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Speech by John Murray

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: John Murray
Speech Date: 17/07/2012 08:11:53

Firstly allow me to introduce myself for those who don't know who I am. I'm John and Adam and I have been friends since we were just four years old. That's 27 years!

Secondly allow me to echo what has already been said, the bride looks fantastic and Adam is looking very pretty too! 

Now, Aude gave me some strict instructions, on what topics to avoid, in the interests of making sure it doesn't turn into my big fat Gipsy wedding Weston edition, so I guess I can't be using any of these! (pull out cards) or these (pull out more)

So, as I said I've known Adam for 27 years, and I think its about time that he admitted that I am the better man, and since he asked me I've been thinking how can I best sum up a friendship that has spanned three decades? 

So I did what anyone would do and I went straight to Google! And it wasn't long before I found some really good stuff. 

Then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for best man TIPs….soooo I deleted my internet history and started again!.

Then I went to facebook and got in contact with our old school friends, to see how they would sum up Adam. and they all emailed me and said he was a first class banker. But as he is training for a career in IT I guess I that was my dyslexia kicking in.

Next, I thought maybe I could tell everyone about Adams many and varied hair styles over the years! Then I remembered he's only had two! Who could forget Adam infamous curtains! Gelled down or free flowing those bad boys were a icon of Isleworth circa ‘91  to ’98

And it was around that time that something else happened that changed his life. 

He got a driving license. And so began a long and sordid love affair with second hand cars! Adam can tell you every thing about a car, he can speak car, its all rpms, mphs and watts of power, but alas he doesn't really know anything about cars. He will buy a best second hand car going, right up until it falls apart, a week later, because only the paint was holding it together.  

Why does this happen to Adam? Because bless his cottons he is too trusting. Especially for someone who grew up in Isleworth! A little birdie told me that he sold a set of speakers on eBay £100. Nice little earner, but trusting Adam shipped them off before checking the payment had hit his account .

So it's not looking too good is it? Bad hair, bad cars, bad fiscal decisions. Oh dear. And then, like a knight in shining armour along comes Aude! A dinky loud French bird . Here to change our heroes fortunes!. 

I first met Aude in Bar Revs Richmond, and after chatting to her for a bit I turned to Adam and said, where can I get one!

Now I would be doing disjustice as best man if I didn't bring up Adams mistress at this point. I've not met her but he has told me all about her, I know all the details. He gets giddy when you start to talk to him about it. (is he squirming yet?)  Yes its my sad duty to say that Adam has been having an affair with the airbus A380 super jumbo. 

It's the other license Adam longs to have, but if he ever got one and bought a plane, I wouldn't fly in it. Wings might fall off, and it would be the first plane in history with a sub woofer in the cargo hold.

All in all I can safely say that, the most level headed decision Adam has made was when he got down on one knee to ask Aude to be his wife. Which I might add is kinda how he asked me to be his best man! When he had proposed it just made sense, of course they are getting married, they are perfect for each other. 

So to my good friend, I give some advise. always remember to say those 3 little words…..your right Aude  and Whenever you're in the WRONG .ADMIT IT!!! But, whenever you're in the RIGHT. SHUT UP!!! And finally to remind him that if you every thing Aude cant take a joke? Remember that she took him!

So after 27 years, Adam is more than a friend, he is family, and you know that they say you can choose your friends but not your family.

And I will leave you now with a toast. Here's to marriage. That happy estate that resembles a pair of scissors, so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite direction, yet punishing anyone that come between them.

To Adam and Aude