectators. Each of us by our mere presence here today, is expressing our love and our support for these newlyweds. And while I do not know what tomorrow will bring, I know that with their love and our support they will overcome any obstacle placed in their path. Love is what bring us together, when the raging shifting winds of change keep tearing us apart.

So please raise you glasses and join me in wishing a long, happy and joyous life together to Amy and <<FRANK>>.