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Speech by John Hyde

Not exactly a best man speech.  Speech was for very good. long time friends at a small civil ceremony.  I wanted to offer someting to bind us all together, so its a sort of witness declaration or vow.  I am putting it here in the hope that it may help and inspire others.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: John Hyde
Speech Date: 29/07/2012 17:15:49

Today J and K stood in front of us and made their vows, their public commitment to each other.   And lovely though it was, it did make me wonder, why does a marriage vow need to be public? 

I thought it over and came to the conclusion that it's because they want us, their friends and family, to witness the marriage, to be part of it.  I believe we are here because Jan and Keith want to be able to rely on us to support them, not just today but throughout their married life.  I'm sure that is something we will all be more than happy to do, so much so that we may take it for granted.

So, I would like to propose that we make this commitment explicit with a vow to J and K, as they gave their vows to one another.  I have some words that I hope we can all agree on.


We the witnesses, do declare

Our most avowed intent, to share

A life combined of separate parts

With syncopated beating hearts

Now we witnesses, can declare

Giddy with day's excess, we swear

Duties without duress or fight 

The list is long, the load is light

We will

Make time and encourage vigorously

We must

Give space yet support constantly

We shall

Not judge but counsel selflessly

We shall

Listen well but challenge fairly

We must

Laugh kindly and respect evenly

We will

Love true yet protect jealously

Yes, we witnesses, so declare

Our most assured assent, and where

Their marriage vows ring clear and true

Let our voices echo, we do!