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Speech by Joespeh Keating

Hello, When I was requested to be best man for my brother's wedding I was 'concerned' to say the least, mainly because of the speech but I'm glad to say your site helped me a lot and it turned out to be a brilliant day for everyone. Regards, Joe Keating Coolock, Dublin

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Joespeh Keating
Speech Date: apr 2003
Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen, I hope you are all having as
good a time as I have had up until about 10 seconds ago, anyway.
It is great to see everyone here today, and as we all were enjoying
our meal earlier I had a chance to look around the room and I just
relaised how far some people will actually Travel for a Free Meal.

Seriously though, I would like to take this opportunity to say just how
Absolutely Stunning Alison looks today, and as for Dave, well he
just looks Stunned. It is a great honour for me to be part of this
Special occasion, but before I begin the traditional defamation of
Dave's character we will hear a few words from the fathers of the Bride
and Groom.
(Introduce Brides Dad)

****Thank the Speakers for their Kind & Well Chosen Words ****
**** Thank Dave on behalf of Bridesmaids ****

I have to admit that I was very surprised when I first heard that Dave
and Alison were getting married, I mean I'd met Alison on numerous
occasions and she always seemed like a Very Intelligent girl to me.
Seriously though, before us today we see A very handsome
groom but it may surprise a Few people to hear that Dave was'nt
Always that way. In fact our mam (Angela) did'nt suffer any morning
sickness until After he was born.

As Dave got older I have to admit that I did learn a lot from him,
mainly from his mistakes in the ‘Hair’ and ‘Clothing’ area, I'm sure
he'd have second thoughts today about some of his ‘interesting’
fashion statements but I'm glad to say as You can see today he's
getting a lot better and has even started to Copy what I wear.
As we all know Dave is a printer and in preparation for this
speech, I had a chance to speak with some of his workmates.
They told that he's very highly thought of at work and his nickname
is actually God, this is for 2 reasons.
He's very rarely seen
If he ever does any work it's a miracle

Alison on the other hand is a Nurse and I've always said that Dave
needs his head checked regularly so hopefully she can help him out
with that. I remember the first time that she arrived for breakfast with
the family one morning. It was something of a ‘Baptism of Fire’ as
there were about 10 of Us all trying to talk to her at the same time, but
she had no trouble handling us all and within a few weeks she was ‘part
of the family’.
While researching for this speech (Yes, I did actually prepare it!)
I asked some of the couples I know for Some marriage advice and
here is their response;
If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict
attention to every word you say ‘Talk In Your Sleep!’
The most effective way of remembering your annivarsary is to forget it once.
On a Personal note, I can honestly say that I have Never seen Dave as
Happy and Excited as he has Been for the past few months. I think they
make a great couple and it has been a real pleasure to share this
occasion with them as they start the next chapter of their lives together as
Man and Wife.
We have some cards, emails etc here which I shall now read out
(Read Cards, faxes, etc.)

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to ask you all to stand up and raise
your glasses to the new ‘Mr & Mrs Keating’, wishing you both all the
happiness you deserve in the years ahead.