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Speech by John Bright

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: John Bright
Speech Date: 08/01/2016 18:36:47

Introduction – (Ask if everyone can hear me first) Welcome everyone.  It makes me the happiest man alive to be able to stand her and say “Ladies and Gentleman, on behalf of my wife and I, we would like to thank you for all coming and sharing our special day with us. It is our friends and family that make us the people that we are today and for that we are eternally grateful” Before I start talking too much, there are a few “Thank Yous” I would like to make so please make sure your glasses as fully charged and please try to pace yourselves!  Well, today has been a greatly anticipated day and I hope that we don't let you down,

Now I know that some of you have travelled from far and wide including the Australian contingent (Including myself albeit a few years ago now). We appreciate the efforts you have all made to be here especially being a Friday. Many of you may have asked the question why Laura and I decided to get married on a Friday. Well, you all know that I like a good deal and since knowing Laura, this has definitely rubbed off on here (She now shops at Aldi). We always considered a November wedding and once we had decided on the venue Sopley Mill, we then looked at dates. Well Saturday the 14th was originally on the cards, yet once we discovered that it was cheaper on a Friday, we decided on the 20th. After this decision was made, we then starting thinking more about the date and it turns out that on this day 3 years ago, we had our first official date!  Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to John as well as Colin and Pat for their kind (or not so kind) words. I was impressed that John managed to hold off on the word “Blinking” as much as he did and that Pat didn't manage to take over too from what Colin was trying to say.

I would like to say a special thanks to both John and Carolyn for accepting me into their family and for bringing up such a lovely daughter and thank you for making me feel so welcome. Being in a foreign country without immediate family around you can be hard, but from the outset, all the Sweetmans have taken me in with open arms. For those of you that ever had the chance to meet or spend time with Carolyn, she was one amazing, kind, caring, generous and loving lady. Sadly Carolyn lost her ongoing fight earlier in the year and I know that today along with every other day is looking down with a huge smile on her face. You will have noticed on our invitation that we had put down a McMillan caring locally charity for donations. This is the direct place where Carolyn had amazing support and care and I am glad to say that with everyone's donations, as of this morning we have raised £773.11. Thank you!

I also can't let today go by without thanking my Mum & Dad for bringing me into the world and for all the love and support you have given me with over the years. I know it's hard to believe, but I haven't always been this handsome, intelligent, witty, incredible son, who is funny, wise and a very modest as you can see. Over the years my Mum & Dad have helped me more than I deserve – We won't mention the Police knocking at the door, or the amount of times the Fire Brigade have been called out. They have seen me through thick and thin. Mainly thick if I'm being honest, but they have always been there for me and I hope that I have done them proud. I really couldn't have asked for a better Mum & Dad and not to mention an amazing brother and sister. I just hope that both Laura and I can replicate the family that you have raised. I thank you all for everything that you have done and I love you dearly. Thank you!! So Ladies and Gentlemen would you please join me in standing to raise a toast To Family

Now on to the bridesmaids, Helen and Lauren. Now it is interesting that in some cultures the role of the bridesmaid is to take on the role of the Bride if the she does not turn up. Basically marry the groom. Now, I absolutely love Laura to bits but if you asked me for 2 girls that come close to the qualities the she possesses, I could not pick 2 more amazing girls. I am sure that both Ben and Dan would have something to say should this have happened but fortunately Mrs Bright is next to me so Lauren and Helen you don't have to worry. You both look absolutely beautiful and I'm sure everyone here would agree! Thank you for all the love and support you have given Laura over the years, and especially for offering to organise our whole wedding. Thank you all very much. We have a small little gift for you both to show our appreciation to your love and support.  So Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends would you please join me in standing to raise a toast To the Bridesmaids

Now onto the Groomsmen. When Laura and I decided to get married, there were many things that were discussed. When should we get married, where, what is the colour theme, who do we invite etc . Now don't get me wrong, these were all quite important things, but Laura can back me up on this. The 2 things I was thinking about was firstly when was the Stag Do going to be, and who is going to organise it! Well, as you have all heard, this was organised with great execution and I am sure many of you are surprised that there were no arrests. On a serious note, in choosing a best man, there were many contenders. I could sit here and bore you all with them, however it would end up me basically naming animals with everyone's nick names. So the decision came to my brother Pete. Pete has always been a great and sometimes calming influence on me. He has always been there and I am sure will always be there in the future. For you Pete, I want to say Thank you and love you.

Then we come onto Dave, my other Groomsman. Dave and I have been the best of friends from days back to High School and I think we have both managed to create a new language as well as create general havoc wherever we went. Dave, thanks for always being there and for always leading me astray! Love you mate. Then we cannot forget our MC. Some may know him as Tim, but he goes under many guises such as Whit, Fluffy, Baboon, Tontine, Timina.. I could go on but wont. I am sure he has filled everyone with Laughter so far and the day is still not over. Tim, thank you for being such a generous, funny and loving friend. We have a small little gift for all 3 of you to show our appreciation to your love and support.  So Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends would you please join me in standing to raise a toast To the Groomsmen & MC

Also a big Thank you goes out to Little White Heart who has done all the decorations, to the Caterers Sorrels who have done an amazing job in feeding us, to Barouche for making sure our dinks are flowing, to Jasmine who has helped ensured that the day has rolled smoothly (So far) and to the venue Sopley Mill. What an amazing place!

Finally to todays Star Attraction – MRS BRIGHT! WOW. What do I say??…………………….… I could stand here for hours talking about all the little stories that Laura and I have created and all the fun things that we have done but we do have a time schedule to keep and I am sure you are all getting a bit thirsty by now. So I will try to keep it short and sweet and keep it to a minimum! You know when people tell stories of how they met and how things just felt right. I always thought that this was a bit of a cliché but on that day the 17th November 2012 I then understood what people meant.

I had received a call on the Friday from Tom at IPC saying he had a spare ticket for the Australia V England Rugby Game at Twickenham on Saturday and would I be interesting in coming along. Well after I pondered for all of 2 microseconds I said yes. The plan was to meet at Don Fernandos Italian Restaurant in Richmond for Midday. It was here that I had sat down and managed to have a quick beer when in walks Laura. She was running a little late which for her is very rare. I remember she came in and was being introduced around the table by Lotte. When it came to me, Laura said “I recognise you from somewhere” for which I replied “Well I have been on many billboards”. She shrugged it off and obviously saw me as the typical Cocky Aussie.

From here the banter started and we then headed off to Twickenham to watch the Mighty Wallabies in their Aussie Gold defeat the Poms 20-14. After the game and a few cold beverages , Laura being the shy and retiring type would not give in to my powers of seduction and after many attempts by me, I managed to get a kiss and a number. Now Lotte who is here today still thinks she “Set us Up” and she claimed that her reward for doing so to have a Shotgun for her efforts. Well Lotte as I know you do not have your shotgun certificate, you will have to settle for Second best – Our Latest “ON TARGET” newsletter which features a shotgun. Sorry Lotte!

Well 3 days then went past and after numerous text messages and phone calls, Laura was going to be up in Lutterworth seeing one of her clients George Clothing. This is where we then met up for our official 1st date. This was an amazing night at the Greyhound Inn in Lutterworth. I remember us being in the front bar chatting and when Laura got up to go to the Ladies, one of the locals in there asked how long we had been married for. I replied advising that it was our 1st date and he then said “Well, you will end up marrying her, you are both made for each other”.

Then we come onto our second date. The scene was set – Nice candlelit dinner, conversations back and forth about the world and how much we both admired each other. The only issue was, my lovely Mum and Dad were staying with me at the time and they had their friends over Glenys and Don. So what started off with great intentions ended up the 6 of us going out for a meal at The Red Lion in Gilmorton. We all had a lovely meal to top it off, Don paid for it! It was at this point that I realised how special this girl was and how she fit straight into my family. It was then that I knew I was going to marry her one day!

Now, I will stop yabbering on now about stories and simply say a few words of what Laura means to me. Laura, you are the epitome of what a Wife and Best Friend should be. You are kind, generous, selfless, loving, caring, and beautiful. Every day I spend with you is like a new day which brings more and more smiles, silliness, happiness, love and excitement. You are my best friend and my soul mate and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and hopefully some new additions to our family soon! So please ladies and gentlemen family and friends raise your glasses and the roof for my new wife MRS LAURA BRIGHT! Now, it gives me great pleasure to hand you over to my Best Man Pete. Please be kind!